Chapter 20 The Nutrient Controversy

Sinai was thinking about the ancient earth, when he heard the words and looked at him, Ling Yan smiled gently: "If you are in a hurry to leave, I can send you away first, and then pick up the others."

He noticed that she seemed particularly afraid of being exposed to the sun outside.

When we met for the first time, she was still wearing short-sleeved shorts. Since she knew that An Liang had come to this planet, she had changed into this old look. She has been wearing long-sleeved trousers every day. You have to put a lot of stuff on your face.

How could she go first?
The troubles on this planet haven't been resolved yet, if she leaves, will the remaining people be able to leave smoothly?
Just as she was about to speak, there was a sudden noise from outside: "Why do you have high-grade nutritional supplements, while ours are ordinary nutritional supplements? This is clearly a distinction."

"You guys from District [-], don't go too far. If Miss Sinai didn't rescue you, you wouldn't even be able to drink ordinary ones. Don't be a good boy if you get cheap."

"They are all slaves, who is more noble than whom?"

"Sinai saved us, we are naturally grateful to her, but it's really unfair, if she really looks down on us, why did she bring us back?"

There were two groups of people standing at the entrance of the management office, one was from the third district and the other was from the first district, and they were arguing a lot.

Si Nai got up and walked out, Ling Yan and An Liang also hurriedly followed.

An Liang ran ahead and yelled outside first: "Whatever the noise, please be quiet."

When everyone saw Si Nai coming out, their faces softened a bit.

The leader of the first district was a burly middle-aged man named Geng Chunrui, with an unshaven beard and a rough look.

"Si Nai, you came just in time, you have to give us an explanation for this matter."

"What do you say?"

A small man behind Geng Chunrui shouted dissatisfiedly: "Don't think we don't know. You snatched these nutrients from the first district. If the results are good, you will give them to your own people, and if the results are bad, you will give them to us. Why?"

Si Nai turned his head and glanced at the two people beside him, An Liang hurriedly said: "Miss Si Nai, we really didn't do this on purpose, those nutritional supplements are mixed together, we will share whichever one we get, there is really no Treat anyone differently."

Geng Chunrui snorted sarcastically: "There is no difference? Then why are they all high-grade nutrients, while ours are ordinary?"

"All nutritional supplements are for satiety. Now it's enough to not be hungry. Why are you still struggling with these?" An Liang was a little annoyed, thinking that they were looking for trouble for nothing.

"It's nice to say, then why don't you give us the high-level nutritional supplements and give them ordinary nutritional supplements?"

"That is, who doesn't know that high-grade nutritional supplements are not only effective, but also delicious, and people are not allowed to say that they are partial?"

"You..." An Liang was about to be pissed off by them.

Ling Yan patted him on the shoulder, pulled them back, looked at them and said, "According to what you mean, no one in your first district has received advanced nutritional supplements? No one in our third district has received ordinary nutritional supplements." Nutrients?"

The troublemaker in the first district choked for a moment, then continued to hang his neck and said, "How do we know that, didn't you post the stuff? You know it best."

"What's the use of us being clearer, do you believe it?"

Ling Yan still had that gentle and gentle look, but his tone was obviously colder and more imposing.

"There are only so many nutrients. No matter how you post them, you will always have a reason to come and make trouble. If you really have such a big prejudice against us, you can choose to leave."

 Thank you Hanyue Dengluo for the 300 book coins.

  Thank you Yi Youran for the 588 book coins.

  Thank you Qianyue Liuying for the 100 book coins.

  Thank you for your support~baji~

(End of this chapter)

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