three kings

Chapter 342

Chapter 342
Moling City, the government office meeting hall.

Sun Ce looked melancholy at the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs in the hall. In the past few days, Sun Can had mobilized his army to stand by at the Hengjiang Ferry opposite the Niuzhu Ferry. According to reliable sources, [-] soldiers had gathered at the Hengjiang Ferry. Reinforcements continued to come in.I have only [-] soldiers and horses under my command, so I don't have an advantage in terms of military strength.In terms of the excellence of the soldiers, Sun Can's excellent soldiers have long been spread all over the world, and he has the reputation of "Sun Jiajun, the best in the world". His own soldiers can also be called "Sun Jiajun", but they may not be the opponents of "Sun Jiajun".

I am not afraid of a head-on confrontation, but Sun Can uses more tactics to defeat the enemy. If he accidentally catches the opponent, his situation, which is already inferior to the opponent's strength, will be even more difficult.

In desperation, he set his sights on Pang Tong.Although he was annoyed that Pang Tong persuaded his sister into a dangerous situation, he had to use his intelligence to deal with Sun Can, so afterwards, he just reprimanded Pang Tong harshly, and did not make things difficult for him.
Seeing Sun Ce looking at him, Pang Tong secretly sighed in his heart, the lord is good at everything, but he is more benevolent than a woman in terms of family affection. If he can put the world first, it will definitely not be the case with his talents.He thought for a while, and said to Sun Can: "Let's wait! Wait for the news from the north, I always feel that this matter will not be that simple! generation."

In Pang Tong's heart, he had long believed that the other party's strategy was not a trick.

Sun Shangxiang is not a professional spy, and it can be said that she has no scheming at all. The reason why she was able to gain the other party's trust in the first place is entirely a coincidence.Not long ago, the battle at the Waste Rock Beach had already exposed her tail. Which of Sun Can, Liu Hua, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others were idlers, so how could they fail to discover Sun Shangxiang's true identity.

This is also the reason why Pang Tong made Sun Shangxiang ready to flee as soon as the news came out, but Sun Shangxiang didn't understand the dangers and didn't listen.

Since they did not kill Sun Shangxiang, but instead released her, there must be a purpose in this, and it is definitely not a simple slap in the face.

After a while, a soldier delivered a wax pill.

The wax pill was crystal clear, and inside it was the very precious information that the frontline scouts risked their lives to snoop.

Sun Ce checked carefully first, and saw that the wax pills were intact.Only then did he crush it with confidence, and opened the letter inside. The letter was covered with densely packed small characters. After reading the letter, Sun Ce said doubtfully: "The letter said that Sun Canming kept sending troops to Hengjiang Ferry, but the dark place The reinforcements during the day were also evacuated from Hengjiang Ferry overnight and stationed at the Yuxikou camp. Now most of Sun Can’s army is on standby across the Yuxikou, and Hengjiang Ferry is nothing more than an empty camp with few troops. Could it be that the other side really intends to 'Speedy'?"

Sun Ce himself didn't quite believe that Sun Can would be so simple and easy to deal with.In the last battle, they took advantage of the right time and place to put Sun Can to death, but they were always escaped by him. Not only that, they were also seized by Sun Can several times and gave them severe blows.

After this lesson, Sun Ce has become like Sun Can as his greatest opponent in his life, and he dare not have any contempt for him.

Thoughts raced through Pang Tong's mind, and he said affirmatively, "This is a plan! If I'm not wrong, Sun Can's real intention is not Yuxikou."

Sun Ce asked, "Could it be Niuzhu Water Village?"

Pang Tong smiled slightly, and replied, "It's not Niuzhu water village either!"

"Then..." Sun Ce's thoughts raced, and he thought for a long time, but he never thought of any place worthy of Sun Can's attack.

As we all know, terrain is a major prerequisite for marching and fighting.Niuzhu Water Village is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The water is turbulent and easy to defend but difficult to attack. However, it is close to Moling and relies on the Qinhuai River. It is the richest and most prosperous place in the east of the Yangtze River and has strong strategic significance.Yuxikou is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, facing the Huajiang River and directly connected to Wuhu.Since ancient times, it has been the distribution center of goods and commodities in the surrounding towns, resulting in a very developed economy in the surrounding area.The main reason is that it is not far from Wanling and can always threaten Wanling.Surrounded by Lingyang Mountain on three sides, Wanling is surrounded by Juxi River and Wanxi River in front. It used to be the capital of Danyang County. As long as Sun Can's army breaks through Wanling, it will successfully cut off the connection between Chaisang and Sun Ce's army.In this way, Chaisang will fall into desperation, and this fortified city will collapse on its own.It also has very important strategic significance.

Apart from the offensive value of these two places, Sun Ce really couldn't think of any other places where he could land and which places were of strategic significance.

Pang Tong said: "Sun Can's intentions are probably Yuxikou and Niuzhu Water Village!"

General No. 1 Cheng Pu objected: "Sun Can has many strategies and knows the art of war. Dividing troops into two groups is a big taboo for military strategists. Sun Can will definitely not be so unwise."

