Chapter 193 (7)
I saw the shield-shaped pattern through the magnifying glass in the old ghost's hand, "a golden eagle flying high is holding a Mongolian scimitar under its claws", the eagle on the pattern looks murderous, with a pair of eagle eyes It is facing us, as if it will attack at any moment.

The old fox looked at the pattern with a bad face. He pointed to the ghost symbols on the picture and asked the old ghost: "What do these mean?" Yes, these texts indicate the actual location of this ancient tomb, but you have to cooperate with a compass on the spot to locate it.”

The old fox nodded after listening and said: "Understood!" Then he turned and sat on the sofa and said: "Please sit down, I am the Mr. Hua who entrusted our government to carry out the bidding. I didn't introduce myself just now. I'm sorry. !” After speaking, he stood up and bowed slightly to apologize to us.

After apologizing, Mr. Hua said to us: "My grandfather went to the place on the map in about [-], but he never came back. He secretly slipped this blueprint to my grandma before he left, and asked my grandma to take it with me. My father went far away. My father was only ten years old at the time. My grandma took a sum of money left by my father and my grandfather to the United States, and found my second grandfather there. My second grandfather opened in the United States. I opened a Chinese restaurant, and my grandma took my father to work in the restaurant. Later, after my grandfather passed away, I passed the restaurant to my father. My father was very good at running the business, and the business grew bigger and bigger, and finally we have today My grandma never forgot my grandfather who never came back, and when she was dying, she urged my father to find my father's remains at all costs, and then buried them together in the northeast of my hometown."

Speaking of this, Mr. Hua was a little emotional, his eyes were moist, he picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped the corners of his eyes and said: "My father is getting old and his health is failing. I am the eldest son at home, so I was asked to handle this matter." Before leaving, I told me that if I can’t find my grandfather’s remains, then I won’t go back. The only clues in my hand are these few pictures, and I have also asked several relevant experts, but No one can understand, I just came up with such an idea, called for bidding, and finally met you, God has eyes! Finally, I have a clue."

At this time, Director Li said to Mr. Hua: "Please rest assured, we will try our best to do it. Before this archaeological work, let's talk about the specific details of cooperation. I think our archaeological team already has this. Do you have the qualifications?" I muttered in my heart next to me: "Don't you just want money, and spend so much money in a high-sounding way, if you want to be a bitch, don't set up a torii, take off your pants quickly, I'm so anxious! "

(End of this chapter)

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