Apocalypse Safe Space

Chapter 16 Homecoming

Chapter 16 Homecoming
No.17 Homecoming
At around nine o'clock in the morning, the train that wandered all night finally stopped in the small town.Su Wenwen returned with a full load of babies.

Du Dawei and his wife, who had been tortured for several hours, finally took a breath.It is simply a monster, how can even a child have such great strength, thinking of the experience just now, both of them shuddered, secretly praying to God, never to meet them again.

After the flight attendant and the old policeman left, Du Dawei wanted to snatch the video from me.How can I let him succeed?
When the baby saw that someone was going to bully his mother, he acted like a little man to protect his mother, stretched out his hand, twisted Du Dawei's arm behind his back, and stepped him on the ground.Du Da's tail couldn't move at all, and the eldest lady rushed up, but was also thrown to the ground by the baby, and the howling sound like killing a pig came out immediately.I quickly set up a sound barrier in the room, and locked the door.

If I hadn't stopped in time, the baby would have broken Du Dawei's waist.In this way, his arm was also strained, and he couldn't lift heavy things without Sanyue.

These two masters who bully the soft and fear the hard will be taken down by the baby like this, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, they are really soft bastards.However, just because they wanted to rob me just now, they can't be so cheap, so the interest must be paid.

"Who just accused us of stealing his gold necklace?"

"Yes, it's us, it's our fault, we apologize, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Du Dawei and his wife looked downcastly and pretended to be pitiful.

"Then who wants our mother and I to go to prison for ten years?"

"Ah, it's our mouths, we reported a false case, we deserve to die." As Du Dawei supported the ground with his injured hand, grinning in pain, the eldest lady also squeezed out a flattering smile, hehe and apologetic.

"Hey, who is that, thinking about the old case ten years ago, and yesterday's 1 yuan, insisting on killing us?"

"We are wrong, we are bad, we are shameless and despicable. I will never dare to retaliate in the future. Please don't beat us, I can't take it anymore. I will promise you whatever you want."

Seeing my cold gaze, Du Dawei's face was flushed from holding back, and he was sweating coldly.

"Hmph! Any conditions are really acceptable?"

"Yes, as long as we can do it, any conditions are fine. Wenwen, for the sake of classmates, treat us as farts, please forgive us?"

"Yo, now I remember that we were classmates. I thought you remembered the old grievances from the past. But it's okay, when Mayor Du searched so many people's hearts and minds, he should spit out some."

I looked at the fat Du Dawei on the ground, gesturing how to cut the knife.

After a while, another 1000 million Chinese currency was added to my bank card.They are really rich, and they carry 1000 million cards with them. Robbing them is much faster than winning a lottery.

Yay, great success, great!

What/, said I robbed?No, this is what they voluntarily compensated us, there was no coercion at all.Besides, who of you believes that a four-year-old baby will trample two adults on the ground and be unable to move.So, besides the initiative to give, what else!
Now every frown and smile between me and the baby has become their nightmare.

Seeing the couple huddled on the bed, I have no interest in torturing them. These two people are worth a little money now except for a suit of clothes, and there is nothing I value.I picked my teeth, picked up the baby, and told him stories, which made him giggle, and the two of them returned to their harmless cat and dog expressions.

My baby and I finally returned to the home we had been away for a long time.

After the apocalypse happened, I could no longer contact my family. When I think of this, my heart is broken and I am extremely sad.Now the parents and adults who have been thinking about it day and night are in front of them, and they are still so kind and kind.I put down the baby, jumped on it, hugged my mother tightly, and cried loudly indulgently.I vented my longing, grievance, fright, and fear for more than a year.

My side was flooded, but it frightened my parents.Quickly asked me: "You child, what happened, did Yang Guang bully you? I'll go to him to settle the score!" Then, angrily, he asked his father to call Yang Guang to question Yang Guang.

