Chapter 148 (5)
Erjian asked the old ghost: "There is no monk here, right?" The old ghost said, "It is rare to engrave Buddhist scriptures on the coffin. It is probably used to suppress corpses. It seems that the zombies inside are not ordinary zombies." I said to them, "Since there are no good things and we have come across this thing, let's not bother, go out and report on the work, and let Brother Zhang make the decision." The old ghost and I went out, and said to me as we walked: "This is called hell, I will find a big hammer when I open the coffin, and I will smash it!" I said: "That's right, Let me be happy in vain, it’s a waste of emotion to meet such a poor tomb!” The old ghost said with a smile: “You two are archaeologists now, you have to think about problems and look at your work from an academic point of view.” We heard it at the same time. Turning to the old ghost, he said, "Fuck you!"

Brother Zhang was waiting anxiously outside the tomb passage. When he saw the three of us coming out, he hurried over. He was relieved to see that the three of us were fine. Called Professor Sun and local colleagues outside to hold an on-site meeting, and the others continued to wire and connect lights.

The on-site meeting lasted for more than half an hour, and the result was unexpectedly consistent this time, that is, continue to work, do whatever you want, I thought to myself: "Fate, it seems that I have to deal with the guy in the coffin, hide Don’t open it!” Sure enough, the old ghost told Erjian and I to return to the coffin.This time, all the people arrived. Professor Zhang Gesun, Captain Liu of the local archaeological team, and other team members were all standing here.

More than a dozen lights have been set up in this open space. Under the lights, the coffin does not look so creepy, but rather antique.Professor Sun gently wiped off the dust on the coffin lid with a dry towel, and then took out a large magnifying glass from his carry-on bag to carefully observe the Sanskrit engraved on the lid.

After more than ten minutes, Professor Sun raised his head and said to us: "The scripture engraved in Sanskrit is "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vow Sutra". All sentient beings are free from suffering and attain happiness, and I wish to save all sentient beings to eventually become Buddhas, and this sutra is engraved on this position, it seems that this deceased person has deep resentment!"

I shuddered when I heard that, and murmured to the Erjian next to me: "Unlucky! I didn't see gold, silver, treasures, jewelry and jade, but I came across such a thing. It's quite angry, wouldn't it be maddening?" ?” Er Jian nodded and said, “It’s probably about the same, either the daughter-in-law ran away with someone, or the family property was burned, or there is so much resentment!”

Professor Sun said to Brother Zhang: "All the answers to mysteries can only be found after the coffin is opened and inspected. I have never seen such a simple and well-guarded ancient tomb." Brother Zhang nodded to me and the old ghost Erjian and said: "Open Coffin, be careful." The old ghost said: "Okay, but except for the three of us, it's best for everyone else to stay away from the coffin as far as possible to avoid danger." Professor Zhang Gesun and others nodded and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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