Saitama teacher in Marvel

Chapter 278 1 Everything is Ready

Chapter 278 Everything is ready

After knowing the whole story, Tony had a headache.

Tony found out that Pietro and Wanda, brother and sister, came to seek revenge on him, and there was nothing wrong with it.Because at the beginning, his Stark Industries was selling arms, even though he later changed his career and stopped being an arms dealer, those things had already happened.He also had absolutely no reason to refute.

Looking at Pietro and Wanda who were arrested, Tony was a little worried about how to deal with these two people.

Although these two people attacked him, in fact, these two people did not do other bad things.Even though the superpowers of these two people were developed by Hydra, from the beginning to the end, the two of them did nothing except come to him for revenge, so it cannot be called a crime at all.

"I'm sorry. Well, although I say this, it may seem a bit, um, a bit hypocritical. But I'm really sorry. In fact, when Stark Industries produced arms, I always thought they were sold to the military. I thought I was maintaining world peace." Tony said with an uneasy face.

"Bah!" Wanda and Pietro said.

Seeing the disdainful faces of the two people, Tony couldn't help covering his head, he felt a headache: "Actually, after I found out that Oba Destan, who was really in charge of Stark Industries at that time, secretly sold the ammunition to the terrorists. , or even other criminal gangs, it was too late. At that time, many tragedies had happened. After that, I shut down the arms department of Stark Industries and kept trying to make up for my previous fault, and turned into Iron Man, in fact, to prevent this kind of thing from happening again..." Tony said seriously.

Pietro and Wanda listened to Tony's words and looked at each other. Tony seemed to be right when he said that. In fact, Stark Industries had indeed closed down the arms department, and Tony had indeed turned into Iron Man, and then started to Save the world now.However, their home was destroyed by Tony's munitions, and their parents also died under the munitions produced by Stark Industries.Thinking of this, the flames of anger flashed again in the eyes of the two of them.

Looking at the expressions of the two people, Tony felt a headache again. Although these two people have the power of superheroes, in fact, the two of them are not superheroes now, so they don't eat this at all. Just thinking about revenge, to kill him Tony Stark.

Tony turned his mind quickly, trying to find a way to solve the current situation: "By the way, you said, a missile produced by Stark Industries landed directly on your house and blocked your door, and then, no explode?"

"Why, do you feel sorry? Hahaha, God doesn't want us to die, God wants us to survive, and then seek revenge from you." Pietro looked at Tony mockingly.

"Well, no, I just want to say. I didn't expect that the weapons produced by our Stark Industries are so bad. Although I wasn't in charge of Stark Industries back then, all the arms were designed by me. It came out, I am very confident in my design, generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for the missile to become a dud, after all, Stark Industries is not Hammer Industries." The more Tony said, the more his eyes became Bright.

"What do you want to say?" Pietro and Wanda frowned and didn't look at Tony, wondering why Tony would say this.

"I just want to say, maybe, the missile that landed on your house is not actually a weapon produced by our Stark Industries." Tony showed a smile on his face.

"We can see clearly that the Stark Industries logo is printed on that missile, do you still want to quibble?"

"Actually, I don't want to quibble, but you can go outside to inquire about the reputation of our Stark Industries. Whether it is now or in the past, any items produced by our company will never fail or have substandard product quality. The situation. Any person or organization that has cooperated with us, they will only give us a thumbs up for Stark Industries. I can guarantee this." Tony said with a serious face, even proudly.

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other, seeing surprise, confusion and doubt in each other's eyes.

"Now I can let you go." Tony said, and the rope that bound the two people was untied directly.

"You, aren't you afraid that we will run away and take revenge on you?" Wanda couldn't help asking.

"It doesn't matter." Tony smiled confidently: "After that, you can do whatever you want. It doesn't matter where you want to go, even to investigate what I said. I don't need to cheat in this situation You. After all, I have already caught you, even if I kill you directly, I can say that I am self-defense. However, I don’t want this kind of misunderstanding to hang around me all the time.”

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other, and couldn't help but doubt in their hearts. Could it be that what Tony said was true?Tony really wasn't the murderer?Didn't their parents actually die on a weapon produced by Stark Industries?
Wanda and Pietro left with suspicion and hesitation.They even felt that they really needed to do some research.After all, Tony was a little too confident when he said those words again.

After Wanda and Pietro left, Tony let out a sigh of relief: "Jarvis, watch them all the time, and I will let them be under your surveillance for every move they make in New York."

"Yes, sir."

"By the way, look into their information and find out what they said. And, look at Stark Industries' arms deal at that time, including the deal that Obadestein secretly conducted. I want all the information."

"Ok sir."

"By the way, Saitama seemed to call me before?"

"Yes, sir."

"With Saitama's personality, he probably wouldn't have contacted me at all if there was nothing wrong, so there must be something wrong. It's a headache. I hope it's not something serious. Jarvis, call Saitama."

"Ok sir."

On the other side, Saitama's cell phone rang, and seeing that it was Tony's call, he connected it.After answering the phone, Saitama had nothing to hide, and just told the whole story.

