Chapter 218 (4)
This incident is one of the glorious history of Erjian. Today, because of the gangsters making trouble, the progress of the project is slow, so we are going to call it a day. I don’t know how Erjian provoked a bull grazing on the haystack. The bull is red. Eyes, snorting, breathing heavily, hooves pawing the ground, head down, two horns facing Erjian and about to charge.

Erjian quickly dodged, but he didn’t expect the bull to be endless. When Erjian moved to the left, it would go left, when Erjian moved to the right, it would go right, if Erjian retreated, it would move forward. This angered Erjian, originally he He is not a good master, rushing up to grab the two horns of the bull and wrestling with the bull.At this time, I also discovered the problem. It turned out to be Erjian’s fault. Who made him wear a Marlboro brand red T-shirt. I bought a few cigarettes during the promotion of Marlboro, and the manufacturer gave them a gift. He snatched one because it looked good, and now he must be punished, a small advantage can't be taken advantage of!
Erjian's show of strength and this bull's twisting together immediately made the scene lively. A group of team members gathered around to cheer and cheer for Erjian. Brother Zhang and Professor Sun also stared at these two in astonishment. Compete, a bull and a bull.

At this time, all the herdsmen also ran over to watch the excitement, bursting out bursts of cheers from time to time.I clearly remember the training Brother Zhang gave us before we came to the grassland. He specifically talked about the relevant precautions in the grassland. One of them is caring for animals. Otherwise, the herdsmen will be unhappy, but it seems that it is not all right now, at least the surrounding herdsmen are clapping and cheering excitedly, and no one is unhappy. It seems that the times are not good. It's the same, and many old rules don't apply anymore.

I know the brute force of Erjian. One person can carry two match-gas tanks and climb stairs. He never uses tools to open beer. The thumb will fly when he lifts the lid. One punch can knock a big man off the ground.

But today his opponent was a strong bull, but this bull also felt the strength of Erjian, his head was tightly controlled by Erjian's horns, and it was very difficult to twist, one man and one bull just competed.

I saw Erjian's eyes round and round, his arms and muscles were bulging, his face was covered with sweat, and the bull was also panting heavily and snorting, refusing to show weakness, and suddenly shook his head vigorously, throwing Erjian three or four meters away. , the onlookers all let out an exclamation!
After Erjian was thrown out, he retreated several steps before he stabilized. Then he rushed up to grab the bull's horns with a roar and started to fight again, but he was thrown aside again within a minute.After so many times, the second construction team finally got the hang of it and found the bull's weakness.

He grabbed the bull's horns and twisted the bull's head to the left. Naturally, the bull would not let Erjian go as he wished, so he turned his head to the right vigorously. After a stalemate for about a minute, Erjian suddenly roared and violently shook the bull's head. Twisting to the right, he stumbled under his feet, the bull suddenly lost his balance, tilted his body, stumbled on his four hooves again, and fell to the ground with a 'plop'.

(End of this chapter)

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