"No, no, Yang Guang didn't bully me, I just haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you so much." I gently touched my mother's wrinkles and said distressedly.

"Then why are you crying, you startled us. This child!" Mom said with a smile, enjoying my intimacy.

"Mom, grandma, grandpa, you don't care about me, I want to eat something delicious." The baby stretched out his fat little hand to beg for food.

"Baby, my good grandson, grandpa bought you a big cake with a lot of cream and jam, all of which you like to eat." The old man picked up the baby and walked into the house.

In the last life, I couldn't protect myself, I couldn't take care of my parents, and I felt so guilty that I was going to die. In this life, I have the ability, so I must protect them well.

In the next few days, I quietly mixed the drinking water at home with the spiritual spring water in the space, and replaced the vegetables I ate little by little.Needless to say, after a few days, Mom and Dad's health gradually improved.

My mother used to have optic atrophy, and she could only see one or two meters away, and she couldn't see people clearly.In the past two days, it has improved a little bit, people are no longer blurred, and gradually everything around becomes clearer.How long has this feeling been gone?It seems to be almost ten years.Touching the face, wrinkles are also visibly reduced.Hmm, weird.

When my father was young, he was a soldier, and in the middle of the night in the twelfth lunar month, when he was ordered from above, he had to jump into waist-deep cold water to swim, and then marched hurriedly.After a few years, I suffered from old cold legs and old cold waist.It hurts, I break out in a cold sweat, and I can't straighten my waist.When I was young, I still had the capital of my body to eat, but now, I have to bend my legs and back when I walk.

After drinking the space spirit spring water and eating space vegetables, Dad's health has improved a lot.In just a few days, the pain in my waist and legs was gone, I could straighten up, my whole body was full of energy, and I was able to walk like a young man.

Dad and Mom chatted at night, talking about these changes in their bodies, they were all amazed.The health of the two of them is getting better and better. In just a few days, there has been such a big change, as if they are several decades younger.All of this is what happened after the old girl came back. Could it be the blessing brought by the old girl?
It is said that people become mature with age, and my parents guessed that these things have nothing to do with me.

The next day, I saw that I got a big fish out of nowhere, and it was very delicious.Mom couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wen'erna, you are a college student, do you still remember the story of Duke Yu?" Mom asked tentatively.

"Of course I remember, Mom, what do you want to say?" I answered while picking fishbone for the baby.

"The Bian He over there had the most precious treasure in the world. He didn't hide it properly and bide his time. In the end, he was murdered to death. As a human being, he doesn't have enough strength, and his wealth cannot be leaked. Otherwise, he will invite disaster and cause trouble, and he will not be able to protect himself."

"Mom, I know." I didn't care.

"After you came back, the health of your mother and I has improved day by day in the past few days. The old diseases of the past have disappeared, and the whole person has become more than ten years younger. Is it related to you?"

"I can't, maybe it's because you took some panacea advertised outside that your health became better." My father and mother are getting older, and they always like to buy hype health products that are advertised, and they are deceived a lot. money.I joked.

"Don't be poor with me. I know those health care products are useless. I haven't bought or eaten them at all during this time."

"Since you came back, the water you drink these days is not the same as before. It tastes much better, and the taste of food is also different from before. After drinking this and eating this, I feel that my whole body has endless energy. Jin. These have all gone through your hands, and you still say it has nothing to do with you?" the old man asked,
"That's what your daughter is blessed to bring to you." I was still playing guerrilla with them with a playful smile on my face.

"What about this fish, you didn't buy fish at all, where did you get it?" It was still my mother who hit the right spot all of a sudden.

"Mom, Dad, don't you want me to hide my strength and bide my time, why are you asking me so clearly?"

"We see that it's dangerous for you to reveal yourself so easily, so we remind you."

"Don't worry, those who have no strength have treasures, it is called the crime of carrying a jade, and those who are capable will not be afraid."

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(End of this chapter)

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