The big guy became popular as a profiteer in Interstellar

Chapter 85 Silly customers with a lot of money

Chapter 85 Silly customers with a lot of money

He was not like this before, it was because of the damaged spiritual sea, he had been unable to heal well, thinking that he would not be able to continue to practice in this life.

I'm bored, so I look for a sense of presence on the Internet, and I have to spray a few words when I see anyone who doesn't like it.

Anyway, people don't know who he is, so they won't come to reality to trouble him.

Since he is now the number one in the live broadcast room, he has a title in front of his name when he speaks, so he is particularly conspicuous.

Si Nai saw it at a glance, and was surprised that someone gave her a reward, so she opened the audience list and took a look.

I wipe! ! ! More than 1000 million? ! !
Local tyrant!
Even after splitting with the platform, she can still earn more than 500 million.

What's more, there are other people who give piecemeal rewards.

Why didn't she know that live broadcasting made so much money before?
No wonder so many young people in her world are scrambling to become internet celebrities and live broadcast.

"No problem at all!"

Audience: Anchor, what was agreed to be given to the people of Anqing City first?
What about manners?
Si Nai said that morality and so on can't be used for shopping or eating.

Of course, making money is the most important thing.

She didn't agree with the netizens to immediately put the spirit fruit essence on the shelves just now, that's because it's still not sure how much the zombies here need to use.

Even if she only needs to copy, it will take a lot of spiritual and mental energy, okay?

Money is important, but her life is even more important.

To get a batch of medicine here, she only needs to eat a few spiritual fruits to supplement her spiritual power, so the price she gave Yan Yingxian is actually not very high.

She took money from him because she knew he was rich, but she hadn't lost her conscience enough to give money to refugees.

But when it comes to selling...

'The number one troll in the universe' chatted with Si Nai in private, asked her to put a bottle on the shelf in the star store, and then set a limit for him to buy it.

Although this person gave her a lot of gifts, just by the name, he must be a person who likes to scold people everywhere.

People who are stupid and have a lot of money don't cheat for nothing.

Si Nai opened the star store, and there were only three vacancies on it. She clicked to put a bottle of spiritual fruit essence on the shelf, and named it 'universal potion', and set the unit price at [-] star coins.

For her, this price is already very expensive.

I thought that the 'No. [-] troll in the universe' would come to bargain with her, but it took only three seconds for the item to be put on the shelf, and it was reminded that the item had been bought, and the exclusive express robot of Star Store would come to receive the item immediately, and asked her to send it as soon as possible. Goods packed.

Si Nai blinked, sure enough, he was a fool with a lot of money, so the sale went too smoothly, right?

But the 'No. [-] troller in the universe' even sent a message to her: "Miss anchor, you are too kind, such a miraculous potion is only sold for [-] star coins, but unfortunately only one bottle is on the shelf, otherwise I would like to buy more some."

Si Nai: "..."

She is considering whether to raise the price again next time.

The corners of her lips raised, and she replied politely: "The store has just opened, and it's the first time it's new. It's a welfare price. I hope my spirit will get better soon."

The number one troll in the universe: "Okay, ok, Miss anchor, you are so kind, I will be your loyal fan from now on."

It's easy to say.

Sinai is satisfied.

Star Store's exclusive courier robot came very quickly and found it directly based on her ID.

In other words, this kind of robot no longer needs to set the address, because it will directly deliver and pick up the goods from other people according to the ID of the buyer and seller. Condition.

Si Nai brushed it with the optical brain, put the packaged medicine in it, and attached the instruction manual, and soaked it in cold water when using it.

Emma, ​​this business is going too smoothly.

 Si Nai: In the blink of an eye, I went from being poor to being a rich woman, Emma, ​​it smells so sweet~

(End of this chapter)

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