The big guy became popular as a profiteer in Interstellar

Chapter 67 Getting Started Is Also a Trouble

Chapter 67 Getting Started Is Also a Trouble

The three got into the car and set the route.

set off!

He didn't even notice that today's hot news was being broadcast on the photon screen of the shopping mall not far away. The mysterious woman and the mysterious man teamed up to destroy the entire group of alien beasts.

There are some fighting scenes on it, which makes people excited.

There were already circles of people outside the shopping mall, "Fuck, these two are too awesome, they are the very powerful red rhino beasts of the alien beast race, they actually beat them to the point of annihilation!" ?”

"Could it be a lie? Our Star Lord sent troops to strangle the red rhinoceros so many times before but failed to do so. Those guys have strong fighting power and strong reproductive ability. They haven't been eradicated for hundreds of years. They?"

"I also feel that this video seems to be synthesized. It is impossible for the red rhinoceros to be so stupid that they all form a pile and let them kill them."

"But this is the news released by the government. It also said that the two people will be rewarded, and they are looking for their whereabouts. It should not be fake."

"It's impossible for the government to play tricks on the public. I just don't know where these two people went in the end. If only I could meet them, it's amazing. Worship."

At this moment, a madman rushed directly into the crowd, biting anyone he saw, and making a sound similar to a beast's roar.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and a group of people ran away screaming and crying.

And those who were scratched and bitten were running away in panic one second, and started chasing and attacking others the next second.

Someone fled into the shopping mall, and those abnormal people chased and ran in. After being detected by the robot inside as having an attack intention, they directly sent out electric shocks to control the people, and at the same time automatically activated the alarm device.

Not long after, people from the security team rushed over and took away all the abnormal people.

And such a scene is still being staged in various places in Anqing City.


After the three of them came to the service hall and indicated that they wanted to register, Si Nai found that the expression of the uncle who received them became indescribable.

"Very... troublesome?" Si Nai looked at him suspiciously.

The uncle immediately showed a professional smile, "No trouble, this way please."

It is difficult for interstellar people to reproduce. In the past thousand years, fewer and fewer children have been conceived naturally. Usually, families who want to have children have to spend millions of star coins for gene fusion and embryo cultivation.

Therefore, families that are poor and unable to give birth naturally may not be able to have a child until they die.

It's hard to imagine how impoverished the little girl with such an outstanding appearance is, so she grows up so old that she doesn't have a household name.

Si Nai didn't know what was going on in his mind, he thought he had to fill in some information, but they led her to a machine and asked her to lie down on it.

She just registered for a household, so is it possible that she still needs to have a full body checkup?
"What is this for?"

Ling Yan and the others were left in the hall, and no one explained to her, so Si Nai could only ask this uncle.

He didn't know that when he asked this question, the uncle looked at her with more sympathy.

She doesn't even have this bit of common sense, and her family probably didn't send her to school, and she must have grown up in a particularly remote and backward place.

The uncle patiently explained: "Simply extract some of your life experiences and enrich your personal information."


Si Nai lay down obediently, secretly sighing how advanced the technology is now.

No wonder Ling Yan said that everyone's information is unique. If someone has this machine, they may be able to extract things that you don't remember yourself.

After she lay down, the uncle closed the cover of the machine, and the electronic equipment scanned her body, and all the experiences from the modified star to here were directly transmitted to the photon screen next to her.

 Today's network information is too developed, and if you are not careful, you will face the danger of information being exposed. Today, Feiyu received a fraudulent call from the police claiming that they found a bank card with my ID card from a woman who abducted children. Said that I was suspected of participating in a child abduction case, and asked me to do whatever I wanted.

  I recorded the call directly at that time, and when I asked him for details, I revealed that I was already recording, but he hung up the phone in a hurry without saying a few words.

  Afterwards, I called 110 to inquire, and the 110 customer service told me that these were all scam calls, so just let me not believe it.

  I believe that many sisters will shop online like me, or use some software that requires real-name authentication. Such things are hard to prevent.

  It's best if you don't meet, if you do, don't panic, stay rational, and don't be fooled by fools.

(End of this chapter)

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