The big guy became popular as a profiteer in Interstellar

Chapter 44 Tema Is This What Humans Do?

Chapter 44 Tema Is This What Humans Do?

boom boom boom
Bombs exploded one after another, and the scene became chaotic for a while, with smoke and dust everywhere.

"Come on, brothers, kill them!"

An Liang and the others were far apart, even though the yellow sand and muck covered each other, they couldn't see clearly.

But they could clearly see the opponent's position before the explosion. At this time, they used the cover of things to shoot wildly towards that side with the energy gun.

The people on the battleship were the first to react. At this time, they didn't care about waiting for Zou Shijun's command. They manipulated the laser cannon on the battleship by themselves, preparing to blast everyone on the ground into scum.

A bright and clean prismatic spar suddenly appeared in front of the battleship's screen, and it was spinning rapidly at this time, and it was constantly getting bigger.

The body of the spar exuded a dazzling white light, and the bright mirror reflected the figure of the battleship. A battleship exactly like them appeared opposite them, divided into two, divided into four...

The operator instinctively pressed the launch button, and a laser cannon fired over. Due to the short distance, the opponent's warship had just condensed into a solid body, and it received a real shot.

Fortunately, the quality of the battleship is good, even if a hole is punched, it does not affect the use.

In a short period of time, the opposite side has changed from four warships to sixteen.

The brilliance of the spar disappeared, and it was integrated into aura and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Without the hindrance of the light, they finally saw the current form clearly.

They are surrounded by battleships!

"What the hell is going on here? Where did they get the battleship?" Shi Dazhong's jaw almost dropped from shock, but when he looked carefully, he could still find his hands were shaking.

They have six warships themselves, and the opponent has so many more than them...

"That woman is on the battleship." The companion exclaimed from the communicator, "Everyone be careful."

"It's just too weird, Tema, is this a human thing?"

"But these things seem to be conjured by that woman. I saw her throwing things into the sky just now. Those battleships were projected by that shiny thing just now."

When everyone saw it, due to different angles, everyone saw things differently.

A few seconds later, someone shouted: "Tema is really projected. You can see that the numbers and marks on those warships are the same as ours."

"Since it's fake, don't worry about it, knock them all down!"

Just now they saw Si Nai entering the battleship in the middle, so all the firepower was concentrated in the middle.

As a result, at this moment, a warship on the side suddenly fired violently at them.

"Damn! Does this woman know how to clone? She wasn't there just now..."

They shifted their fire immediately.

But whenever they concentrate on attacking one place, warships from other places will attack them.

Si Nai has only one person, and can only control one battleship at a time, and can only use the teleportation ability to change directions when they are not paying attention.

Four of the sixteen battleships were quickly knocked down, but during this period, the people on the other side were having a hard time, and all six battleships were completely battered by her.

"Everyone disperses the attack, no matter where she is, every ship will attack."

The woman played them round and round, and every time they diverted their attack, she was able to run to another ship.

Scatter hits have a higher hit rate, but in this way, even if the battleship Si Nai is on is attacked, the wounded area will be relatively smaller.

What's more, she can control the battleship to run.

But the opponent was surrounded by her warships, and it was easy to collide if they ran around. Their battleships were already on the verge of falling, and they couldn't stand such a toss.

"The battleship system has been severely damaged, please repair it in time."

"The battleship has insufficient energy reserves."

"The battleship escape cabin was destroyed..."

"The damage rate of the battleship is 100%, and it is about to disintegrate. The escape time is 30 seconds..."

 Believe in Sinai, and you will live forever.

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(End of this chapter)

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