Chapter 719

A few days after the draft, the show girl Hesheli poisoned her roommate to death. The news reached the imperial court, and Qianlong frowned. The family behind the queen had made a lot of achievements in this expedition If those with military exploits are dealt with directly, it will chill the hearts of the generals.

Zarafin was sitting in the tent, watching the tortoise shell sewing the swaddling clothes for the children. These were supposed to be presented by the servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Be cautious.

"Master, when I was carrying the meal just now, I heard that the Queen's confession was sent to the Lord Long Live." Dian Cui came in from the outside and hurriedly reported to Zarafin.

Excuse me? !
Zarafin looked at Diancui suspiciously: "Nonsense, why did the queen ask for a crime? It's just picking a beautiful girl. How big a mistake can there be?"

At this moment, Zarafin didn't know yet that martial law had already been imposed in the Summer Resort, and the beautiful girls were locked in their own courtyards. The beautiful girls of the Fucha family were watched by Madam Wu, for fear that the servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs would come again. Mesmerized.

Diancui didn't delay, and told about the two beautiful girls of the Fucha family. The beautiful girls who had the closest relationship with the empress took advantage of the opportunity of rewarding the plaque and left the villa directly, returning to Beijing to prepare for marriage.

"No way." Zarafin was slightly taken aback.

After the queen learned that the three outstanding girls from the Fucha clan were running for the election, she carefully selected their roommates, for fear that there would be any quarrels.

"According to the rules, the beautiful girls of the same family cannot share the same room." The eldest nun hurriedly said, "The location of the beautiful girl who had an accident should have been lived by the famous beautiful girl."

Uh uh uh!
Zarafin was embarrassed. If he followed the Grandma's idea, someone should have done it deliberately, and the target person had changed from the previous Ge Ge to the current one.

In the eyes of those people, as long as she is a beautiful girl from the Fucha family, she can deal a heavy blow to the queen. Every family has taken action and started to join forces.

Ever since the queen married into the royal family, people from Suo'etu's lineage were too embarrassing. In the court, several ministers joined forces to suppress and control Fu Heng. No one was ready to leave the Fucha family's surroundings.

Li Rongbao has been an official for many years, and he has taken advantage of many courtiers. These courtiers have been dispatched outside one after another, and some of the courtiers who stayed in the capital are not going well.

When Zarafen heard Diancui's detailed report, his eyes changed slightly. Sony's health became worse and worse. Qianlong would probably make Li Rongbao completely silent after he won the overall victory. After all, Li Rongbao likes to be self-righteous. This made Qianlong very annoyed.

"Diancui, go and prepare the supper. After a while, I will deliver the supper to Huan." Zarafin said.

When Qianlong was angry, if Zarafin was present, the life of the courtiers would be easier. Instead of asking Gao Wuyong to invite him, it would be better to go directly to deliver the meal, so that Gao Wuyong and the courtiers all accepted the favor.

Near noon, the tortoiseshell came back with a prepared lunch. Zarafin changed into a rose-red uniform, with a small dovetail on his head, and a set of pomegranate-dotted emerald gold hairpins pinned to the board. The step rocker is inserted obliquely on the left side of the board, and three small pomegranates hang down below.

"Your lord, why are you here today?" Gao Wuyong looked at Zarafin and hurried over.

"Ada, I see it's time for dinner, is Ah Hun still receiving courtiers?" Zarafin looked at Gao Wuyong and asked.

"Your lord, the master got angry today, you should be careful when you go in, the ministers are still kneeling in the tent." Gao Wuyong said while looking at Zarafin.

Gao Wuyong thought about asking Zarafen for help, and he hesitated when he heard that Qianlong made all the important officials kneel in the tent. After all, Zarafen is the concubine of the harem, if he intervenes too much, someone will gossip.

Ever since she came to the grasslands of Mongolia, the queen was sandwiched between Qianlong and Zarafen, and she often made troubles.

Zarafin nodded: "Thank you for your understanding."

Gao Wuyong didn't even dare to claim that in front of Zarafin, Gao Wuyong would never trade Joe for another concubine, even if it was a queen, Gao Wuyong didn't care much.

"Zalafen, why are you here?" Qianlong was about to reprimand him when he saw Zarafen standing innocently at the door carrying a big food box.

Qianlong quickly put down the writing brush and notebook in his hand, and walked quickly to her.

"Ah, it's time for lunch now, why are you still keeping the ministers here?" Zarafen handed the food box to Qianlong, "Didn't you promise me that no matter how big the matter is, Do you have to eat on time? Are you not hungry?"

"Forget it, you came here with a food box today, what else can I say," Qianlong put the food box on the imperial table, and the courtiers lowered their heads, afraid of seeing something they shouldn't see, "You all go to eat Bar."

After the words were finished, Qianlong waved his hands and told them to go down first.

The ministers all cast grateful glances at Zarafin, but Zarafin just glanced at them from the corner of his eye, as if he didn't see these people.

After everyone in the tent retreated, Zarafin was dragged by Qianlong to sit beside him.

"Ah, what's the matter with you? I haven't had my meal so late, and I've been waiting for almost half an hour." Zarafin complained.

Qianlong personally opened the food box and arranged the lunch for the two of them properly. Zarafen got an ivory hairpin and started to eat. Recently, Zarafen felt that his appetite has improved a lot.

"Zarafin, next time I get angry, don't bump into me so stupidly. These people have their own schemes. If they find that I can't get angry with you, they will use various methods to make you empty, so that you can only come over to me. Reduce the fire." Qianlong squeezed Zarafin's hand and said, "You must protect yourself well, this persuasion should be the queen's job."

Zarafin wrinkled his small face: "Ah, I know all about it, don't worry, I will definitely not do such a reckless thing next time."

After speaking, the two began to have lunch, Zarafen thought in his heart, Qianlong knew it well, it would be bad for her to admit it or not.

After lunch, Qianlong directly left Zarafen in the imperial tent, and told her to stay in the inner tent obediently, not to come out to make troubles.

"Ah, I happen to be able to hear the voices outside in the inner tent. If you get angry, should I go out or not?" Zarafen looked at Qianlong, "I'll go back to sleep now, and wait for you to have dinner together, okay? "

Qianlong thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, just wait for the master to have dinner."

"Okay, I'll cook dinner for you tonight." Zarafin said cheerfully.

Qianlong looked at the back of Zarafin leaving, and felt relaxed in his heart. If someone tricked him, Qianlong would feel that the gain outweighs the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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