three kings

Chapter 379

Chapter 379
There is no need to discuss the matter of dispatching troops, but the details of dispatching troops should not be hasty.

Sun Can said seriously: "Come here, bring me the map of Jiangshan Sheji."

As soon as the words fell, three strong soldiers walked into the meeting hall with difficulty carrying a rolled up leather that was nearly three feet long.

"On the stall!" Sun Can spoke again.

The soldiers laid the leather flat on the ground and spread it out in the center of the hall.Immediately, a large-scale map appeared in front of everyone.

The map is four feet long and three feet wide, and it is densely covered with all the cities in the Han Dynasty, from Youzhou to Liaoxi in the north, Zhuya in Jiaozhou in the south, Zhangye in Liangzhou in the west, and Muping in Qingzhou in the north.

The thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, more than one hundred counties and nearly one thousand counties can be found on the map. The seas, lakes, rivers, and canals are vivid on the paper. There are five strong and powerful characters "Jiangshan Sheji Map" written on the blank space at the top of the map. There is also a bright red seal next to it, which is Sun Can's general seal.

This map is the Dahan map that Jia Xu took two years and countless manpower to draw.

"'Jiangshan Sheji Map' really lives up to its name!" Seeing this map, Xun Yu couldn't help but praise it.

"Is this map really including all the counties and counties of the Han Dynasty?" Xun Yu asked Jia Xu with a look of shock.

Jia Xu smiled confidently: "Not only that, all well-known villages, townships, and rivers are recorded on this map. Xu can guarantee that this map is definitely the only one in the world that depicts the big man in such detail, and it is also unique. "

Jia Xu's tone is very loud, but he does have the qualifications to speak big.Since he was ordered to draw a map, he immediately used his confidantes to collect the maps handed down by the great man, and ordered people to go to various places to draw them. Ten people in each state drew one map each.Compare the land that has been handed down, and then choose the most similar and appropriate map among the ten maps.Then, order someone to go to the location with a map to make corrections.After several layers of complicated procedures, it was finally determined, and a total of 13 yuan was obtained for the map of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Xu secretly kidnapped Danqing, a well-known expert in the world, and asked him to synthesize a map of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty at 13 yuan.

After the picture was completed, Jia Xu mercilessly executed the man in secret.
So this "Jiangshan Sheji Map" is really the most accurate and comprehensive map today, and of course it is the only one.

Sun Can came to the hall and stood on the "Jiangshan Sheji Map", laughed and said: "One day, Can will let the big man restore the original should be bigger. Han soil. Let those aliens who take advantage of the fire to rob my people know that our people are not weak and bully."

Infected by Sun Can's lofty aspirations, the crowd looked excited. To make unworldly feats is what they dreamed of these geniuses, and they couldn't help but bow in unison: "I am willing to help the lord to fulfill his ambitions, and we will do our best after death."

"Okay!" Sun Can helped the people who knelt down one by one, and said solemnly: "To the outside world, first secure the inside. It is imperative to unify the big Han. Now the army is on standby, and the food and grass are plentiful. Just wait for the details of the march to be determined, and the army will kill them." Enemy. I remember Kong Ming’s saying is very reasonable, war is like a chess game, but it’s not a chess game, we must plan everything well, don’t make unnecessary sacrifices, and don’t fight unnecessary battles. You can express your opinions.”

What Sun Can said was very serious, because the chess game can be played randomly, and you can play it to your heart's content. Regardless of success or failure, winning or losing is not important, what matters is the process.But on the battlefield, chaos cannot be tolerated. If you make a wrong move, the price will be countless bloody lives.

The main hall was very quiet, and there was hardly any sound except heavy breathing.

There was an unusually heavy atmosphere in the hall, which made people feel flustered.

After about half an hour, Xun Yu, who is good at military strategy, broke the heavy atmosphere in advance. He said: "In addition to our army, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei, there are also Liu Zhang from Xishu, Yuantan from Qingzhou, and the emblems of Jiaozhou. Among them The soldier badge and our army are subordinates. Although Jiaozhou is not owned by our army, the soldier badge pays tribute every year and gives gifts every month. They must surrender. Therefore, the subordinates believe that Jiaozhou is dangerous and sparsely populated, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is surrounded by places where foreign races gather. Using troops in this area, the gains after the war may not be as good as their own consumption. Rather than attacking and being unjust It’s not worth the loss in the name of gain. It’s better to give both kindness and power to intimidate the badge, and when the general situation is settled, take it without fighting. Therefore, the subordinates believe that this battle should focus on capturing Sizhou and destroying Yuan Tan as a supplement.”

After hearing this, Sun Can nodded slightly and asked, "What do you think?"

"The subordinates have no objection!" Guo Jia thought about it carefully, and replied: "Wen Ruo's words hit the enemy's vital point. Our army is strong and powerful. The only fear is the Cao-Liu allied army, and Cao Cao's Sizhou is in line with Liu Bei's Bingzhou. If we don’t take it now, when we fight against our army in the future, Sizhou will definitely be the place where Cao and Liu joined forces. At that time, they can go out of Hulao Pass in the east and go straight to the hinterland of our main city of Xuchang in the Central Plains, and they can also capture our army Wancheng in the south. Wancheng It is connected to the Central Plains on the top, Jingxiang on the south, and Huainan on the east. The army's two most important cities will be in danger for one more day, and it is wise to eliminate the potential danger as soon as possible.

