Chapter 765
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the female relatives rushed to Wanfang Anhe one after another. Zarafin led the two children into the courtyard, and saw Prince Chun Fujin walking over, reaching out to hug Ha Yihu, and falling on her left and right cheeks. a kiss.

"Ninth Aunt, have you come back from the south?" Zarafen looked at Prince Jin Fujin, and walked over cheerfully.

"That's not it," Prince Jin Fujin nodded, "I specially brought a lot of things for us Ha Yihu, but your ninth uncle still said that he didn't stay here for a while."

Since Yongzheng ascended the throne, under the coordination of the emperor, not only helped Yongzheng secure the throne, but also suppressed the ambition of King Lianjun.

"Huang Ama will come today, and Yiken'er will probably be taken to Changchun Garden again." Prince Dun said beside him.

Uh uh uh!
Zarafin waved his hand awkwardly: "Aunt Ten, please stop talking."

"Jiaojiao, you are too careful, Mrs. Fu Cha is sick in bed." Prince Dun Fu Jin approached her ear and said, "I am not planning to come today, even Mrs. Li Rongbao is not planning to come."

Uh uh uh!
Zarafin asked strangely, "Aunt Ten, Mrs. Li Rongbao didn't come?"

"En!" Prince Jin Fujin said in a low voice, "None of the female family members of the Fucha clan came, and the royal family bestowed marriages on the Nian clan to be drafted girls, and the Nian family is now starting to retaliate wildly."

Since Fuhui 'died' last year, Concubine Nian's health has become worse and worse. The Nian family hopes to send another person to the Chonghua Palace so that the Nian family can make a comeback in the future.

"Ninth Aunt, Fuhui" Zarafen heard Hongli coming back, talking about Fuhui, but he didn't know where Fuhui was sent after learning the inside story.

"Jiaojiao, he will be blessed in the future, and he will be happy to live in such a family." Prince Jin Fujin said with emotion.

Zarafin pursed his lips and smiled, and Yongzheng and the empress informed the emperor in advance before arranging a place to go.

"Ninth Aunt, let's stop this topic first." Seeing Concubine Nian being supported by her servants into the hall, Zarafin quickly changed the subject.

"Jiaojiao, how is Yikener doing recently? I haven't seen him for a long time. I went to see Wanruo's mansion some time ago. She is still in confinement and has gained a lot of weight. Thank you for saving Wanruo's life. The two Western products seem to be really gone." Prince Chun Fujin said gratefully, "Your ninth uncle thinks that Dr. Su can teach a few more apprentices."

"Yes, if Uncle Jiu has the energy, he can open a medical clinic, especially for female relatives to give birth." Zarafin suddenly had an idea. In this era, female relatives are all supported by themselves during childbirth, so they should be stronger Many of the female relatives died of dystocia.

With the appearance of the birth doctor girl, several lives have been saved, and Princess Hehui and other royal family members all have a life without danger.

Concubine Nian appeared in the hall, the female family members all lowered their voices and did not dare to speak loudly, Concubine Nian was not in good health, if they disturbed Concubine Nian because of the noise, it would be their fault.

"Nine younger brothers and sisters, come earlier today." Concubine Nian looked at Prince Jin Fujin with a weak voice.

"Grand Concubine, I have to report to Lord Long Live today, so I will come here early." Prince Jin Fujin said lightly, "How is your health?"

"It will be good then, but time is running out." Concubine Nian said indifferently.

Even the Nian family gave up on her. Yongzheng told Concubine Nian about Fuhui's whereabouts. Concubine Nian fell to the ground with her heart hanging. The brothers of the Nian family were too ambitious. Concubine Nian knew that she could not watch Fuhui grow up. Well, Fuhui will definitely be led astray by the two brothers of the Nian family.

Fuhui might have ended worse than Hongshi at that time. Yongzheng could not kill his son, but he could be imprisoned like the emperor.

Zarafin heard Concubine Nian's words and felt that she had changed too quickly.

After a while, the Queen helped Nanny Yu out of the bedroom step by step, and saluted under the leadership of Prince Yu Fujin and Zarafin.

Zarafin vacated the front seat, which was reserved for Si Fujin.

"Jiaojiao, is Sifujin in good health?" the queen looked at Zarafin and asked.

"Mother Hui Huang'er, Fujin is bedridden because of my nearsightedness and the occasional cold." When Zarafin came to pay his respects, he received a message from Gao Wuyong's little Sula.

After the speech, the officials and family members talked a lot. The female family members of Li Rongbao's lineage did not show up, and neither did Si Fujin. Many people who wanted to inquire about the news died down.

"Madam, my wife saw that Mr. Li Rongbao's family members didn't come over either. The mother and daughter are sick together?" Mrs. Wang Yushi asked curiously.

Mrs. Wang Yushi and Mrs. Li Rongbao were at odds when they were not out of the cabinet. After the two got married, the husband belonged to two factions, and they stood in the opposite direction.

"Mrs. Li Rongbao went to the memorial a few days ago and said she was very uncomfortable. I don't think it's a problem if you don't come." The queen looked at Mrs. Wang Yushi, "On the second day when Mrs. Li Rongbao gave the memorial, the fourth family went back to visit her natal family. I feel that I have some feelings when I come back. .”

After the words fell, everyone glanced at Wang Yushi. Mrs. Wang Yushi kept staring at Mrs. Li Rongbao and Sifujin, and finally implicated Hongli.

"The minister's wife is just curious for a while, and doesn't know what's going on inside." Mrs. Wang Yushi saluted respectfully.

Zarafin found that the officials and family members were very curious about this matter. Both the Fucha family and the Nian family's female family members did not come. It is estimated that there will be more rumors in the capital tomorrow.

"Today is the 15th Lantern Festival. General Nian and his female relatives rushed to Hangzhou to take up the post to run errands for Lord Long Live." The queen is to give Nian noble concubine face.

Concubine Nian clenched her handkerchief tightly in both hands. She was deported to Hangzhou when she was born, and Lord Long Live said this because he was concerned about her face.

In order to let the beautiful daughter of the Nian family enter the palace, Nian Xiyao and Nian Gengyao saw that the way of the noble concubine Nian could not go, so they aimed at Li Rongbao's house. Mrs. Li Rongbao is a person who takes money to do things. Done.

Yongzheng and the queen discovered Sifujin's attack, and made Hongli find an excuse to ground him. In order to save face, Fujin could only say that he was sick and thank guests behind closed doors.

Seeing what the queen meant, the female relatives quickly changed the subject, saying that there would be night markets in the capital every night from the first day of the first lunar month to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Yongzheng moved the dinner to lunch in order to lead the queen out to the night market in the evening.

When Hongli heard the news, he whispered to Zarafin several times. In the past, Hongli was often left at Xingchan's house. She could see him when she went to Xingchan's house for a banquet.

"Your Majesty, this year's night market is bigger." Prince Yu Fu Jin said happily, "The prince also said that this year he will go out with Fourth Brother again."

"Shanbao always wanted to go to the night market, even Tianshen became a foodie." The queen said helplessly.

"Your Majesty, the relationship between the prince and the fifth master is very good, they have similar temperaments and similar tastes." Prince Yu Fu Jin said happily.

After Shanbao inherited the position of Prince Yu, he has been working hard on errands. In private, he likes to eat. Yongzheng scolded him several times, but found that there was no effect, so he could only let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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