The big guy became popular as a profiteer in Interstellar

Chapter 593 Strength is useless, you have to be ruthless

Chapter 593 Strength is useless, you have to be ruthless

"He can refuse me. I have a lifetime to spend with him. This is between us."

Ji Yueyao warned with eyes: "Si Nai, I appreciate you helping me revive him. Our grievances were settled long ago in Anqing City, but if you insist on meddling in my affairs with him, don't blame me for being rude."

"I'm not happy, so I'm going to drag all of you to hell together."

At that moment, Ji Yueyao was gloomy, dark, and filled with an aura of destruction, which shocked Si Nai.

"I don't care about anything, but you are full of weaknesses."

Ji Yueyao chuckled, "Si Nai, it's useless to be strong, you have to be ruthless."

"In this regard, you are not as good as me."

"For your sake, I don't have to do anything to that little boy, but the premise is that you don't provoke me."

Ten years later, Ji Yueyao was no less crazy than she was back then.

She has only one belief, and that is to have a bright future with Jiang Xing.

Anyone who stands in their way doesn't need to exist in this world.

Si Nai clenched her fist, she was very rational no matter what she did, it was hard for her to understand Ji Yueyao's feelings.

But one thing she said is right, she has many weaknesses.

She couldn't help but watch others sacrifice because of herself.

This lunatic can really do anything.


Jiang Xing looked around in the room, but he couldn't find his own clothes, and there were only women's skirts in the closet, and they were all quite sexy.

He closed the cabinet door with a sullen face and walked into the bathroom.

I took a new set out from the space and prepared to take a shower.

In the next moment, something seemed to be stepped on under his feet, which hit him.

Looking down, it turned out to be a diamond ring worn on a chain.

The chain has been broken, and its owner must have accidentally dropped it here.

Looking at the diamond ring, which was almost exactly the same as his own, a shrunken version, Jiang Xing's pupils trembled.

Subconsciously looked at the ring on his hand, compared it carefully several times, it was indeed exactly the same.

"Is he gone?"

A voice came from outside the door, Jiang Xing instinctively clenched the ring in his hand, how could this thing be in her hand?
Obviously they are two different people, Yue Yao was buried by him personally...

What is going on here?

Jiang Xing was full of doubts, feeling a little excited.

The sound insulation in the hotel room is actually quite good, but he has been exercising his energy, so he can hear some movement.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jiang Xing quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and walked in.

Ji Yueyao looked at him with a half-smile, "Why, figured it out?"

She had been away for such a long time, if he wanted to leave, no one outside would be able to stop him.

Jiang Xing stared at her intently, as if he wanted to make sure whether her face was a mask or not.

Ji Yueyao smiled impeccably, her expression was very vivid, that face didn't look like a fake face.

Jiang Xing was a little disappointed, and took out the chain with the diamond ring with trembling hands, "Can you tell me why this thing is here with you?"

Even if it was two completely different people, he still had a slight expectation in his heart.

Ji Yueyao was taken aback, and subconsciously touched her neck.

Damn, how did it fall.

I guess it was accidentally pulled when cleaning him up last night.

Noticing her movements, Jiang Xing's eyes had some dark and unclear light.

Ji Yueyao has a lot of little tricks that I didn't notice before, but now that I have guessed, I suddenly feel that she has a lot of little habits that are similar to Ji Yueyao.

Jiang Xing had more guesses in his mind.

However, Ji Yueyao was in a panic. Although she was very confident in front of Si Nai, she didn't dare to take any risks when facing him.

 see you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)

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