Chapter 151 (1)
Professor Sun gave Erjian and me a blank look, then looked at the two old thread-bound books in his hand and said, "The thicker one of these two books is the hand-copied "Diamond Sutra". The written record similar to autobiography written by the deceased before his death, forgive me for taking these two books back for research, and it is estimated that the answer to the mystery lies in this autobiography."

Suddenly, Xiao Wuzi, who was taking pictures in front of the coffin, exclaimed: "What's going on? This corpse has changed!" We heard 'Hula! ’ So they surrounded the past, patronized to look at these, and forgot that there was another person lying in the coffin.When he got closer, he couldn't help being startled. In such a short time, a thin layer of white hair grew on the corpse's hands, and his face gradually turned from blue to black. The face looked more and more ferocious now, as if something was about to protrude from the mouth, it gradually bulged.

As soon as the old ghost saw it, he shouted: "Quickly build the coffin, the corpse is about to change!" Erjian and I quickly lifted the coffin lid from the ground and said, "Boom!" ’ It was fastened to the coffin, and then the Erjian picked up the big hammer next to it. The old ghost took out a star officer’s crucifixion needle from his bag and held it in his hand. I slowly pulled out the saber, and the two Eyes fixed on the coffin lid, ready to strike at any time.

Brother Zhang calmly said to the surrounding team members: "Don't panic, all go to the exit!" Immediately, people scattered like birds and beasts, and immediately around the coffin were only me, the old ghost Zhang and Professor Sun.

The five of us kept a distance of several meters from the coffin and observed it. Under the light, the big coffin stood motionless and quietly in front of us. Everyone looked very nervous, and I could hear my heartbeat. , I was thinking: "If there is such a situation as a fraudulent corpse, it can be regarded as unlucky home. Is it possible that a corpse that has been hundreds of years will be resurrected? If it is a fraudulent corpse, where will it be effective to attack it? Head, throat ┉"

After more than ten minutes, the coffin was still motionless. There was no movement at all. The old ghost went to the coffin and listened carefully. The coffin has been opened, and this thing is not alive." Professor Sun said, "Maybe this corpse has not been exposed to fresh air for hundreds of years, and suddenly reacted when exposed to it. This is also possible." Brother Zhang said: "We should hand it over to the local Let the government and the Bureau of Cultural Relics settle it, our job is over, and the rest is up to them!" Erjianyi and I nodded repeatedly when we heard that Brother Zhang was right!

After leaving the ancient tomb, Brother Zhang discussed with the head of the local archaeological team, and the head of the local archaeological team called his superiors for instructions.At about six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, a large container truck came, and a few people came down and transported the large coffin out with the local archaeological team, put it on the car and carried it away, watching the container truck drive away I let out a sigh of relief, it's over, otherwise I won't be able to sleep well at night!
Erjian and I have to stay here tonight, and we will pack up our things and prepare to go back to BJ tomorrow morning. This archaeological activity is really anticlimactic, but it’s not in vain. At least it’s a tour of the scenery, so let’s treat it as a tour.

(End of this chapter)

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