Chapter 55
"Father, why are you back?" Huayan deliberately wanted to change the subject, even she felt that her thoughts were innocent at the moment.

"Let me ask you, how did you learn medicine." Liu Nanyang said in a heavy tone, with a hint of intensity in his words, which made Huayan feel that the intensity of that trace should be the reason for worrying about her, and her heart was slightly warm. You still care about me!Liu Se is her own flesh and blood, he wouldn't be so heartless, otherwise he would have reacted like this when he heard that I have medical skills!
Huayan didn't know how to answer. It seemed that there was no reason why she would be good at medicine, and there was no one around who knew acupuncture. Who would she learn from?

"When I was picking herbs before, I found that there was a kind of herb in the mountain that could cure diseases. Then I remembered that Yike's feet seemed to be unable to move, so I thought about giving it a try, but I didn't expect it to be successful." Smiling, wanting to be praised by her father, she also has the heart of a child, but it has been buried all the time.

Xue Zhenlong and Yike stood aside, with no expression on their faces, and their hearts were filled with doubts. Xue Zhenlong was surprised that what Yike was talking about was acupuncture, but now Huayan told his father that it was indeed a medicinal herb, why did he hide it?

Yike thought more, he saw the flower petals when Huayan treated him, the soldier's natural sensitivity is not just talking, before he pretended to look at the top of the bed, but in fact he paid attention to Huayan's movements , He is also curious about what can really cure him, and he also wants to see the whole process. The doubts about the use of those petals are getting deeper and deeper, but he didn't tell anyone about it.

"Then hurry up and pick them. Your uncle's illness is getting worse and worse. He was coughing up blood just now. Hurry up." Liu Nanyang didn't praise Huayan expecting him, but rushed Huayan there with some impatience. Picking herbs, he stopped looking at Huayan, and stared directly at Yike. Since Huayan cured your leg injury, you must get paid for it. Thinking of getting money again, Liu who was still worried A smile spread across Nanyang's face.

Thinking that his elder brother Liu Huai was still ill and that the anti-justice family could not escape in the village, Liu Nanyang was not in a hurry to ask for money on the spot.

Huayan's heart suddenly turned cold. The reality is that there is no warmth at all. It is the first time that she fully realizes Liu Nanyang's heartlessness. Does he really dislike her daughter so much?

Unfamiliar with Uncle Huayan, she thought it over, curing Uncle would be the last thing she did for the family, she couldn't take it anymore, all her nostalgia were being ruthlessly ignored, and no one would care What's the value in that? Didn't everyone think that she actually has flesh and blood?
She is not familiar with Uncle’s illness, last time she just said that she was sick, Hua Yan didn’t think about it too deeply, now that she thinks about it, only a serious illness can make Uncle Boken return from that bustling city to this dilapidated small village, otherwise Will he come back?People who even leave their wives at home all year round, who must have a woman outside, and people who are reluctant to leave, will they go home just because of a minor illness?
Huayan walked out of the door first, and listened to Liu Nanyang's greetings to the two of them as if she was the master. Huayan pretended that she didn't go directly to the mountain, picking herbs, it was just a lie, she really wanted to pick petals, but she didn't know What is the disease of the uncle Liuhuai? When she remembered that the petals cured the person who fell from the tree that day, and Yike, Huayan already had confidence in this. These are good beginnings. Uncle’s illness It can be cured even if it is serious.

Liu Nanyang sent the two of them off politely, and followed Huayan, seeing the distance between the two getting farther and farther, Liu Nanyang couldn't help complaining, "Damn girl, walk slowly, I don't know if your father Are you tired from work?"

Liu Nanyang's attitude towards the girl who just gave him a sum of money is much better this time, besides, the elder brother's illness depends on her own girl!Later on, he will also bear with him what kind of herbal medicine is so miraculous that it can cure such a difficult disease. If everyone gets sick in the future, he can also take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Huayan ignored Liu Nanyang's words behind her. Since she had already decided to leave in her heart, her attitude towards Liu Nanyang didn't need to be too good. She didn't like this father, and she even got into some dislike. After she really decided, she was thinking Thinking about her previous life, Huayan couldn't help feeling like this, if Liu Se's family was good, maybe she could really treat her as her biological parents, but Liu Nanyang didn't, and only had money in her eyes, she worked hard, She had a clear conscience, she was not the original owner, but Liu Nanyang's blood remained in her body.

"Tell you to wait for me, are you deaf?" Liu Nanyang panted and ran behind Huayan and cursed, his eyes carefully watching Huayan's action of picking herbs in her hand, and the act of picking Huayan off Herbs are firmly in mind.

The herbs in Huayan's hands were picked randomly, and some herbs unknown to the village were mixed in, which made it more and more difficult for Liu Nanyang to remember clearly.

It was already two or three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the uncle's house.

Huayan unconsciously glanced at Liu Nanyang again. At this time, Liu Nanyang was still thinking about the medicine that Huayan had collected before, and looked at the medicine in Huayan's hand from time to time, even when Huayan looked at him, she didn't Noticing it, he almost bumped into Huayan.

The last little bit of hope disappeared completely, and I stepped into the uncle's house. It was obvious that the things in the uncle's house were much better than theirs, but in my impression, my grandparents' house was not as good as theirs.

The roof has obviously been repaired, and it is obvious that new purchases will not be enough. Everything shows that the uncle's house is different from the other houses. Pay attention to Liu Nanyang again, his face is obviously attracted by the things of the uncle's house Go, the eyes no longer think about the medicinal materials in Huayan's hands, and look at the things in the house with envy, wishing that everything here belongs to his family.

"Who's here?" Liu Jia's voice changed from far to near, and the tone was still polite, but when he saw Huayan and Liu Nanyang, his tone changed, "Hey, Liu Nanyang , why are you here, your uncle is sick, there is nothing good to entertain you at this house."

"Sister-in-law, we came here to treat elder brother, who is sick and I, as a brother, can just sit back and watch!" Liu Nanyang was full of smiles, and his attitude towards Liu Jia was obviously very good. This expression must have appeared after picking up the things in their house.

"Oh? Is the second brother trying to pay your uncle's medical expenses?" Liu Jia's eyes lit up obviously after saying this, but then dimmed a little, probably because he remembered that Liuhuai was still sick!
"Second brother, you have a conscience. Neither the third brother nor the fourth brother thought of this, but you are thoughtful. When your elder brother fell ill, the family was supported by me, and the money in the family was even tighter than before. Quite a few, it was fine a few days ago, but now it's so severe." As he spoke, Liu Jia wiped the tears from his face, thinking of the worries these days, the tears slowly rolled down.

(End of this chapter)

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