Chapter 72

"Ha ha……"

Mo Jiuyou's team started laughing.

Gloating, not happy.

"Okay, start."

Gongge gave an order.

The tension of standing at the forefront evolves.

"6 words."

"Oh, that's 6 words."

Then, he made a ghost look again, but he made another messy movement to express his feeling.


Han Meimei questioned, and suddenly saw Zhang Li making a monster look...

"Okay, it's time!"

"Please pass it back."

"So, the moment the passing door closed, the tension was still unfinished.

Asked: "Do you understand?"

Han Meimei gave Zhang Li a tearless expression, turned around and continued to deliver the message to the back.

Han Meimei basically did the action again, but the other party couldn't guess what it was?
So when it was passed to the fourth one without any mistakes, an accident happened to Chen Xiaoqi, a little doll.

Chen Xiaoqi's actions are as follows:

The two paws scratched several times in the air.

Afterwards, the two little feet jumped and jumped without listening, and then...ummm...then nothing!

"Ahahaha..." Zhang Li's entire face was black, the crown prince?Can you not drop the chain at the critical moment?

On the contrary, Du Wenhe was laughing out loud, looking at Chen Xiaoqi, and laughed like a pig.

"Ha ha ~ hum ha ha ~ ha ha"

The entire audience has also been overjoyed from the beginning of the game to the present.

Mo Jiuyou stared at Chen Xiaoqi with a wicked smile, wondering something.

I kept thinking about something, but I didn't notice anything, and I was still as ethereal and evil as ever.

Gong Ge pulled Du Wenhe aside, couldn't help laughing and said: "Dude, do you see something?"

Du Wenhe answered honestly: "No."

"Cough, you see that your team members are about to die without tears, let's guess one."

"Well...then show your teeth and claws!"

"321, all the audience answered together."


"Uh~" Du Wenhe looked at Zhang Li with a blank face, what the hell is it?

"Ghostly feeling."

Everyone laughed for a while, and then continued to play the game.

(Penalty, at the end of the game.)
If being handsome is a crime, then Mo Jiuyou has committed a heinous crime; if being cool is a mistake, then Mo Jiuyou has made mistakes again and again; cut?

Just like now, Mo Jiuyou started to use his clever brain to think about something.

Even though Mo Jiuyou was wearing earphones, he could still hear the results of the enemy team's discussion.

However, Mo Jiuyou stood last, without any expression, but very calm.

(Title: Rich people eventually get married.)
So, Li Nana, who grew up in the first place, began to perform.

The expression is very funny, sitting and counting money with one hand, and speaking 7 words in his mouth.

After counting the money, he also imitated the appearance of a couple.

Soon, these actions were transmitted to Mo Jiuyou, but there was still an error in the middle link.

Mo Jiuyou looked at everything with a smile. Although Mo Jiuyou's ears were full of explosive music, Mo Jiuyou was no ordinary person!

Suddenly discovered that Chu Xiaoran is actually a shadowy human body tease.

When taking the final answer, Mo Jiuyou only said that if you count money, lovers will eventually become lovers.

Although the answer is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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