Fashen live room

Chapter 412 Endless Wheel Chapter

Chapter 412 Endless Reincarnation
In the church in Ashley Village, dead bodies are everywhere.

Although these people were all strangled to death by Norman and did not bleed, this does not mean that the church was clean. The church was full of stench due to incontinence when they died.

Norman squatted on the ground, having already obtained the final result he wanted, beside him was the only living creature besides him, Old Norman.

Old Norman did not escape like the others after he escaped from Norman's hands. Now he is facing Norman, squatting beside the dead pastor, groping with his hands on the pastor's body, while groping, He was still talking.

"...You killed the pastor, Master Button will not let you go, you really want to kill, why didn't you kill Master Button just now... You can no longer stay in the village, go to Cardenas , my sister lives there..."

Although the old Norman was almost killed by Norman just now, not only did he not blame his son, but he was still thinking about his son and making suggestions for his survival.

After Norman stood up silently from the ground, this was what he saw.

Paternal love is like a mountain, and at this moment Norman realized the meaning of the word.

Looking at the thin but extremely broad back in front of him, his eyes softened, but his footsteps did not stop at all. He came behind Old Norman in two steps, then bent down, and stretched out his right hand silently. When the old Norman's chin was reached, he gently grasped the old Norman's neck and squeezed it.

The old Norman's body struggled wildly and violently in an instant, desperately trying to break free from his son's poisonous hands.

Seeing this scene, Norman's eyes were full of unbearable, and his face twitched involuntarily, but he didn't stop his movements, and he didn't turn his eyes away. Instead, the strength in his hands increased a little.

cha cha cha

There was a subtle crisp sound, which was very clear to Norman.

That was the sound of old Norman's throat cracking.

Old Norman's struggle became more violent and frantic. It seemed that all the power of his life burst out at this moment, but facing Norman's enormous strength, the power erupted from his thin body could not be shaken at all. This kind of powerless despair made Norman see it, and his eyes couldn't bear the pain, but there was still no weakness in his hands, but even more force.

Old Norman's struggling movements soon weakened, and finally, as his last bit of breath was squeezed out from his larynx, and he let out a slight "cuckoo", the old Norman came to a complete stillness, and the whole figure seemed to be one The mud was lying on the ground like that, if it wasn't for Norman's hand to hold it, it would have flowed to the ground.

Did I do it right or did it wrong?

Norman didn't know, he only knew that since he had chosen this method, he could only do it after the result came out. This was his only way now.

But he knew immediately whether he was right or wrong.

After Norman withdrew his palm from the old Norman's neck, the old Norman's body fell to the ground along the way. After falling to the ground, it didn't stir up dust, but it was like a basin of water poured on the ground. The whole thing turned into countless "drops of water" and scattered in all directions!
Not only that, as the old Norman's body turned into "drops" that split apart, so did the corpses in the church, and then the chairs, floors, and statues all turned into "drops" and shattered. It's the church, the trees, the earth, the sky...

The whole world turned into "drops of water" and shattered before Norman's eyes. This dazzling and magnificent scene made the water friends in the live broadcast room sigh again.

When the world was completely shattered, the scene before Norman's eyes changed.

He saw that he had reappeared over Fei Leng Cui.

In the distance in front of him is Ao Ye, who calls himself the Dragon King of the North Sea. On his left is Fang Xiangru, whose head is as black as ink. Around him, are the dozen or so sea people floating in every corner of the air. , in all directions around him, there are different colorful colors, which split the space of Fei Leng Cui into countless blocks.


Norman saw that with his appearance, Ao Ye in the distance in front of him was dumbfounded, his face was full of shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Ao Ye was really surprised, because this was the first time he saw someone who could get out of the three thousand worlds!

The forbidden curse of the Three Thousand Worlds can be said to be Ao Ye's housekeeping skill. It is so powerful and effective. No one knows it better than Ao Ye. It can be said to be the forbidden curse among the forbidden curses.There is only one way to fight against this forbidden curse, and that is to counteract it with the forbidden curse from the very beginning, just like Fang Xiangru, using the power of the forbidden curse to protect the body so as not to fall into reincarnation - of course, this is only to postpone death .

Fighting against the forbidden spell from the very beginning is the only way to fight against the three thousand worlds. Once you fall into the three thousand worlds, even if you are a mage of the original source and a mage of the forbidden spell, it will have no effect and you can only suffer from it. die.No matter from historical records or Ao Ye's own experience, this is the case. No one can get out of the three thousand worlds.

But the human being in front of Ao Ye broke this law, so how could Ao Ye not be shocked?
The heart of this human saint is so firm?It's really scary...

The Dragon King of the North Sea didn't know that the reason why Norman was able to wake up was entirely because he had a live broadcast room connected to another world in his body, which was equivalent to an alarm clock, which perfectly restrained the beauty of his three thousand worlds.

Ao Ye was extremely shocked, but Norman ignored him, quickly scanned the surrounding scene, and then took a look at his own physical condition, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His huge spiritual power has returned, and the magic power in the meditation space is also surging, which is exactly the level of a four-star white-robed mage.

He did not choose wrongly, it was indeed an illusion just now, the world right now is real, he is indeed Norman, a human saint and a four-star white-robed mage.

But soon he was faced with a new problem.

How should he break the current forbidden spell?
Norman obviously can't leave now, which can be seen from Fang Xiangru, so breaking the current forbidden spell is his only way out now, but this goes back to the previous question: after the experience just now Next, Norman found that after going through this illusion, the extremely excited and exhausted state in his mental power became even more intense!This made him wonder how to adjust his state of mind to the artistic conception required by the forbidden spell, and if he couldn't cast the forbidden spell, what else could he do to break the forbidden spell?
Norman thought again.

