Chapter 178 (7)
Da Tou asked Si Hai expressionlessly, "I want to find Lord Wolf, where is he?" Si Hai immediately confessed honestly: "Master Wolf recently got acquainted with a new circle, Pan Jing is doing well, Master Wolf spends the night there recently." After carefully asking the address and the name of the circle, the big head said to Si Hai: "Within seven days. I'll see you again, you're dead!" After saying that, she turned around and left.Si Hai was both surprised and happy, happy because he didn't expect the big head to let him go so easily, surprised because the big head must have gone to seek revenge from Lord Wolf, neither of these two people can afford to offend each other, so they just disappear and run away , come back when the weather is calm.

The reason why Datou didn't move Sihai was because he was afraid of alarming Master Wolf. Now Sihai belonged to Master Wolf, and if there was any movement, Master Wolf would be disturbed. when.

According to the address given by Si Hai, Datou rode a bicycle to find the circle home, and it turned out to be a single family house.After squatting nearby for two days, at around ten o'clock on the third night, I finally saw Lord Wolf and five or six stubborn masters riding a bicycle to the house of this circle. After Lord Wolf knocked on the door and entered, the five or six stubborn masters pedaled away laughing. up.

The big head looked around and saw that there was no movement, so he slipped to the door and listened to the movement. Inside, Lord Wolf was joking with the circle. The big head thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a good idea how to get in. Let's explain it, so the big head Reach out 'bang!Bang! Knocking on the door, he choked his own neck and shouted the name of that circle, so that the wolf master would not be able to hear his own voice. He said that he had met once before, and the wolf master probably couldn't remember his own voice. .

The teasing and laughing inside stopped immediately, and Lord Wolf scolded angrily: "Where is that idiot, get out!" The big head also scolded: "What kind of idiot are you here to pretend to be a master!" As soon as there was a sound, Master Wolf quickly walked to the door cursing, opened the courtyard door with a 'crash', and cursed: "You don't have long eyes..." He stopped halfway through the curse, and threw a big The scraper pierced deeply into Lord Wolf's chest.

Master Wolf looked at the spatula on his chest in astonishment, and looked at the big head who was glaring at him, and slowly slid down while grabbing the skirt of the big head with both hands.The big head suddenly pulled out the spatula, and the donated blood spurted out immediately, splashing all over his head, face, body and even his mouth. The big head slowly tasted the blood in his mouth. It was fishy and salty, but it made him feel excited and stimulated. He kicked Master Wolf hard, and Master Wolf was kicked three or four meters away, lying on his back in the yard, the blood from his chest gushing out like a fountain.

The big head turned around, got on the bicycle and ran, and there was a scream from the circle behind him, "Killer, murderer! Help!" Hearing this voice, the big head hurriedly accelerated his pedaling speed. After a while, it might be dawn, All the recalcitrant owners of BJ City must know about this, and if they don't leave, I'm afraid they will end up badly.

After the big head told the old ghost, his eyes gradually became moist when he saw the speeding up train and BJ whose outline gradually blurred. He didn't know when he would come back from this walk, maybe a few years, maybe decades, maybe forever!Datou grabbed Erguotou in front of him with trembling hands and raised his head, 'Gudong!Gudong! ' After drinking all of them, he looked at the empty wine bottle in his hand and muttered: "When I get drunk, I get rid of my worries! When I get drunk, I get rid of my worries!" After speaking, he threw the bottle and fell asleep on the berth.

(End of this chapter)

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