Chapter 394 (1)
Erjian and I drove back to the old donkey with Shasha on a motorcycle after we left the door. If this guy loses composure and calls the police, the old ghost will be in trouble.Although I was so angry in my heart, I also understood very well that there is no way for me and Erjian to fight with others with two swords. The old ghost gave himself up to save us, but he didn't want us to die again. Well, he didn't want to do this business a long time ago. The old ghost said that because of us, so this friendship is more precious than anything else, more valuable than anything else, so I have secretly made up my mind on what to do.

Back at the old donkey, as soon as he entered the door, he saw brother Zhang frowning and smoking, and the old donkey was anxiously turning his kidneys in the house.Seeing that we came back, we were all relieved, but immediately found that the old ghost hadn't come back, and suddenly became nervous again.Brother Zhang said that he just came back at noon today, and he came to the old donkey with the gift he brought us in the evening, and congratulated me by the way, congratulating me on my early release from prison. I didn't expect this to happen.

I took a breath and explained what had happened in detail. Before Brother Zhang could talk to the old donkey, the cell phone in Er Jian's waist rang.As soon as Erjian answered the phone, his face changed, and he pressed the wide tone button on the phone, and the familiar voice of the bearded man came out of the phone immediately: "Little brother, I will take good care of this senior for you Don't worry, there will be no problem!"

I immediately turned to the phone and asked, "I don't know, brother, do you think that my little brother will make a fortune together?" The bearded man laughed and said on the phone: "Boy, you want to do it with me, okay! But you have to Wait until next time, this time I won't take you to play!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.Obviously this is a warning to us, reminding us that the old ghosts are still in their hands.

Brother Zhang sighed and said, "Even if we call the police, we can't find them now. They probably moved away long ago. Even if we can catch them, I'm afraid the old ghost will also be implicated!" Except for Sasha, we all know Brother Zhang's words The meaning of the meaning, the things that the old ghost did before are also not on the stage, and they cannot be seen in the light. Although they did not catch the current situation, they definitely cannot stand scrutiny.

I stood up and stretched myself and said, "I'm here today, I'm going back, I have something to talk about." Then I turned around and left.When I got home, I greeted my family members with a smile, and introduced to them in detail how beautiful I am today, my 'girlfriend', how sensible I am, how educated I am, unconsciously. After describing Fang Fang's appearance, the coaxed family members are all laughing, and I am also smiling triumphantly, but I know that my heart is bleeding in pain!

Early the next morning, I greeted my family and said that I would go to XJ for a trip the day after tomorrow, so I went to a tour group to sign up, and asked them to figure out what special products I would bring back and then went out.

I'm going to Lop Nur, and I'm going to buy a plane ticket now. Not only do I want to find a chance to rescue the old ghost, but I also want to solve all the problems, especially that Captain Wang!If I can come back alive, I am thinking about the problem with Fang Fang. I didn’t tell Erjian because I didn’t want him to take this risk with me. I want him and Sasha to live a good life. As for the rest, go to hell first!
(End of this chapter)

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