Chapter 322 (3)
The three of us squatted aside and stared at the oil lamp with big eyes.I saw that the flame of the small oil lamp remained motionless for a few minutes. Just when our legs were sore, suddenly the flame of the small oil lamp deflected, pointing the three of us in a direction.The old ghost glanced at that direction and said: "That's the direction, the patriarch's blessing must be right!" After speaking, he walked slowly past with his cigar in his mouth and his hands behind his back.Erjian and I glanced at each other and followed this old magic stick helplessly, but this old magic stick really seldom makes mistakes.

Following this direction is a small courtyard door at the end. Under the lights, the two red small courtyard doors are closed tightly, as if we are not welcome to enter.I took out the pipe shovel from the tool bag I was carrying behind me, and then used the pipe shovel to hit the courtyard door on the right, 'Squeak! With a sound, the courtyard door was pushed open gently, and a thick layer of dust fell down.The courtyard was a bit dark, the old ghost and the second construction took photos of the courtyard with flashlights, and there was a main room facing them, the door of the room was open, and one could clearly see a wooden tea table in the middle of the room, and a grand chair on the left and right.

The three of us walked into the courtyard and took a look. There was a room on the left and right, and the doors were not closed.I walked a few steps towards the main room, wanted to enter the main entrance to have a look, and suddenly said, "Squeak! With a sound, as soon as the black shadow rushed towards me, my first reaction was to smash the black shadow with the shovel in my hand, and just listened to "pop!" ' With a sound, the black shadow was thrown to the ground by me, and it kept thumping.

The old ghost and Erjian were also taken aback. Seeing the black shadow being smashed to the ground, they immediately took a photo with a flashlight. The three of us widened our eyes and saw that it was a big bat!I was almost flattened.Erjian scolded: "Why are these bats everywhere!" The old ghost said with a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's this thing. If there are other things that you can't think of or haven't seen before, then it will be troublesome!"

Walking into the main room, the old ghost took a photo with a flashlight. There are two rooms on the left and right sides of the main room. This room is probably the living room. There is nothing but the tea table and chairs.The old ghost blew the dust off the coffee table, looked at the coffee table and said: "It's not a good wood, and the workmanship is not good. Let's look at other houses." We walked into the room on the left, and there was a large stone The bed took up almost half of the room. There was a futon on the bed that had been decayed for a long time, and what kind of futon it was. A wooden box with the lid open was inside the bed, and it seemed to be a futon or something.
Erjian said: "I heard that the ancients used to put good things under the box. I don't know if this is the way to do it. Let me see!" It was dust flying around, and the old ghost hurriedly retreated outside the house. I hurriedly said to Erjian: "Don't be a money fanatic, do you think this family is a rich owner?" After I finished speaking, I also slipped out of the house.Erjian picked it up a few times and found nothing, so he jumped down resentfully, walked out of the room and said, "You're so fucking poor!"

The old ghost gave Erjian a wry smile and walked into another room.This room is probably a study room, with two rows of wooden bookshelves against the wall, a desk and a chair in the middle, and brushes, ink, paper and inkstones and other four treasures of the study are placed on the desk.The old ghost's eyes slowly scanned from the Four Treasures of the Study on the desk to the bookshelf by the wall, stayed on the bookshelf for a while, then moved away, then shook his head and walked out of the room, I could tell by his expression There was nothing to do in this room, so I followed him out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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