three kings

Chapter 348 Set the Central Plains Wu County Lu Xun

Chapter 348 Set the Central Plains Wu County Lu Xun

Sun Can followed Gu Yong to the other tent.

Along the way, he tried his best to guess what kind of person Gu Yong said could help him dominate Jiangdong, whether he was an elder like Yafu or a wise middle-aged scholar like Xun Yu.

When Gu Yong opened the tent door, he was somewhat disappointed.There are no middle-aged scribes and no elders, just a very, very young junior.

However, it was then replaced by surprise.

The young man grew up delicately and handsomely, with a pair of very deep eyes, those eyes seemed to have gone through many vicissitudes, obviously he was around twenty years old, but without any sense of frivolity, he looked extremely mature and stable.

Sun Can couldn't help showing a look of interest. After all, it was a very kind of experience that gave a young man in his twenties such a sense of vicissitudes.

Just as Sun Can was looking at the young man, the young man also looked at Sun Can and the others with admiration. The leader was handsome and mighty, wearing a golden general's armor. The sound is intimidating.

Sun Can has just returned from the battlefield and has not had time to remove his armor in the future.

Followed by only half a length difference is an old man with a red face, kind and kind.The other two are thin and free and easy, and the other is calm.

The names of four people were born in the young man's mind, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes

"Lu Xun of Wu Jun kowtowed to the general, Liu Yafu, Mr. Feng Xiao, Mr. Wen He!"

He knew everyone in the army, he didn't need to be introduced, he just casually mentioned their names, and he also said who was higher and who was lower in the army according to the order.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Young Master Lu, have you ever met us? Do you have the ability to predict the future?"

The young man who called himself Lu Xun said casually: "You are all famous people in the world. Although Xun is ignorant and ignorant, he knows your names."

Jia Xu snorted coldly, murderous intent suddenly appeared, and said coldly: "I'm afraid it's not just that, but it's just a meeting after hearing the sound, how can you guess my name, and it's not bad at all?" When he said this, he felt that the air around him froze a bit.

Lu Xun said calmly: "What's so difficult about this? The general is so imposing, he can get Uncle Gu's father to lift his tent, and there is no one in the world except the general. Liu Yafu's reputation in the world is a great The general's mentor, who was deeply respected by the general, can walk side by side with the general. Apart from the general's parents, there is only one person in the world, Liu Yafu. As for Mr. Feng Xiao, Mr. Wen He, it is not difficult to recognize. Mr. Feng Xiao Unkempt, free and unrestrained personality, bohemian and Mr. Wen He is on the contrary serious and meticulous."

"Good!" Sun Can secretly praised in his heart. People who can talk are usually smart people. Under Guo Jia and Jia Xu's hot and cold questions, Lu Xun not only showed no fear, but answered the answers fluently, neither humble nor overbearing. .

"Well said!" Sun Can smiled and clapped his hands in praise, and said with a smile: "Please sit down, Mr. Lu!" Then he shouted to the outside of the tent: "Come here, serve good tea!"

The guests and the host sit separately.

Liu Hua has a special status and sits beside Sun Can.

Before sitting down, Liu Hua said to Sun Can in a low voice: "Lu Xun, courtesy name Boyan, was born in Wuxian County, Wujun County. Lu Xun lost his father when he was ten years old. Later, his grandfather Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, took him as a guide and trained him to study. However, because Lu Kang and Yuan Shu were at odds, Yuan Shu instigated Sun Ce to attack Lujiang. Sun Ce was brave and good at fighting, but Lu Kang was no match. The one who was killed was defeated. After more than a month, he died of depression. At this moment, Lu Kang's son Lu Ji was still young, and Lu Xun, who was only 12 years old, took on the responsibility of supporting the Lu family. There was a gap between the Lu family and Yuan Shu. The Lu family in Lujiang could not survive. Lu Xun went to Jiangdong with his relatives, but food was cut off on the way. Most of the children of the Lu family died on the road and only a dozen survived. This Lu Xun is indeed extraordinary. Well organized and become what it is today.”

Liu Hua told Lu Xun's deeds again, he was worried that Sun Can still didn't know his talent, and finally said: "Lu Xun's talent is no less than that of Gong Jin, so we should be cautious about him."

Sun Can's demeanor changed slightly, and he was taken aback. In his impression, Lu Xun was a gentle and elegant scholar. He and Lu Ji, Gu Shao, Zhang Dun, Bu Jing and others were rumored and well-known far and near.When I saw him today, I felt that he was a talented person. It wasn't that the pedantic scholar wanted to take him under his command and train him well, hoping that he would become a talent and work for him in the future.But he really didn't expect that Lu Xun was as talented as Zhou Yu.

At this moment, he felt as if he was hit by a pie falling from the world, and he was overjoyed.

Soon, Sun Can regained his composure, and said to Lu Xun straight to the point: "I heard from Senior Brother Gu, can Mr. Lu help Can rule Jiangdong?"

Lu Xun nodded confidently and said, "It's true!"

Sun Can said happily: "Mr. Lu has a plan to come soon. If Cheng is here, I can assure you that I will never treat the Lu family badly."

