Chapter 743
Entering August, the temperature is getting hotter and hotter, and the autumn tiger has come. The concubines inside and outside the palace are all packing their bags and preparing to go to Changchun Garden to escape the summer heat.

Due to the opportunity of drafting and returning to Xinjiang for the end of the campaign, the time for summer vacation was delayed. Qianlong ordered that after three days of tidying up, they would immediately go to the Changchun Garden.

"Master, servants stay here and look at the courtyard?" Tortoise looked at Zarafin directing the cleaning, and said that there must be more people on the side of Yikener. Changchun Garden is adjacent to the water, if it is Yikener If you lack people around you, you may be taken advantage of by someone with a heart.

"No, all of you first-class ladies-in-waiting will follow me to Changchun Garden, tortoiseshell and Furong, you two will follow the eldest mother to Yiken'er's side to serve. Remember, you can't be around Yikener for 12 hours. There is a shortage of people, one of you three must be by his side." Zarafin has been worried about the safety of Yiken'er since he heard that the queen was happy, and both Yonghuang and Yiken'er were regarded as Fucha. I missed it.

"Master, this servant is awake." The three quickly took orders.

Yiken'er was held in Zarafin's arms, and her ignorant appearance made her smile helplessly. In the royal backyard, there are no quiet days. Now, everyone is waiting for Zarafin to make a move.

Concubine Niu Hulu was left in the palace by the queen, saying that she was letting Concubine Niu Hulu handle the affairs of the palace, but in fact it was to break up the alliance between the two concubines.

Concubine Niu Hulu has power in her hands, but Zarafin has nothing to do. This may make Zarafin angry.

"Mother, you send this Ruyi to Jingyang Palace, saying that it is a Mid-Autumn Festival gift I gave in advance." Zarafen directly took a jade Ruyi, put it directly in a red sandalwood box, and handed it to Grandma.

After the eldest nun left, several people continued to work, and Zarafin looked out of the courtyard.

In the Jingyang Palace, Concubine Niu Hulu was very worried, whether Zarafin could see through the queen's tricks, and now if she directly showed her favor to Zarafin, she would fall into the queen's tricks.

"Master, the grandma of Yongshou Palace is here." Mangzhu approached Noble Concubine Niu Hulu and said directly.

what? !

Concubine Niu Hulu hurriedly asked Mangzhu to invite people in, and after watching the grandma salute, she said that Zarafen specially gave the Mid-Autumn Festival gift in advance.

The noble concubine Niu Hulu opened the red sandalwood box and found that it contained the jade ruyi that the empress had personally bestowed on Zarafen, so it was hard for her to find it out of the storeroom.

"Grandmother, I personally drew a meticulous painting of Yiken's forehead, and I will give it to your master." Concubine Niu Hulu suddenly remembered that she painted Yiken's forehead by herself, and the poem next to it was a Tibetan poem.

"Your maidservant woke up." After thinking about it for a while, the eldest mother realized that the two noble concubines should be sending a signal.

The grandma came back with the painting, and Zarafin asked the grandma and Furong to open it, and found that it was Yiken'er sitting under the grape arbor, and they were talking with each other.

There was actually a short poem next to it. She secretly read both sides, but found that it was not very smooth. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she found that this poem was actually acrostic.

Zarafin is relieved.

Zarafen cheered up. Concubine Niu Hulu is really talented. All the hints she thought of were all from the Gongdou drama.

"Grandma, put this painting in the warehouse, and put it in Yiken'er's study when he grows up." Zarafin explained.

In the early morning three days later, a golden carriage stopped in the courtyard. Qianlong picked up Zarafen, walked out of Chengqian Palace, and sat in the imperial luan. The little elder brother was also placed in Yuluan, and the carriage of the imperial concubine was taken care of by the eldest mother herself.

When Zarafin was awake, he heard Qianlong and his son talking beside him. Although Yiken'er couldn't say much, he still responded with ahhh.

"Zalafen, are you awake? It's time for us to have lunch." Qianlong turned to look at Zarafin and said.

"A Hun." Zarafen looked at Qianlong, looked around, and realized that she was actually in Yuluan, "Why did you let me come to Yuluan again? If the empress knows, I really can't explain it clearly."

"No need to explain, the queen is happy, and Concubine Niu Hulu was left in the palace by her. You should serve on the imperial luan." Qianlong was quite critical of the queen's actions again and again, and his face was even more sour.

Zarafen sighed helplessly when he heard Qianlong's words, Qianlong was really annoyed.

"Forget it," Zarafin said, but Qianlong couldn't. "Why does the empress insist on going to the Changchun Garden? It is said that the empress is happy, so she should stay in Lingkun Palace to raise her baby?"

Zarafin became suspicious, the queen's behavior was a little abnormal, and he thought to himself, what happened to the child?

"Madame Gabula always handed out signs, saying that she wanted the two beautiful girls from Fucha to have a good place to live. The family the queen wants to marry to is a bit low-status." Qianlong sneered.

Uh uh uh!
Zarafin was stunned, the queen's edict had already been issued, if the order was changed overnight, who would respect the queen's opinion.

"Ah Hun, is what you said true?" Zarafin asked Qianlong staring at him. "Shouldn't Mrs. Gabula protect the empress more? Why is she trying to undermine the situation instead?"

"Sony has always been unfavorable to the Gabula couple, thinking they are a bit petty. Huang Mama was interested in this, thinking that it could divide the Fucha family internally, so she chose the queen. Now, Huang Mama's calculations have all been realized. It is." Qianlong said directly.

Zarafin got up to wash up, hid behind the screen, changed into a refreshing light blue uniform, tied a wishful bun with a emerald butterfly golden hairpin, and sat beside Qianlong.

"Ah, where have we been?" Zarafin stretched lazily and asked.

"You won't be able to arrive at Changchun Garden until the afternoon. Sit comfortably and copy the Buddhist scriptures a few times. It's approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, and you have to start copying the Buddhist scriptures." Qianlong pinched Zarafen's hand Little Nose said.

In Fengluan's car, the Queen couldn't vomit, and her whole complexion was very bad. Recently, the Fucha family put pressure on her a lot, which made the Queen feel that she was under a lot of pressure.

When Nanny Liao saw the empress and Zarafen having a good time, her expression was very different, she was always worried.

"Grandma, don't worry. Didn't the royal doctor say that after this period of time, my body will be better, and I will definitely be able to eat and gain weight." The queen looked at Liao's helpless look, and hurriedly Said.

"Master, look at your body, this servant is worried." Nanny Liao looked at the queen worriedly.

The empress felt cold in her heart, and even the nanny beside her knew that she was not in good health, but her biological mother-in-law didn't send any greetings. Every time she came to meet her, she was talking about what the family needed her to do. Son.

(End of this chapter)

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