Yuan Tan's son has great ambitions and few talents, but only a mediocre one. Liu Bei could have wiped him out in one fell swoop.The reason for not taking Qingzhou is precisely because we don't want to confront our army prematurely.Liu Bei understands that he is definitely not the enemy of our army in a head-on confrontation. Therefore, Liu Bei intends to rely on the natural barrier of the Yellow River to fight against our army.However, Qingzhou is to the east of the Yellow River and is in line with our army's Xuzhou and Yanzhou. Except for a few well-known cities, there are no natural dangers to defend, so this cancer is handed over to our army to deal with.Most of Yuan Tan's troops had been defeated by Liu Bei, so when he returned to Qingzhou's lair, the first thing he did was to recruit troops and force them to recruit troops.This action has already provoked anger and resentment from the heavens and the people. It is not necessary for the lord to go out in person to break Qingzhou. With General Xu Huang's ability, it is enough to destroy Yuan Tan. "

"It makes sense." Sun Can glanced at everyone. Jia Xu looked normal, Liu Hua looked happy, and they all seemed to agree with Xun Yu's strategy, but Zhuge Liang's face was as sinking as water, and his eyes kept staring at the map, not knowing what he was thinking.

Strategy refers to the planning strategy for the overall situation of the war, which is high-level planning and decision-making.

A meaningful war must have an overall goal, which is usually called the "strategic overall situation", and the major and relatively independent fields that take care of all aspects and the nature of each stage are the strategic overall situation.

The overall strategic performance and time run through all stages and the whole process of guiding war preparation and implementation.Strategic leaders and commanders must focus on taking care of the overall situation, keep the overall situation in mind, look at the overall situation, grasp the overall situation, properly handle various relationships in the overall situation, grasp the main contradictions, and solve key problems.At the same time, pay attention to understanding the local area, caring for the local area, and especially paying attention to solving local problems that are decisive for the overall situation.

To put it bluntly, it is the word "interest".What is the point of launching this war, what are the benefits of fighting this war, and whether it is worth it.This point must be clarified, clarified.Otherwise, it will be like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, with millions of troops fighting less and less. Although they are undefeated, they will become weaker as they fight.

Therefore, the overall strategy is a very important prelude.As the famous saying goes, "Having a good start is half the battle, and having a goal is the motivation to struggle."

This shows the importance of strategy, so Sun Can had to think carefully and try to unify the opinions as much as possible.

So he asked Zhuge Liang, "Does Kong Ming have any other ideas?"

Zhuge Liang said respectfully: "I do have some shallow opinions." He glanced at Xun Yu and said, "It is well known that Cao Cao's next goal is Xichuan. Only by obtaining Xichuan can Cao Cao rest easy. But why didn't Cao Cao personally supervise such an important battle? ?Looking at the heroes of the world, if you want to say that the person who can command the army best in battle is the lord, Cao Cao. If Cao Cao personally commanded the Battle of Pingchuan, I believe the situation will definitely not be the same as the current stalemate between the two armies."

Sun Can looked at Zhuge Liang seriously, and said cautiously: "This... is indeed a bit abnormal..."

Before Sun Can finished speaking, Jia Xu, who had been silent all this time, said, "It's not surprising, because something made Cao Cao afraid, so he didn't dare to separate himself, so he had to order his confidant to go south."

"That's it!" Liu Hua suddenly realized: "Cao Cao is really extraordinary, just as Wen Ruo said. Sizhou is a thorn in the back of our army, but it is not a strategic place for Cao Cao to fight against our army. He knows very well that Sizhou The key to the state, therefore, after Ding Liangzhou, he ordered Cao Ren, who was the best at defending, to guard Luoyang to guard against our army. And he knew that Can'er's strategy was beyond anyone's ability to resist. On the surface, he was sitting in Chang'an and commanding everything , but actually secretly on guard, and has already made plans to go to Sizhou to confront Can at any time."

"It's not surprising. Cao Cao is not easy to deal with. Sima Yi, Xun You, Cheng Yu and other great talents under his command are not idle. They have no reason to be confused about things that we can detect." Sun Can said Cao Cao, a confidant, knew him very well, and he didn't dare to treat him carelessly. He looked at Zhuge Liang strangely and said, "But these are not the reasons for not sending troops. If it's because of Cao Cao's embankment, we will be timid. Then how can we fight this battle?" ..." He knew that Zhuge Liang wouldn't be so superficial, so he must have another trick: "Tell me your opinion?"

"Yes, my lord!" Zhuge Liang replied, shaking his feather fan lightly, "Mr. Wen Ruo's strategy is very ingenious for the future Cao-Liu coalition army. But the humble opinion of my subordinates is contrary to that of Mr. Wen Ruo, in order to restrain Cao Cao. Formulation. During the Warring States Period, part of the reason why Qin was strong was due to Qin’s geographical advantage. Now Cao Cao is following Qin’s example and intends to devour Xishu and Liu Zhang. , we will face the majestic Hangu Pass and the formidable Bashu fortress. If we seize Xishu before Cao Cao, then the situation will be just the opposite." (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please visit www. CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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