ace free man

Chapter 499 The Attacking Party Forced to Defend

Chapter 499 The Attacking Party Forced to Defend
first round.

The attacker is completely defeated.

The Lord of the Rings in the middle lane went to investigate and was eaten, and the other two players who wanted to go back to the middle lane to meet up were cut off again, leaving a 2v5 endgame, which is as difficult as ever to win.

The other two players ran over at the speed of light and wanted to pick up the monster that fell from the captain's body, but were directly wiped out by the defenders.

You may not believe it when you say it.

The attacker was at the advantage point of the attacker, and was killed by the defender at the door of the birth point, and the opponent was still killed with 0 deaths.

But at this level, the ability to withstand stress is good. It is not as easy as ordinary players to collapse their mentality and just click surrender. Although they complain here and there, their mentality is definitely not blown.

Surrender after losing a few rounds.

It is impossible for this kind of person to compete in the high-segment competitive game.

After all, headwinds are something that everyone will encounter. It is impossible to surrender everything, and in the case of a big headwind, it is a comeback, not to mention how exciting it is!
It's like pouring yourself a sip of iced Coke on a hot summer day!

One word - cool!

The Lord of the Rings communicated with his teammates at the beginning of the second round. In the first round, they encountered five players on the opposite side, so they should not engage in any fancy map control tactics in this game.

This game, in the final analysis, still depends on technology.

Your skills are more accurate than others, you have a good grasp of the timing of casting spells when your skills break other people's skills, and you are in a good position to avoid the opponent's skills.

Then just try to play a wave of 5V5 team battles.

Even if they lost the first round of the naked game, they had to play the economic game and couldn't afford equipment and weapons to save a wave of money, but if they had an advantage in a fight, they would not necessarily lose in a 5v5 team battle.

This so-called stand advantage, in simple terms, is five people huddled together to defend and pack in one place. If the opponent takes the initiative to attack, they have to take the initiative to pull them over to find someone. This position has a great advantage for the stand players.

Because the opponent had to get out of the bunker to find someone.

And the side of the frame point is output next to the bunker.

You can fight or retreat.

The opponent abandoned the bunker and took the initiative to arrest people, that is a living target, knocked out the armor, the opponent is also in a state of no armor, and the state of no armor, is there any difference from their naked state in the economic bureau?

There is no difference.

This is doable.

It's just that it's hard for the offensive side to take advantage of it. This is a unique advantage of the defensive side. The defensive side doesn't have to take the initiative to find people, so why bother to give up the bunker to catch people?
The Lord of the Rings wants to take advantage of this point, but it actually feels like the opponent is so strong in the first round.

The second round should be the top as well.

Why don't the five of them take down the front-point city that the attacker can seize in the middle, and then slowly wait for the player on the opposite side to go forward. In this way, don't they have an advantage?

It's also pretty funny.

The attacking side is forced to 'defend' the defensive side's attack by using a point-and-shoot approach.

Before the first half was over, the offense and defense had already switched.

The second round begins.

The five attackers all came to the surface urban area in the middle, took control of the map here, and then dispersed, and the five occupied a crossfire.


stay home.

Stand up.

at this time.

The defender is staying at the prison defense point underground.

Bet on defense, not as fierce as the first game.

Jiang Xun thinks that he is still a player with a good understanding of the game. He won the first game with naked outfits. Their defense's economy is crushing the offense's. The whole team can use armor, and a single player can be equipped with a weapon. .

This armor is very useful.

The damage that can be resisted is almost one life more. In the naked game state, the damage of killing one person hits the player with armor, and the output is doubled, and the top armor can block at least five times the damage. .

The equipment has advantages, why should it be front-mounted?

Their tactic for this round was to let Ant Chong lead one person to station and watch in the palace area, while the other four defended in the underground prison area.

When the leader of the ants and insects saw people, the people below them immediately came back to defend together.

I didn't see anyone, I played in the prison area, and I didn't worry about these unequipped attackers in 4V5.

When to attack and when to defend, there must be a number.

5 minutes passed by minute by minute.

At 4 minutes, the offensive side can still hold their breath.

At 3 minutes, although the attacker was looking at the screen, his mind had already begun to wander. He kept looking at one place, and there was no movement in that place. It was easy to be in a daze.

At 2 minutes, I began to question myself.

The attack time is only 1 minute left!No more time to attack!
After they determined that the opponent's hand should have no front punch, they launched an attack in a desperate manner, attacking the palace area, and the bugs led by ants and insects were placed in the front.

Once these bugs are trampled to death, the ant leader will be able to receive the information.

Soon he knew that the opponent was coming to play his position.

The other four circled around from the underground prison area to the surface urban area in the middle road, and then rushed to the front point of the palace area, and circled behind the attacker.

A merciless beating.

The second round is over.

The attacking side's stand-up tactics were not effective at all.

The Lord of the Rings completely doubted life this time.

He wondered if the opponent's player in the first round was replaced with the player in the second round?
The first round was extremely fierce, and they almost killed all five of them at the attacking party's birth point.

What about the second round?
Just one word - stable.

After two small rounds of beatings, Lord of the Rings took a deep breath, but still did not give up the game. The first round of naked outfits was lost because of a tactical problem. The second round was an economic round. There were no gold coins, no equipment and weapons. Economic problems, there are still places that can be justified.

If you don't have armor and you have armor, you can't beat normal!
This time it's different.

In the third round, they didn't have the economy to save the equipment in the second round, enough for them to play the third round of full armor. This time they have equipment!It's a spell operation!

Losing this third round, there is no excuse.

As for how to play this third round!

How to get angry in the first round, how to fight back in the second round.

Still do not play control map!

Rely on hard power to fight.

Now that everyone has the equipment, I don't believe you can complete a round of defense so easily!

The command of Lord of the Rings this time is so simple. The command is to gather five people and charge into a defensive position. It doesn't matter whether the opponent is betting or not, just charge!

It doesn't matter if you don't succeed.

It's okay to kill people.

Lord of the Rings lowers the bar a bit.

It's best to win, if you can't win, kill!The number of kills has always been a bald head, which is not good-looking.

Players can see their high-scoring game in the main interface of the "Faith" competition panel - the spectator mode.

The general spectator mode is to push this kind of world ranking game.

They were beaten all the way.

This face is lost.

(End of this chapter)

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