Chapter 491 (2)
Boss Shen said: "I definitely don't plan to go back to the ground with you this time. I joined you in this operation for the sake of our friendship. If you can get out alive in the future, no matter who sees me after many years, Please don’t treat me like a monster, I hope you still treat me as a friend, I will give away my ore for this operation, if anyone is not enough, please tell me directly!”

Immediately, I felt a wave of heat filled my whole body. Looking at Boss Shen, I really didn’t know what to say. We put our heads on our trouser belts and died for ourselves, but this Boss Shen did it for others. Maybe it’s like this Talent is the one who can really be regarded as a friend.

I held Boss Shen's hand and said, "If you become a vampire in the future, remember to come to me. I want to see if vampires can drink?" Er Jian also patted Boss Shen and said, "And I, Don't forget, I also want to see if vampires can drink and pick up girls?"

Big Beard and those brothers also walked up to Boss Shen and looked at him speechless for a while, and finally Big Beard asked Boss Shen: "Have you really thought about it?" Boss Shen nodded and said, "Have you thought about it. "The bearded man then asked: "Don't you regret it?" Boss Shen said word by word: "Never regret it!" From the beginning, we have an extra vampire friend, come on! Let’s get to know each other.” The three brothers immediately hugged and hugged Boss Shen, saying, “Oh! It’s said that vampires are the richest. Yes, you must take care of my little brother! Anyway, you don’t plan to go out, so just hand over the password of the bank deposit, and my brother will keep it for you. By the way! Do you have a second or third room? Brother accepts it with a smile ...!"

Boss Shen was yelled angrily by these shameless guys. The Erjian old ghost and I stared at these shameless guys with big eyes. These guys were kicked away, and they cursed: "It's so fucking embarrassing for me, get out of here!" Then he said to me and the old ghost Erjian embarrassingly: "We brothers, Didn't go to school, can't speak, that, that...," he couldn't say it.

It was the old ghost who came out to smooth things over and said: "Young people, it's like this, let's go, let's go digging, and we still owe that vampire usury." The bearded man immediately took the opportunity to go downhill and shouted: "Brother Ladies, cheer me up for the sake of freedom, for the sake of money, beauties, villas, and Xiangche, let's go!" Take the lead and walk outside the big iron gate.

We put on new magazines and walked carefully towards the big iron gate with our guns in hand, lest a bunch of mummified corpses would come out to chew on us.Fortunately, there was no such horrible scene until the door.But as soon as we got out of the big iron gate, we were stunned by the sight in front of us again.

Because the scene in front of me is not too scary, but too beautiful!The scene in front of me is like a river of stars in the night sky falling to the earth, and the smashed pieces are scattered everywhere. Looking around, the endless land is full of blue or green fireflies!From time to time, fireflies of various colors floated up, condensed into a ball in the air, and then suddenly dispersed, turning into meteors and shooting away!

(End of this chapter)

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