Fashen live room

Chapter 434 The end of the world

Chapter 434 The end of the world
The frozen continent is indeed not suitable for survival, and Norman feels this deeply.

Living in the frozen continent, looking around, everything is white in all directions. Apart from white, there is no second color in the whole continent.

This is completely a world made up of ice and snow.

The most frightening thing is that even the sun seems to be afraid of the severe cold here, and the whole world is pitch black, only half of the moon hangs in the sky, casting dim rays of light to barely give the world light.But these lights are enough for the Dragon Clan, enough for them to see this snow-white world clearly.

And in this darkness, there is a bright light somewhere on the ice land, and if you look closely, you can see that it is a person.

It's Norman.

He was standing on the ice land at the moment, his whole body exuded colorful lights, his head was raised, and he looked at the scene in front of him with a serious expression.

Dragon explorers who have returned from the Frozen Continent once said that although the environment of the Frozen Continent is harsh, the dragons can barely move with their strong bodies, but that is for normal dragons.

Although Norman has also practiced the "Funeral Heart Sutra", his practice time is too short. Even though he has made rapid progress, compared with those dragons who have practiced for hundreds of years, his cultivation level in the "Funeral Heart Sutra" is still It's too superficial, which makes him unable to completely rely on his own body to resist the severe cold of the frozen continent, and he needs to constantly cast level 5 buffer energy damage to assist him. The non-human body of "Heart Sutra" is able to survive on the frozen continent.

For a white-robed mage, the consumption of level 5 spells is not high, but it is absolutely unbearable to maintain it permanently for 24 hours. He meditates all the time, which allows his magic power to keep up with the consumption rate.

The Heart Sutra of the Funeral Day and the Heart Sutra of Catch the Sea are intertwined to enable Norman to survive on the frozen continent, and both are indispensable.

But now no one cares about that, everyone's attention is focused on the scene in front of them.

In front of Norman and the others is a vast ice field. At a glance, it seems to be no different from other places on the frozen continent, but if you look closely, you can see that it is weird.

In the ice field in front of them, strange colors often flashed in the space above the ground, and the scene in the same space often changed.This feeling is very indescribable. If you have to compare it, it's like a whole piece of transparent glass is constantly shattering.

This is a natural moat, and Norman was already very familiar with this scene during the flight all the way.

"The end of the world, this must be the end of the world..."

A mumbling voice came from the air to Norman's left.

It was a huge green dragon with a pair of eyes staring at the scene in front of him. Those words came out of his mouth.

He is Zhang Han, one of the two dragons who followed Shen Junzhu back to Lin'an to ascend the Temple of Heaven. This time he opened up the path of glory, and he walked with Norman as a representative of the opposition.

Besides Zhang Han and Norman, there were two other dragons present, namely the green dragon standing on the right side of Norman, his old acquaintance Qin Hao, and Chen Qinghe standing behind Norman.Qin Hao is traveling on behalf of the royalists, Chen Qinghe is the representative of the opposition party, together with Norman and Zhang Han, these are all the travelers on this new world exploration trip after the negotiation of the court meeting.

Ten days have passed since Norman and the others left the territory of the Northland.During these ten days, they spent seven days passing through the windless zone, and three days spent on the frozen continent, but now, they finally had to stop because they encountered a natural moat.

Logically speaking, the moats on the continent should be at extremely high altitudes, and other places in the frozen continent do obey this rule, but as they go northward, the moats on the frozen continent do not follow this rule. The lower it is, until here, the sky moat is directly connected to the ground, and it is no longer passable.

They seemed to have reached the end of the world, so it was no wonder that Zhang Han would say such things.

Is this really the end of the world?Has the Knights Templar finally miscalculated?The so-called Road to Glory does not exist at all?He still needs to continue to waste an unknown number of years in the Dragon Clan? ...

Norman kept his mouth shut as a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this time, Qin Hao, who was standing on the right side of Norman, spoke.

"The devil."

This sound temporarily pulled Norman's thoughts back.

After looking up at Qin Hao, he followed his gaze and saw a huge figure not far from their right.

The figure was generally in the shape of a human, standing facing the natural moat in front of him, a full four or five meters high.

The figure was surrounded by ice, which wrapped the giant in an irregular cone shape, and the bottom part was connected with the ice land.

He is like an ice sculpture, standing facing the moat.

This is the Demon Race. Norman has seen several of them during the three days of traveling on the Frozen Continent. They were in various postures of death, and because of the special weather in the Frozen Continent, their bodies were completely mutilated. preserved.

The days of these demons being blocked by the wall of the sky in the border of the north seem to be difficult, and they have thought about finding a new world from the windless belt, but their physique is not as good as that of the dragons, even if some of them come to the frozen continent , and eventually died here.Even the most powerful among them, after all, there is nothing they can do when they come here—from the posture of the demons, Norman seems to be able to feel his despair at that time through time and space.

"Let's go back."

Chen Qinghe, who was standing behind Norman and remained silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Father God deceived you. Although he doesn't know why he descended on a dragon descendant like you that day, he should have seen your dragon blood. , and God will not help the Dragon Clan.”

go back?

Norman was not reconciled, but they really couldn't move forward.

After they discovered the abnormality of the natural moat in the north of the frozen continent, they have already made efforts: they once walked eastward along the natural moat, but at the end they found that it was still a natural moat. It is natural moat.

Tianzhu is like a bowl turned upside down on the table. It has blocked all the roads going north from the frozen continent. The only feasible way is the way from the south.So even if Norman is not reconciled, there is only one way left for them now.

go back.

After Norman stood silently for a while, the unwillingness in his chest gradually calmed down.

keep waiting...

He opened his mouth slightly, and was about to order to return when Lancelot's voice suddenly came.

"Take out the astrolabe, we will do the final calculation!"

(End of this chapter)

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