There was joy in Lu Xun's eyes. Sun Can was as good as he said, and the world knew that with his guarantee, the Lu family would be indispensable in the future.He has been in charge of the Lu family since he was 12 years old, and has been working hard because of his grandfather's trust.Thanks to his outstanding talent, the Lu family's momentum is not weaker than when it was strong and prosperous back then.

In troubled times, life is like an ant. For the benefit of the family, he was unwilling to be an enemy of Sun Ce.However, Sun Ce is too stubborn and doesn't know how to appease him.Since he unified Jiangdong, he has annihilated countless families who opposed him and reused those who supported him, but he did not care about the neutral Lu family.

Lu Xun knew that if things went on like this, there would be no future for the Lu family.If the Lu family wants to continue to develop in Jiangdong, unless Jiangdong is no longer Sun Ce's Jiangdong.At this moment, Sun Can was going south, and he, who had been worrying about his family, immediately found a glimmer of light. As long as he helped Sun Can rule Jiangdong, the Lu family would gain Sun Can's trust and shine on the family.

But he has nothing to do with Sun Can, and Sun Can has no reason to believe in himself.So, he thought of a person, that is, Gu Yong, the Gu family's patron, one of the four great aristocratic families in Jiangdong.

The Gu family is a well-known local family and one of the four major families in Jiangdong.The so-called four major families are "Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang". These four families are enough to support half of Jiangdong's country, and their prominent families and influence in politics and the people cannot be ignored.

Gu Yong was originally from Wu County, Wu County. Gu and Lu have been friends for generations because of their fellowship.Later, Gu Yong went out to study, and became acquainted with the talents with his eyesight, so he joined Sun Can's command.The Gu family also moved out of Jiangdong to develop in Sun Can's territory.When the Lu family was in decline, Gu Yong was already a pivotal figure under Sun Can's command. He had completely given up on Jiangdong, and gave the Lu family all the remaining properties that he could not take away or sell off.

It was with the help of these industries that Lu Xun re-developed the Lu family.

At this moment, the Gu family has already become the first family under Sun Can's command, and is deeply trusted by Sun Can.

Therefore, Lu Xun personally went to Shouchun to find Gu Yong, and told him everything.Gu and Lu have a close relationship, not to mention that this matter is of great benefit to Sun Canjun.Gu Yong did his part to provide security for Lu Xun, and personally came to the front line to recommend it to Sun Can.

At this moment, he has received Sun Can's guarantee, which already means that the future of the Lu family will be bright.

Lu Xun got up and bowed to Sun Can first, saying: "The general wants to rule Jiangdong, so that Jiangdong will never rebel. To completely surrender to the general, you must do three things."

Sun Can asked curiously, "The three o'clock?"

"First, Sun Ce must be eliminated first." Lu Xun said the first point, and he explained: "Jiangdong is a group composed of aristocratic families. Most of the aristocratic families have surrendered to Sun Ce. The situation is quite complicated. If you want to unify Jiangdong, Only by eradicating Sun Ce can we gain the support of those aristocratic families."

Sun Can agreed with Lu Xun's point of view and motioned for Lu Xun to continue.

Lu Xun nodded and said: "Second, the interests of the family. Sun Ce is too strong. Since he unified Jiangdong, he has reused the families who have helped him, and punished those who opposed him. Everyone in the aristocratic family is in constant fear. If they can get the support of these aristocratic families, it will be easy to stabilize the situation in Jiangdong.
Third, to reuse Jiangdong talents, one of the great aristocratic families must be in politics.Only in this way can we fully get the full cooperation of the major clans in Jiangdong.Unifying Jiangdong is just a matter of time. "He calmly analyzed the situation in Jiangdong in detail, and those three points were justified, and they were indeed the only way to calm down Jiangdong.

Sun Can pondered for a while, and said: "Sun Can does not reject the aristocratic family. As long as he is kind to me, I, Sun Can, will never treat him badly. As long as he is not rich and unkind, I do not recommend loose policies. The second point is absolutely Undoubtedly, I can agree. There is no problem with the third point, but I have to declare in advance that Sun has always promoted talent and does not ask for background. I can promote the children of Jiangdong aristocratic families to enter politics, but if there is no talent, Sun will be powerless at that time. After all, policy cannot be changed for the sake of individual people."

Lu Xun nodded, expressing his understanding, and said: "This is not a problem. It only takes a few years. After Jiangdong's people's support, the goal has been achieved, and there is no need for the third point."

Sun Can's thoughts turned, that's right, the purpose of reusing the children of the aristocratic family is to appease the hearts of the people, and if the hearts of the people return in the future, there is no need for this. He continued, "The second and third points are easy to say. Sun can give it to you immediately. You answer, but the first point is full of difficulties. Sun Ce hides in the city and only defends but does not attack. It is not easy to eliminate him. If Sun Ce cannot be defeated, the second and third points are also empty talk." As he spoke, he looked at Lu Xun with great interest to see what kind of countermeasure he had.

(End of this chapter)

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