After understanding what was going on, Tony felt more and more headaches, why all kinds of things came up.Moreover, the Infinity Gem of S.H.I.E.L.D., although S.H.I.E.L.D. itself doesn't have much utilization efficiency, is definitely a very precious treasure. How can it be handed over casually?

But there is no way, the cosmic boss who is more powerful than Thanos in the universe needs infinite gems, can the earth refuse?Moreover, if the infinite gems are handed over, it can actually reduce the ambitions of careerists like Thanos in the universe.If you calculate it like this, it is also a good thing.

So, Tony went to S.H.I.E.L.D. again and took the initiative to find Nick Fury.After being moved with emotion and understanding, Nick Fury accepted the reality calmly. As long as the big guy Galactus came to Earth, he would hand over the space gem.The Fantastic Four also breathed a sigh of relief.I'm even a little fortunate that their actions are a bit slow. If they acted faster and Tony came later, they would have left the earth directly in a spaceship and took the initiative to find Galactus.


Almost all people or forces on the earth who knew that Galactus was coming felt a sense of dread, and they all started to make complete preparations to prevent accidents from happening.But Saitama didn't feel anything about it at all.

Now Saitama is still exercising every day, constantly exercising his body to make himself stronger.

At this time, except for eyebrows and eyelashes, Saitama could no longer see a single hair from top to bottom.But fortunately, he was already bald, so there won't be much change in his appearance.

After losing all his hair, Saitama's strength has almost reached a peak again. Compared with before, it has really improved a lot by then.

Now Saitama throws a punch casually, and even cracks begin to appear in the space. This is the result of Saitama's careful control, or else the space may be shattered by him directly.

And after his strength reaches this level, Saitama seems to have entered a bottleneck period again. No matter how much he exercises, his strength seems to no longer have any improvement effect.

Saitama couldn't help but sigh in this situation.Because it's boring.

Originally, Saitama's strength had no opponents on Earth.The whole person feels very boring, and even the feelings have become indifferent.But later, after getting the gravity watch, Saitama began to improve his strength after training.

And during the period when his strength improved again, Saitama began to enjoy being able to clearly feel the progress of his own strength every day. This is also a kind of fun, and Saitama enjoys this fun very much.But, alas, now, that fun is gone again.Saitama suddenly turned into a salted fish, and he lost his target all of a sudden.

"Nah, nah! Strange."

Saitama, who was idle and bored, seemed to have turned into a salted fish, suddenly thought of someone, immediately took out his mobile phone, and dialed Strange's number.

"Mr. Saitama? This is the first time you have taken the initiative to call me, right? So, is there anything Mr. Saitama can do for you?" Strange asked curiously.

"Hey, after a period of practice recently, my strength has become stronger again." Saitama said so.

Strange looked at the phone in his hand, and he fell into a very speechless state. He didn't know what to say. Originally, Saitama's strength was already so strong that he couldn't say it all. The universe is invincible, but they are already the most powerful group of strongmen in the universe, and now, they have become stronger again?Even a boss can't be so casual.

"So, Mr. Saitama, you have become stronger again, then, what do you want from me?" Strange tried his best to make his tone normal.

"Because I have become stronger, I want to seek revenge from Dormammu, but I don't know where to find Dormammu. Strange, you should know how to find Dormammu. So I want you to help me find Dormammu." Saitama said very directly.

"You, want to seek revenge on Dormammu?" Strange was startled: "Mr. Saitama, calm down, Dormammu is very strong. And his body is still in the dark dimension, where is his The base camp, the source of all power, even if Thanos enters it, he will probably only be beaten, so Mr. Saitama, please calm down."

"I know I know. But ah, I have become stronger now. Isn't it normal to seek revenge from Dormammu after becoming stronger? Before I became stronger, I had already gone to the darkness you mentioned Dimension, I came back safe and sound afterwards, and now that I have become stronger, it should be safer to go to the dark dimension to find Dormammu. So you can rest assured."

"It's true to say that, but, Galactus is coming to Earth recently, although according to what you said, Galactus is not malicious, but we have to be on the safe side, so, I think, Even if Mr. Saitama wants to find Dormammu, you have to act after Galactus comes to Earth." Strange said cautiously.

Whether it was Dormammu, Galactus, or Thanos, Strange was full of vigilance, so at this time, Saitama was really needed.

"Galactus. Well, I understand, let's talk about it after Ganata's father comes. It's just that it will be boring again in the next period of time." Saitama's voice is full of boring.

Listening to Saitama's words, Strange could only smile wryly.Even if this kind of boss looks good, he still has to confess. If something goes wrong, it will be a big loss for the earth.

And in the universe, Galactus is drifting towards the earth, yes, it is drifting, it is too hungry, so it can only temporarily sleep to resist hunger.As long as you come to a location directly before going to sleep, and then just float over like this is enough.Although the speed of floating is not very fast, it doesn't actually take too long.

Behind Galactus, Thanos' distant follower, Galactus, watched Galactus slowly approaching the earth, he couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face, everything was in his calculations among.The Infinity Stones will eventually reach the hands of his Thanos.

ps: I hope everyone can support the new book "Male Stars in a Feminist World", thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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