Chapter 46
"Oh, the house in Manhattan is so expensive. This house actually costs more than 300 million dollars. And you have to pay more than 2000 dollars in property fees every month, and there are more than [-] dollars in property taxes. Really It's too expensive. You know, the house we rented before was only a thousand dollars a month." Skye couldn't help complaining loudly about such a sky-high house.

Although it is said that [-] million US dollars has been in the hands of the two of them, the two of them were not rich after all before, and their perception of themselves is probably in the concept of the two of them being relatively poor. Cognition, probably still in Brooklyn or Queens.When I first came to New York and even the most prosperous urban area in the United States, I still couldn't accept it.

When the person who led two people to see the house heard Skye's complaints, a sneer flashed in his eyes: "Ms. Skye, I think maybe you should consider continuing to live in your original place, whether it's Brooklyn or Queens , even if you want to buy a house, I suggest you buy a house there, the house price here is very high, and the surrounding consumption level is also very high. Because this is Manhattan.”

It's not that this manager has no professional ethics, it's because Skye and Saitama are very ordinary in their clothes, actions and behaviors, and they don't look like rich people at all. If he had known that they were like this, He wouldn't even bring the two of them here to look at the house.

Now listening to Skye's complaints, and Skye said that the monthly rent of the house they rented before was only one thousand dollars, which made him completely sure that Skye and Saitama were completely different. It is possible to buy a house here, and it is even impossible to rent a house here, because even if you rent a house here, you have to pay at least $[-] a month.

If you rent a house here for a few years, you can even buy a house of your own in Brooklyn or Queens just for the rent.

"Shut up!" Skye looked angry, probably because he was rich, so he had the confidence. Facing the manager's ridicule, Skye gave a strong counterattack.

"Do you think we have no money? Open your dog eyes and show me what this is?" Skye took out his mobile phone and showed the bank text message to the manager: "Maybe we were poor before, but Now, we're very rich, a billionaire. So shut up, you fucking manager."

"Oh, I'm sorry, my dog ​​eyes are really, really blind. I can make such a wrong judgment, Ms. Skye, you are so attractive, I can't believe that I would have made such a wrong judgment before. Move, maybe I need to go to the hospital to see if there is something wrong with my dog ​​eyes, um, and my dog ​​mouth!"

The manager is really flexible, for the sake of money, he can give up any face.But this also shows that the charm of money is really great.It is actually able to change a person's face in just one second.

"..." Both Skye and Saitama looked at the manager speechlessly.This manager is also a talent.After all, they had never seen such a shameless person before.

However, Skye really likes the life of the rich. After all, it can change people's faces instantly. Apart from the powerful power of Saitama, the rest is just the charm of money.

I still bought a house with several million dollars.He didn't even change the manager, because Skye liked to see the manager turn into a dog minion to help him run around, even though it would make the manager a lot of money later.But it is definitely a pleasure for Skye to watch the manager busy himself like a dog minion.

After the house comes the car.All in all, if you have money, you'd be un-American if you didn't spend it quickly.The idea of ​​saving money is definitely not what Americans should have.

Enjoyment in time is the American way of thinking. At most, it is just to have a clear plan when spending money, so that you don't have to become a pauper again in just a few years. This is already a relatively successful smart Americans.


"Colson, about the invisible man, how is your investigation going?" Nick Fury looked at Coulson seriously and asked.

"Well, Director, there is no progress on the invisible man. It seems that he knows that we are investigating him, so he hasn't appeared again in the recent period." Coulson smiled wryly.

"That is to say, you still don't have any clues at your current location?"

"Yes Chief. I think maybe Daredevil informed the Invisible Man through some channel we don't know about, so the Invisible Man is hiding."

"In other words, a blind man has concealed all of you?"

"Well, he's not an ordinary blind man."

"Even if he is not an ordinary blind man, he is still blind, isn't he? Coulson, I am very disappointed in your work."

"I'm sorry, Chief. I've let you down. But Jin Bing may make big moves in the future, so I think the invisible man will appear soon." Coulson said hastily.

"Big move?"

"Yes, Jin Bin has started to cooperate with Mrs. Gao. At the same time, Bullseye, which was already disabled, has also begun to reappear. With Bullseye's character, he may carry out a series of attacks on Daredevil and the invisible man next." Retaliation. Then we just have to wait." Coulson can be regarded as having done enough homework.After all, the invisible man is what Nick Fury attaches great importance to, so Coulson has almost been staring at Hell's Kitchen for a while.

"Well, I hope you won't disappoint me again." Nick Fury nodded.In fact, he still knows Coulson's ability very well, and the situation this time is indeed relatively difficult, and Coulson is normal if he has no choice.

"Yes, Director, I will definitely find the invisible man." Coulson promised: "By the way, Director. I wonder if you still remember a photo I sent you before?"

"What picture?"

"It's that bald head—"

"Huh?" Nick Fury stared at Coulson closely with one eye.

"Um, Director, I'm not talking about your bald head, uh, didn't I send you a photo before Tony Stark disappeared? What I told you at the time was that it was an invisible man and night A poor imitator of the Magi."

"Continue." Nick Fury squinted at Coulson.

Coulson couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he had a bad feeling.

"Tony Stark was rescued this time, and the person who actually rescued him was the bald head."

"Oh? A bad imitator of the Invisible Man and Daredevil, who rescued Tony Stark before all the mercenaries in a place like the Middle East? Is this what you call a bad imitator? Coulson, it seems that there is a problem with your IQ recently." Nick Fury's face darkened, um, well, in fact, Nick Fury's face was originally black, so in fact, others also saw it. Can't see the color change of his face.

"Yes, but the director, I will investigate him."

"No, Tony Stark, I already have an arrangement. You continue to stare at Hell's Kitchen for me, and you must find me the invisible man. If you can't do it, then give me Go to Antarctica and be with polar bears."

"Um, Director, polar bears are not in Antarctica—"

"Get out of here."

"Yes, Chief!"

ps: Pujie Mengxin asks for recommendations, collections, and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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