Chapter 513 (1)
Chapter [-]
When we were listening to Tie Ma's complaints, one of his brothers ran over and said, "Boss, I have checked over there, and there is no movement, shall we go?" Tie Horse said, "Great! The lazier you stay, the more active you are!" Then he turned his head and said to the bearded man, "Let's go together, as a companion, and take care of each other." The bearded man looked at us, and clicked when he saw that we had no objections. He nodded and said: "Let's go, let's do them together when we meet those grandchildren." Tie Ma immediately laughed and said, "Okay, that's it, you're in front of me and I'm behind you, fuck them!" laugh.

We felt it after walking a short distance. The ruins were obviously artificially built. They might have been abandoned when they were no longer needed. The area was so large that it looked like an ancient military camp, because the underground temperature was dry and the temperature Appropriate, many things can still be seen in the past. A brother of the iron horse once picked up a big iron pot, but unfortunately it broke when he picked it up. A brother with a beard also picked up a round shield, which was also broken when he touched it. Broken, it looks like this is a military camp.

The old ghost and the golden kite didn't know what they were muttering just now, anyway, the two of them were walking and chatting all the time, as the saying goes, 'like attracts like'.
Boss Shen took a map and looked at it while walking. I asked him: "What did you find?" Boss Shen said: "We have to go to this ruin anyway. , the place where everything is marked must have been discovered by the German army here. I don’t know what the meaning of these marks is, but from the place we walked just now, it is represented by this circle on the map. It should be the German army. The outpost is here, we should reach this mark by passing through the ruins now, I don’t know what we will find.”

The bearded man walked over and said, "It's unbelievable that there is a military camp in this place, but there are so few leftovers. I don't know which dynasty's army came here. It's wild enough!" Boss Shen said : "It is recorded in history that the armies of various dynasties once wanted to conquer Lop Nur, but it seems that only the early Yuan Dynasty really conquered here in history. In my opinion, other dynasties just want to save face. Everything will be fine."

After chatting with the golden kite, the old ghost walked over and said, "You all have also noticed that this place looks like a military camp. I heard a legend about this place a long time ago. When Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan became emperor, He thought that the place where the sun shines should be the territory of the Yuan Dynasty, so he encouraged his soldiers to open up the territory. His army also went to Lop Nur. At that time, they heard that it was haunted, and it was said The ghosts guarded an astonishing wealth, so the Yuan Dynasty army stayed here again, and conquered the aboriginal people here by force, but later they were attacked by ghosts from hell, and they were defeated. Yuan Shizu knew this Afterwards, he was furious, and sent a large army to conquer here again, and sent a shaman to accompany him. After paying a heavy price, he finally conquered here, but he did not find the amazing wealth, but captured many strange races and dedicated them to Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan!"

(End of this chapter)

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