Chapter 121 (5)
After walking for a while, the dirt road turned around to the hillside above the yard after a while, just in time to see the whole yard, the old ghost stopped and Yanyan looked at this hellish place and exhaled with lingering fear, It can be regarded as escaped.A waning moon in the night sky shone with cold light strangely. Under the moonlight, the old ghost suddenly saw the exorcist standing motionless in the courtyard. A night owl howled and passed behind the mortician, he turned around abruptly, his green eyes looked so vicious under the moonlight!Suddenly he raised his head and let out a long howl to the moon. The howl was full of resentment and resentment, like the howl of a wounded beast before dying, and then he fell straight down. The yard was immediately silent, only the house A little fire in the house proves that someone has been here before.

The old ghost led Yanyan to walk in the same direction. Yanyan was a little frightened, and held onto the old ghost's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that the old ghost would leave her alone.The two of them walked for an unknown amount of time, and the sky gradually became brighter, and the sun gradually rose from the east. Finally, they saw someone, and the old ghost was relieved.

Arriving near the Jishou Railway Station, the old ghost found an inn and had some breakfast downstairs. Yanyan was obviously frightened, and she followed the old ghost wherever he went. The old ghost had no choice but to ask for a room to stay with Yanyan. , and then comforted for a long time, Yanyan fell asleep, but his hands were still tightly clutching the old ghost's clothes. The old ghost sat on the bedside with a wry smile and looked at Yanyan, and fell asleep unconsciously.A day and a night passed like this.

The next morning, the old ghost took Yanyan out of the inn to buy some dry food and water, and got on the train back to BJ. As more and more people were on the train, Yanyan gradually returned to normal, and began to talk to the old ghost. The chat is over.After the old ghost arrived in BJ, the old ghost sent Yanyan back home. On the train, the old ghost knew that Yanyan lived in the military compound. This time, he sneaked out with his family and classmates behind his back.Arriving at the gate of a military compound, Yanyan asked the old ghost to sit at his house, but the old ghost shook her head and refused, so forget it.Seeing Yanyan walking into the courtyard step by step and turning her head three times, the old ghost finally felt at ease, this little girl probably won't run around again after learning this lesson!

Then the old ghost stayed in BJ for a long time, until after [-], he left BJ and went to XJ with a stubborn master nicknamed Big Head.

After listening to the old ghost's experience, I asked the old ghost: "What is that stinky medicine cake that the mortician ate last, and how did it have such a powerful medicine that it turned people into monsters?" "The old ghost said: "After many years, I have traveled to many places and met more people before I understand a little bit. Many of the industry of exorcising corpses is passed down from generation to generation in the family. It has a long history. Zombie families all have their own characteristics and unique skills. They are passed on to their sons and not to their daughters. There are many rules. I heard that some exorcising families have a tradition of raising corpses. Such families can drive zombies, and they were the most prosperous in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is said that many rich and powerful families repair their own tombs in advance, and then buy zombies from corpse exorcising families to protect the tombs. The descendants of the families who walk the rivers and lakes and are engaged in the corpse industry all carry a medicine cake made from a piece of meat from the medicine corpse. The function of this medicine cake is to deter ordinary zombies. Under normal circumstances, it can protect itself from harm. Ordinary zombies will obey and drive away as soon as they smell the smell of medicine cakes.But if the mortician neglects his duty and fails to protect the corpse, causing the corpse to be damaged and violated, and ruining the family's reputation, then the mortician must be punished or restore the family's reputation. The medicine cake is like a soldier's honorable ammunition. , the mortician took revenge by turning into a zombie for a short period of time after taking the medicine cake, but the consequence was that his life was over as soon as the medicine was over! "

(End of this chapter)

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