Chapter 112 (3)
Brother Zhang smiled and said to the third son and the second construction: "You two are arguing as soon as you meet. I can't help it. After I finish speaking, you two continue." There was a landslide in some places in the mountainous area, and an ancient tomb was washed out. After getting the news, the local government quickly sent people to the scene to blockade and protect it. At the same time, the local archaeological team excavated the ancient tomb. Several team members drilled holes with a drilling machine, and suddenly a puff of gas came out of the drilled hole. As soon as this gas came into contact with the high-temperature drill bit that was rotating at high speed, it immediately burned and turned into a flame. Several team members were burned, and the experts who arrived later conducted research and analysis on the scene, confirming that this is one of the anti-theft organs of the ancient tomb, and also proved that this is a large ancient tomb that has not been stolen.This discovery made the relevant local departments both happy and worried. The happy thing is that such a large ancient tomb has never been stolen, and the worry is that there is a shortage of talents with experience in excavating large ancient tombs. To guide the excavation is to destroy, and no one can bear this responsibility, so I contacted colleagues from various places, but now our archaeological team in BJ has no task. Our bureau held a meeting and decided to go to Xiangxi to participate in this archaeological work next month. The director's special instructions emphasized that this work must be led by me personally, only success is not allowed.

Brother Zhang said to me and the old ghost Erjian after the lecture: "We will have a meeting to announce this after work on Monday, and make preparations to go out for half a month to a month." Can be pulled out.The old ghost was holding a glass of wine in a daze, and he didn't know what he was thinking. We all looked at him for more than a minute and he didn't realize it. Master Shovel patted him on the shoulder. The wine glass spilled a lot of wine.I asked the old ghost: "What's the matter, is there a problem? You are the main force in our team this time, and I rely on you to command the brothers." The old ghost apologized and said to Brother Zhang: "When I mentioned Xiangxi just now, I Thinking of the past, I was distracted. Brother Zhang asked: "It seems that you have been to Xiangxi before, and you have a particularly deep memory, right?" The old ghost nodded, and Erjian asked with a smile: "I see, is the old lover there, or why are you distracted?" "The old ghost looked at Erjian with a smirk and shook his head, and I asked him: "That must be something that attracts you in that place. Tell me, why don't we just talk about it?" "The old ghost looked at me with the golden light in his eyes and shook his head helplessly, Master Shovel said casually: 'Seeing that you are so out of your mind, you have been hooked by the exorcist, right?"

Unexpectedly, the old ghost nodded and said, "Almost." Then there was no sound.Master Shovel was surprised and said: "I am not a few years older than you. I have been doing archaeological work for so many years. I have never even seen a moving zombie. How can you encounter such evil?" Brother Zhang also asked in surprise : "I have long heard that Xiangxi's exorcism is a lie. It is dressed up as a living person. Could it be that the one you encountered is different from the rumored one?"

(End of this chapter)

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