Chapter 549 (4)
Now our identities are immediately clear, those Japanese soldiers' ouch!Ow! ' rushed towards us holding the [-] cover, Erjian roared: "Kill the devil!" followed by 'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'Sprayed a few devils seven or eight meters away, and then we shot together, knocking over the whole area immediately.Those Japanese soldiers were caught off guard by us and suffered a big loss, but after we ran out of bullets and hadn’t come to change the magazines, they immediately rushed up with red eyes, and the soldiers of the national army behind us immediately greeted us with swords. Going up, the two sides immediately started hand-to-hand combat again, but this time there are more of us on the battlefield!
While I was in a hurry to change the magazine, I asked the old ghost: "How long does it take for us to go back this time?" The old ghost said nervously: "It may take longer than those few times, be careful...!" I looked up It turned out that a small Japanese soldier was holding a [-] cover and howling, rushed towards me. The bayonet on the gun was shining brightly and coldly.

It's too late to use the gun, this little devil has already arrived in front of him, abandon the gun!sideways!Just happened to bump into that little devil, grabbed his gun with his left hand and kicked his little brother fiercely with his right foot, 'Boom! With a scream, the little devil fell to the ground and rolled around, and a soldier of the national army rushed over with red eyes and swung his sword, "Crack!" 'He chopped off the head of that Japanese soldier.

I bent down and was about to pick up the gun, when another Japanese soldier rushed up to me with a bayonet, picked up a brick on the spot, 'Boom! ' slapped him hard on the face, and while he was screaming and touching his face, he rushed over and drew out his saber, 'Puchi! ' With a sound, Qi Gener plunged into his chest, and then kicked him away!

Boss Shen’s screams came from behind me, and I turned around in shock. It turned out that Boss Shen had been hit by a Japanese soldier with the butt of his gun. He was lying on the ground and couldn’t get up. Where's the boss, I hasten 'whoosh! ' With a bang, he threw the saber in his hand, 'Pounce! ' pierced the Japanese soldier's arm with a bang, and the Japanese soldier said, 'Ah! '' and stopped for a while, and within the time it took for me to stop, I had already jumped in front of him and pulled out the saber on his arm, just about to stab him, but the Japanese army reacted relatively quickly, threw away the [-] cover and grabbed my arm As soon as I turned around, I wanted to give me a big shoulder bag, but I was too short and injured and didn't throw me out. I wanted to fall again, but my saber had already slashed his throat open.

'flutter! With a bang, the blood of the Japanese army spurted wildly, and almost all of it was sprayed on the face of Boss Shen lying on the ground not far in front of him.

Look at Erjian's big beard and big mouth, and their excited 'Aw!Ow! ’ shouted, frantically brandishing a machete and fighting with the Japanese army in front of him.The big beard and the big mouth are obviously the wild way of shooting, dodging the bayonet and trying to get close to the body of the Japanese army. The power of the Japanese army's [-] big cover is greatly reduced when they are close, and they are often wiped on the neck by these two people.

Erjian's attack was very simple, relying on his brute strength and that German machete with an excellent steel muzzle, he had the upper hand. He saw the Japanese army with red eyes and saw that the Japanese army was a savage blow to the head. Often the Japanese army did not understand his brute force. He reacted extremely quickly with a gun, and the result was that the gun was cut off, followed by the neck.Erjian was so excited by the blood, he yelled like crazy on the battlefield, and commanded other soldiers of the national army from time to time, so he yelled: "Brothers, it's time to be loyal to the party and the country!" , Hack them to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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