Chapter 167 (3)
The middle-aged man nodded and put the wooden box on the table and opened it gently, very carefully.After the box was opened, we saw a green Jade Maitreya Buddha inside. This Jade Maitreya Buddha is very finely carved, the material is fine and smooth, well-proportioned, with big earlobes and shoulders, a pleasant smile, and details such as eyes, nose, nose and ears are carved lifelike. Nuanced.In my eyes, this is definitely a good item of great value, it depends on how the old donkey got it.

Unexpectedly, the old donkey stopped looking after just one glance, and gently covered the wooden box and said to the middle-aged man: "I don't care where you got this thing, but I don't want to take it, because the value of this thing and The glass is almost the same, you can take it away." Not only the middle-aged man, but Erjian and I were stunned when he said this, right?
The middle-aged man stared blankly at the old donkey, and then asked the old donkey: "I have inquired about it, and your shop is considered to be the number one in this area. I want your shop to reject it." Things in this area are considered to be a death sentence, but you have to make me understand."

The old donkey said: "I saw jade of this kind of material in the south in the past eight years or so. This is called Malay jade. Although it is also called jade, it is almost worthless compared with real jadeite and Tian jade. Strictly speaking, It can’t be called jade, this thing cheated a lot of people at that time, and I don’t know how many people lost their homes because of it, it’s a lot of harm!”

The middle-aged man turned pale when he heard this, and his body was about to fall, but he still had a glimmer of hope and asked the old donkey, "You read that right?" There is a shop more than ten meters away that sells this kind of thing, you will know it when you look at it."

The middle-aged man laughed miserably, picked up the wooden box, and stumbled out of the old donkey's shop. The second construction boss and I couldn't bear to look at the man's back, so I sighed and said, "Another one out, I don't know." How much has been cheated, it seems that I can't turn over."

The old donkey also sighed and said: "Some are happy and some are sad. Let's get it right. This business doesn't pay tuition fees! Last month, two shops in this area were cheated several times." One hundred thousand, where can I find someone to settle accounts, and I have to admit that I am unlucky."

The three of us were sighing for that middle-aged man. When the store door opened, the old ghost walked in. The three of us turned our heads and saw that there was a man with a height of about 1.7 meters and a model next to him. A beautiful woman with an average figure, judging from her appearance, this beauty is definitely not a Han nationality. She has a high nose bridge, big eyes, fair skin, long black hair mixed with golden shawls, and a white dress. I suddenly felt that my eyes were shocked. Heart' clicked! 'A jump, it's so beautiful!

The beauty looked at the three of us all looking at her, and lowered his head in embarrassment. The old ghost coughed and cut off all the hot eyes of the three of us, and all our attention turned to him, but the eyes of my brother It's full of question marks.

(End of this chapter)

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