Fang Xiangru, who was beside Norman, was concentrating on casting the forbidden spell, but Norman's sudden appearance made him a little distracted, a flash of surprise flashed in his solemn eyes, followed by unconcealable surprise.

As the prime minister of the dragon clan, Fang Xiangru's knowledge is much more extensive than Norman's. Although Norman didn't know what the forbidden spell was, he vaguely guessed it. The reason——if it was the forbidden spell, his forbidden spell might not be valid.

It can be said that they are now in danger.

But Norman's sudden appearance brought a glimmer of hope to the worried Fang Xiangru.

If this curse is really the one he guessed, since Norman and the others have disappeared, they will not reappear. In the end, Norman reappeared. Does this mean that this human saint is so powerful that he can crack this spell? What about forbidden spells? !

But Fang Xiangru hadn't been happy for a long time, and the colors around Norman surged towards him, engulfing Norman in no time.

Norman, who had just reappeared, disappeared again.

This caused the hope in Fang Xiangru's eyes to be instantly shattered, and his eyes became serious again and became more serious. Anxiety was faintly hidden in his eyes, but his mouth did not stop, and continued to urge him to cast this forbidden spell.

This forbidden spell is stronger than he imagined...

Seeing this scene, Ao Ye looked at the direction where Norman disappeared with emotion.

Looking from him, he could see Norman appearing in a city, walking on the street blankly and blankly, the scorching sun scorched his body, and a bucket of dung was being poured from his head.

This human saint was able to wake up from the cycle of reincarnation. It is incredible and indeed powerful, but if you want to break the curse based on this, you will be too underestimating your own housekeeping skills.

Three thousand worlds, the law is as its name suggests, after the technique is completed, there are three thousand worlds, what is the use of liberating one of them?

For the remaining thousands, let’s get rid of them slowly.


"No, he is your own son!"

In a gorgeously decorated house, a beautiful woman was yelling at men in horror.

The man was tall and looked exactly like Norman, but judging from his face, he was over 30 years old, and now he was holding a baby by the neck in his hand and holding it up in the air.

The baby's face was already purple from being strangled by him, and Norman's eyes were also in pain, but in the end he ignored the beautiful woman's cry, closed his hands together, and resolutely strangled the baby to death.

Seeing this scene, the beautiful woman suddenly lost her strength and collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud. Her eyes were empty and she seemed to have lost consciousness. , tearing his voice and crying: "You're crazy! You crazy, that's your son!..."

The woman's appearance is somewhat familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before. If the water friends in the live broadcast room looked carefully and searched their memories, they would find that they had seen it a year ago.

That was when he was in Cardenas. Norman first came to that city. At first, he made money by pretending to be a black-robed mage to teach others ancient languages, and initially gained a foothold in Cardenas.

The female student he taught at that time was named Peggy, and she was the woman in front of him, but Peggy was a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, but now she is a woman in her 30s.

"It's late..."

Norman muttered incomprehensible words in a low voice, and at the same time walked towards Peggy step by step, but there was wailing in the live broadcast room.

"Don't, don't you live a very happy life?"

"Damn, it's been two days since the good days, and this is going to end again?"

"It's been a long time since I opened Hun Xing, why don't you let us watch it for two more days?"

"Alas, gone are the good old days of live porn studios."

"Don't kick over my dog ​​food! Bow woof!"


Unlike Yuna's hot eyes, Peggy's appearance is undoubtedly in line with the public's aesthetics. The daily relationship seems to be that they are in love with Peggy. There are also beautiful pornographic live broadcasts that have never appeared in this live broadcast room. It's no wonder that many water friends are reluctant to leave, and the terrifying magic power of the illusion is also vividly reflected here-even these water friends who know the truth, many of them are unwilling to wake up, let alone the parties themselves?
The horror of the curse of the Three Thousand Worlds lies in the fact that you know all of this is false, and many times you would rather lie to yourself than wake up.

However, as Norman strangled Peggy to death with tears in the corners of his eyes, the whole world, like the previous world, turned into "drops of water" and shattered, completely collapsing.

Norman once again reappeared and returned to the emerald sky.

Ao Ye was still floating in the sky far in front of him, the surroundings were still colorful and divided the space into pieces, and the dozen or so sea clansmen were still scattered in every corner around him, but they were different.

Fang Xiangru, who was still in this space before, has disappeared at this moment.

Like Ji Ruoxi, Qin Hao, and Zhou Chengzhuo, Fang Xiangru also disappeared, and now Norman knows what this means—Fang Xiangru has also been dragged into the endless cycle of reincarnation.

Seeing Norman appearing again, Ao Ye was no longer as shocked as the first time. His eyes were full of admiration, and he couldn't help applauding his enemy.This is not only his sincere admiration for this human saint, but also his farewell to this admirable enemy.

With Fang Xiangru's fall, the ending is already doomed, and the three thousand worlds will completely obliterate these three people into the ashes of time.

At the same time, Lancelot's voice sounded in Norman's mind.

"This is probably the last chance for our group!"

They also inferred some information from Fang Xiangru's disappearance in an instant.

"let's start!"

After receiving the message from Lancelot, Norman closed his eyes, calmed down a bit, opened his mouth, and began to chant.

He wants to cast a forbidden spell.

Breaking through endlessly is not the solution, it is just slow death, and only the forbidden spell can break the forbidden spell.Although his current state of mind is not suitable for any of the forbidden spells he has mastered, that doesn't mean he can't cast the forbidden spells.

Why use the state of mind to accommodate the forbidden curse?Why can't we create forbidden spells according to our state of mind?
This is exactly the solution given by the Knights Templar after he communicated with the Knights Templar in the illusion just now. At the same time, they also gave the most likely successful alternative forbidden spell.

Although he didn't know if that would work, he now had no choice but to gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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