Chapter 1221 Donation
Without the power of faith, it can be strengthened tenfold, and the quality of the magic weapon is getting better and better.

Many first-grade low-level magic weapons that were exchanged were disassembled to create second-grade low-level magic weapons. I thought it would be good to be able to create first-grade high-level magic weapons, but I didn't expect to create a second-grade magic weapon.

The second-grade magic weapon belongs to the magic weapon used by Jindan stage practitioners, and it is also very popular, and the price is determined by the voter.

The Xianyu market opened, and the Xiao family had a headache.

The low-level magic weapon industry belongs to the lifeblood of the Xiao family, and Ning Caichen did not expect to break the monopoly.

The seniors of the Xiao family belonged to master craftsmen in Penglai Xiandao, and their status was extremely distinguished. That's why the Xiao family obtained the right to distribute low-level Taoist magic weapons wholesale.

Now Ning Caichen produces the magic weapon himself, and does not buy it from Penglai Xiandao at all, so no matter how noble the senior status of the Xiao family is, they have no power to govern Ning Caichen.

Not only the monopoly of low-end magic weapons was broken, but also the monopoly of medium magic weapons, and even the monopoly of high-end magic weapons.

The fairyland has become a veritable Taoist fairyland.

Magical tools are divided into Taoist magic tools, cultivator magic tools, warrior magic tools, and angel magic tools. The magic circle inscribed on the magic weapon of each cultivator is different.

Ning Caichen is now mainly refining magic weapons for cultivators, Xuanmen, and warriors, but not for magic weapons used by angels and fighting spirit fighters.

It's not that it can't be made, it can be made, but Ning Caichen only favors practitioners from China, so he won't give preferential treatment to practitioners from other countries.

Moreover, the refinement of magic weapons for head-down masters and wizards is even more different. It is impossible to use only each type without refining each type.

In just a few days of trading, a large number of first-grade medium-level instruments were sold and exchanged for a large amount of supplies.

Ning Caichen had a bitter look on her face, she had been busy for a few days, and the power of faith to collect the tits was exhausted, so she couldn't make miscellaneous magic weapons again.

Coupled with coping with the peak period of exchange, the market will gradually cool down.

But Fangshi has added a lot of merchants, and even foreign merchants who deal in magic weapons have established sales points in Fangshi, Nanzhou Province, China.

Many foreign merchants asked to buy magic tools for cultivating magic and battle qi, and asked to see Ning Caichen, but Ning Caichen didn't receive them, and received them lazily.

Ning Caichen distributed the herbal seedlings and fish fry, and let the tits collect the soul energy of each slaughterhouse.

Create a large number of magic tools to keep the square city running.

Everything is ready, ready to go to the capital.

But Li Xiaosu and Mu Xiaoya appeared.

The two of them give Ning Caichen the impression that they are heroic, sunny and beautiful, and look like soldiers.

At this moment, they arrived in military uniforms, full of vigor, a little less seductive, and a little more coquettish.

They will not be polite to Ning Caichen.

"Caichen, you have created so many magical artifacts, and the second-grade and third-grade magical artifacts, do you want to donate a little?" Li Xiaosu said seriously.

"Donate a little, what do you mean?" Ning Caichen deliberately pretended to be stupid, but he had already prepared a batch of equipment for special departments. Those who can contribute to the country are those who feel that they are useful to society.

"You have earned so much, and you have raised the level of magic weapons for Xuanmen cultivators. Haven't you thought about improving the equipment of our junior soldiers?" Mu Xiaoya said with a smile.

"Give me the space ring." Ning Caichen said with a smile.

"Hee hee!" Both Mu Xiaoya and Li Xiaosu handed the space ring to Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen smiled, and put the space ring into the small world.

(End of this chapter)

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