three kings

Chapter 301 Entering Naotoyo Nakahara

Chapter 301 Entering Nakahara Tian Toyoda Nakamoto (Several book friends who have subscribed do not need to subscribe, the content is the same)
This is Yuan Shao's handsome tent, filled with a touch of sandalwood, with a bright red carpet on the floor, and many bookshelves for two weeks, all of which are full of ancient books, noble yet elegant,
On both sides are Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. After strict selection and arrangement, eighteen kinds of weapons were selected.It is divided into two categories: long and short, each accounting for half of the number.The nine longs are knives, spears, halberds, lances, borings, battle-axes, sticks, spears, and forks; the nine shorts are axes, daggers, cards, arrows, whips, swords, maces, hammers, and claws.

The handsome tent is full of literary breath, and also has the taste of martial arts. The combination of civil and military is very harmonious and very grand.

"Damn it!!!" Yuan Shao threw the book in his hand on the ground fiercely, and roared loudly: "Trash, a hundred thousand troops can't take down Xu Du, who has less than ten thousand soldiers? He still has the face to ask for reinforcements?"

Originally, Yuan Shao was in a good mood. Xu Du, who had troubled him for a long time, was finally defeated. When he was triumphantly fantasizing about capturing Sun Can and preparing to humiliate him, he suddenly got the news that Yuan Tan asked for reinforcements.

After careful questioning, I realized that my nearly 2000 troops were targeted by the opponent in Xudu City, not to mention the loss of more than [-] soldiers, and even the opponent's main force is not clear, nor how many people there are. Know.Just gave an approximate number, about ten thousand.

Hearing this news, Yuan Shao almost turned his back in anger.He was a little self-righteous, with an overconfidence that ordinary people don't have.Breaking Xudu now is the moment for him to rejoice and imagine the bright future of time.All of a sudden, the bright future was completely shattered, and the reason was that there were less than ten thousand enemies, who suddenly remembered Sun Can's previous humiliation, and immediately made him furious and murderous.

He had read the Art of War, and knew why his [-] soldiers could not take down Xu Du, so he shouted: "Burn, burn all Xu Du with one fire, let's see where these bastards hide."

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding civil and martial arts gasped.At this moment, although Emperor Xian was not in Xudu, Emperor Xian did not decree to move the capital.According to the news announced by Cao Cao, it was just a refuge in Luoyang.

At this moment, Xudu is still the capital of a country in name, if Yuan Shao burns Xudu down, then he will be the second Dong Zhuo.No, more hateful than Dong Zhuo.

At that time, Dong Zhuo first issued the order to move the capital and burned Luoyang.His crime of arson can only be crowned with the word brutal.However, if Yuan Shao burned Xudu today, then he would ignore the Han regime and burn the Han Dynasty to the ground.

Even though Emperor Xian could set up another regime, Yuan Shao's crime of treason, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, would never be cleared.

"Impossible!" Tian Feng almost jumped out in a hurry, "The Great Han has been established for more than [-] years, and it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is urgent to replace it. The reason why Cao Cao treats Emperor Xian as a guest and does not replace him is precisely because of this. Sun Can settled in Xudu with three chapters of the law, not to rob a grain or money. He also specially ordered that anyone who trespassed in the palace will be executed. It is also because they don't want to risk the world's wrongdoing and lose the support of the people in the world. Since ancient times , Those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

This is a principle that has never changed since ancient times. King Zhou's tyranny caused the whole world to encircle him.King Wen and King Wu ruled with benevolence, overthrew Shang Zhou, and established the 800-year-old foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.Although the First Emperor was talented, he was cruel and ruthless. Although he longed for the eternal life of the Great Qin Dynasty, he caused the death of the second generation.Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was invincible in the world, but in the end he lost the qualification to compete for the world because of his cruelty.The overturning of the previous car can be seen from time to time, the lord must not be so confused!

If the lord is quick today, Xudu will be burned down.In the future, he will be cast aside by the world, and the lord's years of hard work will be in vain.Ambition will become wishful thinking..."

"Tian" Yuan Shao was so angry that he could hardly speak. He was already angry, but Tian Feng's earnest words immediately turned into sharp accusations in his ears. The more he listened, the angrier he became, especially at the back Some of the things he dreamed of were actually described by Tian Feng as wishful thinking, extremely hateful, extremely hateful.

In fact, Yuan Shao was not unreasonable, if that was the case, he would not have the ability to unify the north.If you tell him well, he may not accept it.

But Tian Feng was upright, unlike Xu You and others who were tactful. Seeing that Yuan Shao was wrong, he immediately jumped out to persuade him.

Yuan Shao was originally a good-looking person, and he could endure it once and for all, but at this moment he could hardly bear it anymore.

At this time, Guo Tu thought of how he had been humiliated by those who relied on the old and sold the old, and hated him. He came out and said, "Tian Feng, what are you doing? How dare you be rude to the lord? As a courtier, you wantonly accuse the lord in front of everyone. Is it right?" What kind of intentions? My lord's wisdom is as deep as the sea, and everything can be decided by itself. You didn't explain the lord's general intentions, and you speculated about what crime should be!"

Tian Feng was upright and unyielding, seeing Yuan Shao made a big mistake, he naturally pointed it out loudly, without any intention.He was full of pride, and he didn't think much of such villains as Guo Tu, but at this moment, Guo Tu actually said that he had a double heart. At this critical moment, Guo Tu wanted to flatter Yuan Shao, and he was angry from the heart. "My lord's appearance today is all due to you and other treacherous villains. If you hadn't waited to deceive the lord with sweet words every day, how could the lord be so disregarding good and bad, and acting recklessly?"

"Enough..." Yuan Shao slapped the table fiercely, regardless of good or bad, it is appropriate to act recklessly, Tian Feng actually used these eight words to describe himself, if he doesn't punish him, how can he still face these civil and military officials?He yelled sharply: "Tian Feng, please put him on and press him down for me."

Tian Feng was shocked, and in desperation, he grabbed the ground with his head and shouted loudly: "My lord, you must not listen to the words of the treacherous villain, and you must not destroy Yuan Shi's foundation just because of a momentary anger..."

Tian Feng's voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

The rest of the atmosphere is much more serious.

Yuan Shao didn't know what to do with it at this time, he listened to Tian Feng's advice, but he just couldn't stand Tian Feng's temper.The consequences were so serious that even if he was asked to burn Xu Du at this moment, he would not dare to touch Xu Du in the slightest.

Guo Tu cleverly suggested: "My lord, burning Xudu is not the key now. The main target of our army is Sun Can. After Sun Can left the soldiers behind, he obviously planned to escape. At present, chasing Sun Can should be the primary goal."

Yuan Shao went up to the pole with a smile on his face, and said: "What the Lord said is reasonable, so let's do it according to what the Lord said."

As soon as Yuan Shao finished speaking, Yan Liang jumped out and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead elite soldiers in pursuit."

Lu Bu also stood up at this time, "The final general wishes General Yan Liang to go with him!"

PS: There was a mistake in the last chapter, a metropolis with a population of nearly 500 million can be accommodated.It's 50, not 500 million.

(End of this chapter)

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