The big guy became popular as a profiteer in Interstellar

Chapter 31 You Are Questioning My Strength

Chapter 31 You Are Questioning My Strength
She has a strong learning ability, and it didn't take long for her to master the flying skills and control the spaceship steadily.

Ling Yan was amazed again and again.

So... what is his role?
When they went back, they were still in the suspension car, An Liang was looking for them everywhere, seeing the two get off the suspension car, he ran over quickly.

"Miss Sinai, where have you been? I just delivered your lunch, but I didn't see anyone anywhere."

"Go out and wander around."

Si Nai looked at him carefully, a few days passed, An Liang's skin not only did not get sunburned and aged, but became younger and younger.

As for Ling Yan, it may be because he ran in the lake and ate two spiritual fruits. He didn't do any protection during this period, and he still didn't get sunburned.


She seems to have found another way to make money.

The two of them were stared at inexplicably by her, and they didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Si Nai entered.

The feeling of being scrutinized was really bad, and I thought I had made some mistake again.

After lunch, Ling Yan gathered all the slaves together, registered them, and then came to look for Si Nai with the documents.

"Among these people, 67 are from the planet Vieques not far from here. This spaceship has a relatively small capacity and can carry about 120 people at a time. People from nearby planets can be picked up and brought back and forth for about a week. "

Ling Yan told her about his plan: "However, after I send them back, I can rent a starship outside, so that I can take them all away at once, without having to run repeatedly."

This planet is too remote, and there are not many resources available, so we can only rely on this spaceship to get out first.

The people in the third district and the first district add up to nearly 1000 people, and the original planets are located in different distances. If only relying on spaceships, it would take too much time and energy to send them.

But if there is a starship, it can be done in one go.

Si Nai nodded: "You can arrange it."

"But the other districts..." Ling Yan hesitated, "They have been living in peace for so many days, they must be waiting for an opportunity to fight back. I took people away, will it be difficult for you to deal with it?"

Everyone's potential is limitless, especially when life is at stake.

Everyone has been practicing marksmanship recently, and if they deal with those people's attacks together, it is not impossible to win.

"Are you questioning my strength?"

Ling Yan: "..."

Dare not dare!

"Arrange everyone to leave at midnight today."

Si Nai made the final decision.

Ling Yan immediately went to make arrangements.

The masses knew that they could leave by spaceship, which caused quite a stir.

Almost everyone wanted to follow, but they were disappointed when they heard that the spaceship could only accommodate 120 people.

But where there is a spaceship, there is hope. Ling Yan told everyone about his plan, and many rational people supported it.

But there were also some irrational ones who yelled at the side: "Then why can't you send us away first, this is the only spaceship, if you can't come back after leaving, wouldn't we have to stay here for the rest of our lives?"

Ling Yan was a little helpless, but this is human nature, once it endangers its own interests, it will lose its rationality.

He quickly reassured everyone: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back to pick you up. As for why I sent them off first, it's because their original planet is relatively close to here, and going back and forth won't waste too much time."

"I hope everyone can believe me, each of you can return to your own planet safely."

Ling Yan talked about it, these people finally calmed down, thinking that he usually took care of everyone and taught them the method of cultivation, the objections gradually decreased.

 Thanks to Hanyue Dengluo for the 1666 reading point reward, bear hug~
(End of this chapter)

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