Small Village Doctor Cultivation

Chapter 1240 Positive energy

Chapter 1240 Positive energy

"Thank you." Nie Xiaoli joyfully wanted to hug Ning Caichen and give her a passionate kiss.

"Nie Xiaoli, our acquaintance is a kind of fate. When you are in trouble, I will help you. There is no other meaning." Ning Caichen said very tactfully, much like Nie Xiaoli's hug.

Nie Xiaoli felt very sad when she heard that, and felt very depressed, knowing that she and Ning Caichen were not at the same level.

When the elevator door opened, Nie Xiaoli adjusted her mood, thinking that if she stayed by Ning Caichen's side, one day Ning Caichen would appreciate her beauty.

Ning Caichen has no interest in Nie Xiaoli, Nie Xiaoli can act, Ning Caichen doesn't need such actors.

Ning Caichen did not expect that the more he refused, the more Nie Xiaoli wanted to pursue him.

Why can Daxia absorb antiques and exude positive energy?

Ning Caichen couldn't figure it out, and didn't take out the mahogany sword to use Yinlingjue. If there is a treasure, he can definitely know what it is by using Yinlingjue.

When we reached the 32nd floor, everything was decorated here.

The owner of the previous construction also knew that the 32nd floor is where the luck of the whole building gathers, so he renovated it and has not entered the residence yet.

"It's already been decorated, and there's no need to redecorate it. I'll buy what I need." Ning Caichen said calmly.

There is a group of minions who can make any kind of furniture they want, and the craftsmanship of the minions is much better than the furniture made by ordinary people.

Nie Xiaoli looked around and chose a house to live in.

Ning Caichen saw that the environment was good, and the little gourd absorbed the precious energy faster when it came here.

It was the first time that the little gourd absorbed these strange energies, and a few drops of red liquid condensed in it. I don't know what effect it has.

The center belongs to a hall, where all luck gathers, and the positive energy is particularly strong.

"Master, can I also live here?" Liu Xinyi said weakly.

"You can choose one to live in, but you can't enter this hall at will." Ning Caichen said seriously.

It's not that Ning Caichen doesn't let them enter, because this is a place where positive energy gathers, if there is no small gourd to absorb positive energy, no matter how powerful a master enters here, he will fall ill.

Liu Xinyi was very happy, and immediately called his wife to choose a house, and planned to move the whole family here, so that the whole family would have the opportunity to build a good relationship with Ning Caichen.

Get out of Daxia.

"Zhang Lang, Xiaoniao, I will live here from now on, do you want to come together?" Nie Xiaoli said happily.

"Aren't you afraid of getting sick? Everyone who lives here will die, aren't you afraid?" Zhang Lang said in surprise.

"Don't be afraid!" Nie Xiaoli is now Ning Caichen's most devout fanatic, thinking that with Ning Caichen around, nothing strange will happen.

"You are a girl who dares to live, why don't I dare." Xiaoniao said proudly.

"Give up your life to stay with the gentleman, you live here, and I will move here too, how much is the rent?" the elder said tremblingly.

Ning Caichen heard what the two of them said, and had a good impression of them. They were afraid, but for the sake of loyalty, they planned to live here with Nie Xiaoli.

Ning Caichen ignored them and walked towards Daxia next door.

The decoration of the underground pavement area of ​​this Daxia building is so simple that it almost makes people think it is a farmers' market.

There are piles of rough stones, rough jade stones, colorful strange stones, and bright Kimberley rocks, and even diamonds on Kimberley rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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