Sun Ce nodded in agreement, "What Cheng Gong said is reasonable. Once Sun Can divides his troops, it will give our army a chance to defeat them all? But the truth is by no means so simple."

Pang Tong said with a confident smile: "My lord knows one thing, but not the other. Don't you hear that there is a saying in the Art of War that "the real is the false, and the false is the real". Only by being unexpected can you take the lead. Everything the lord said Breaking makes some sense, but it doesn't.

Sun Can is an excellent general and brave, not to mention him who is good at fighting. Which of Zhou Yu, Zhang Liao, and Zhao Yun under his command is not a general who can stand alone?Liu Hua, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, and Lu Su are all rare and unrivaled talents. Who can beat them steadily?Even if we divide our forces, we may not be able to defeat them one by one.That being the case, what does it matter if the troops are divided? "

Sun Ce nodded, lost in thought.

Pang Tong continued: "If Tong's expectations are correct, the increase and withdrawal of troops are all Sun Can's tricks to confuse the enemy. He increased his troops by [-] during the day and withdrew them at night. There is one key thing that the Lord may have forgotten. The intelligence did not indicate the number of troops withdrawn by the other side."

"I understand!" Sun Ce slapped his thigh fiercely, and said loudly, "Sun Can is really cunning. The other party deliberately made them think that there were no soldiers at the Hengjiang Ferry, so they gave up the strict defense of the Niuzhu Ferry. In fact, the other party entered more and exited less. If [-] reinforcements enter, only [-] or even [-] will be withdrawn. In this way, there will be tens of thousands more troops at Hengjiang Ferry, where there were not many troops. And because we detected the opponent's movements, we gathered our troops at Yuxikou, This move has hit the opponent's strategy. If so, Niuzhu Ferry should be the opponent's real target."

"My lord, I'm half right." Pang Tong shook his head, but his eyes revealed the light of wisdom, and he had a feeling of knowing everything in his chest.

Sun Ce looked at Pang Tong suspiciously: "Half right?"

At this moment, Pang Tong's eyes sparkled and he said: "You're half right. Sun Can's plan is not as simple as attacking west and attacking west. The other party used the tactic of attacking things west and west to target the character of the lord."

"My character?" Sun Ce is not good at planning, and Pang Tong's series of reasoning made him dizzy, and he couldn't follow Pang Tong's thinking at all.

Pang Tongyu said earnestly: "Yes, my lord has a competitive personality. The enemy on the opposite side likes to go forward bravely, but doesn't know how to retreat. The opponent uses this to deliberately set up doubts to lure the lord into being fooled. No matter where the lord deploys the heavy troops, he will fall into the trap. Because their targets are the two places of Niuzhu Water Village and Yuxikou. If the lord has counted the opponent's strategy of attacking east and west, and gathered his troops in Niuzhu Water Village, then Niuzhu Water Village will be their defense Yuxikou is their real target; if the lord did not catch the opponent's plan to attack east and west, but gathered heavy troops at Yuxikou, it would be just the opposite. The opponent's defense point is at Yuxikou and the offensive point is at Yuxikou. Niuzhu Water Village."

"Military Master, just explain it directly. You are Niuzhu Water Village and Yuyuxikou, so you have confused me." Zhou Tai, who was next to him, couldn't bear Pang Tong's speculation, and complained loudly.

Sun Ce also said: "What should be done, military advisor, you can just tell me clearly."

"Just one word!" Pang Tong looked at Sun Ce and simply said one word: "Shou!"

Sun Ce's face was a little embarrassed. He was brave and good at fighting, and usually had many tricks, but his nature made him dislike such deceitful tactics.In his eyes, "continuous attack" is the only way to defeat the enemy and win. Hearing Pang Tong's defense, he immediately said displeasedly: "The opponent has repeatedly invaded our army's territory and disrupted the foundation of our army. Previously, in order to unify the great cause of Jiangdong, strategy talents I have no choice but to bear it. Now that the opponent has already attacked, and Jiangdong has fallen into the hands of our army, we should retaliate. Why hide and make the world laugh."

Pang Tong suddenly regretted his hasty decision at the time. He was still young and more vigorous at the time.Sun Ce risked his life to come to Moling and asked him to come out of the mountain.At that time, he also had the idea of ​​​​showing his ambitions, so he agreed to go out. Now that he thinks about that decision, he was a bit hasty, and sighed: "My lord's words are wrong. Confronting Sun Can directly is not in line with the current situation. Since ancient times, the use of force To break the weak, one must go all out to destroy the weak. If the strength is similar, one should deal with the enemy according to the changes in the situation. To overcome the strong with the weak, the first thing to bear the brunt is to ensure that oneself will not be eliminated by the strong. In order to find opportunities to annihilate the opponent. There is also a saying in Sun Tzu's Art of War that "the good fighters of the past were invincible first, and then the victorious in battle." Sun Can used this method to defeat the powerful Yuan Shao. "

Pang Tong made a deep bow to Sun Ce, without getting up, and begged, "My lord's honest words are harsh, and the other party is just taking advantage of my lord's character to treat him like this. Don't be arrogant."

Sun Ce stepped forward to help Pang Tong up, and said helplessly: "Sir, please get up, Mr. Ce Yi is." Support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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