wife aggressive

Chapter 46 Was Uncle Stealing His Wife?

Chapter 46 Was Uncle Stealing His Wife?

Listen to Yuxuanli.

Qiao Yuxuan was sitting alone in the bamboo pavilion, with a lyre across his lap.

Pointing, dialing, lifting, shaking... As the fingertips move, the melody that seems to flow like clouds and flowing water fills the entire yard.

Before Yun Yun entered the door, the sound of the piano was already heard from afar.

She also knew this song, it was none other than the legendary "High Mountain and Flowing Water".

When the clouds came in with the silver willows pushing the door, Qiao Yuxuan was playing to the climax, and the undulating melody of falling rocks depicted a scene of surging water, as if he was going to the most surging part of a big river.

Listening to the sound of the zither, Yunyun seemed to understand the strong emotions suppressed in the player's heart. She almost instinctively followed the sound of the zither and pulled Yinliu all the way, and wanted to listen to Duanxiang again, only to hear a sharp buzzing sound. However, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

"High mountains and flowing water meet a bosom friend, who can listen if the bosom friend is not there?"

Qiao Yuxuan sighed softly, and slowly raised his head, only to realize that Yunyun had arrived at the path opposite the bamboo pavilion at some time.

One is his wife who respects him like a guest, and the other is a brother named uncle and nephew who cherishes each other, but they betrayed him at the same time.

Boya still has Zhong Ziqi, but for him, the world is so big that no one can understand it!
"The end of Jiao is broken in the setting sun, and there is no piano in the world!" Qiao Yuxuan slowly recited the last two lines of the poem, feeling unbearable depression in his heart.

He took a breath, raised his hand suddenly, and swiped vigorously.

With the ear-piercing buzzing sound, the other six strings of the Guqin were all torn off by him.

The broken string collapsed on the back of the hand, piercing a deep wound, the hot blood overflowed and turned into ice, got up and threw the broken stringed qin in the stream, Qiao Yuxuan walked around the clouds on the stream, and strode out of Ting Yuxuan .


Yinliu called him anxiously, but he didn't pay any attention.

Yinliu sighed for a long time, hurried to the stream, fished out the broken string, hugged it back to Yunyun, and hurriedly took out the silk handkerchief to wipe the water stains on the piano.

"He threw it all away, why do you have to fish it out again!" Yun Yun frowned and looked at the guqin, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

Yinliu rubbed the body of the qin, her voice was also a bit bitter, "We didn't provoke him, but we don't know how to lose our temper for nothing!"

Yun Yun took a deep breath, didn't say anything else, turned around and strode back to the bedroom, Yinliu only hugged Qin and followed behind her, and was worried that she would be upset when she saw the Qin, so she put the Qin on the stone railing in the corridor, carefully Wipe it up.

Noticing that there were only some basic medicine bowls left on the stone railing, Yinliu couldn't help feeling suspicious.

She remembered that Yun Yun didn't drink the medicine when she left in a hurry, how could the bowl be empty!

(End of this chapter)

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