Chapter 507 (2)
At this time, the old ghost suddenly shouted: "There is a way, the opportunity has come." Now not only us, but even the bearded people surrounded them and asked: "What good opportunity is there? Tell me quickly." The old ghost put down the binoculars and said: " I saw those dozens of monitor lizards also gathered around..." Without saying a word, they said angrily, "Is this called an opportunity? This is fucking fuel to the fire!"

The old ghost rolled his eyes and said, "I wonder how you can survive so far with your pig brains? I never heard that it is difficult to win one person, easy to win two people, and easy to win three people?" My mind suddenly flashed Immediately understood the old ghost's intentions, and immediately asked the old ghost: "Do you want to fish in troubled waters and slip away?" The old ghost immediately put on an appearance of an outsider and said proudly: "You can teach me! It can be said to be clear at one point!"

The bearded man immediately reacted and said, "That's right! Let's try it, maybe it will work." The old ghost handed me the binoculars and said, "Look at the distance between those monitor lizards and us. Is it right?" I took a look, and saw in the binoculars those monitor lizards watching us, the green saliva in their mouths was dripping down, it was as disgusting as it was disgusting, I guess I saw it. There are so many live rats here, right?But they seemed to be afraid of these giant rats too, not daring to come over easily.

I put down the binoculars and said: "The distance is about 200 meters. The AK[-] is not very sure about this distance. The reliability and power of this gun are not good, but the accuracy is not good. If I aim at the stomach here, it will not be accurate. Just hit somewhere."

The bearded man took the MP[-] in Dazui's hand and said, "Is this okay? Why don't you try shooting it?" Erjian also said, "Dongzi, you have been a soldier and received formal shooting training. Don't waste bullets except you are all wild."

I took the gun and tried to aim it and said: "It's okay, I'll try it." Then I took a deep breath to stabilize my emotions, calmed down, glanced at the positions of the monitor lizards in the distance, and started. Aiming, the old ghost was watching with a telescope.

I aimed at the largest monitor lizard. This guy was big and easy to hit. When the monitor lizard turned around and had the largest cross-section, I quickly pulled the trigger, and shot out with a "boom!" One bullet.

The old ghost immediately reported to me: "Good job, there is a show! This shot passed by this guy's back, and now he is looking up to our side, and just hit him in the stomach when he went down a little bit It doesn't matter if it's dead or not, I'm afraid it's not in a hurry."

I slightly lowered the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at the giant lizard. Boom! It was another shot, and the old ghost shouted from the side: "Great, it hit the target, this guy jumped a bit, and he was yelling at us, try to shoot something else!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'I fired three more shots, this time aiming at the place where the monitor lizards gather, just to wipe the edges.The old ghost smiled and said while watching: "Great, great, these monitor lizards moved towards us, it seems that they were rushed!"

(End of this chapter)

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