The upgrade of Concubine Xian in Qing Dynasty

Chapter 476 Restitution of Custody Rights

Chapter 476 Restitution of Custody Rights

There was chaos in Fujin's courtyard, and Fujin frowned, waiting for the diagnosis from Royal Physician Wang. Yonghuang said that his fever had not subsided. Although she didn't care too much, she was worried that Yonghuang might die in his hands due to negligence.

If this happened, Hongli would definitely not spare her.

"How did Fucha Gege get the news?" Fu Jin rubbed his painful temples and questioned the two nuns beside him.

"My servant thinks that someone must have tipped her off, otherwise, she shouldn't have any news." Lin Nanny was roiling with anger.

Fujin usually trusts Nanny Wu more, and rarely asks her to do errands. This time, he finally got an errand, but there was a mistake.

"Mother Lin, if you go back and forth about this matter, if you find out, don't blame me for being cruel." Fujin's words made Mother Lin's back covered in cold sweat.

Fujin stood up, tidied his clothes, and walked towards Hongli with his servants.

"Greetings, Master." Fujin said respectfully.

Zarafin stood not far away, hiding far away, not wanting Fujin to pick the wrong one.

"Master, why are you here all of a sudden?" Fujin stared at He Hongli and asked.

Hongli snorted coldly, "How is Yonghuang?"

"Physician Wang has already gone to make a diagnosis, and he should be fine soon." Fujin didn't care too much, there were many people around Yonghuang to serve her, and she just needed to take charge of the overall situation.

"Fujin, Yonghuang is your son." Hongli was a little confused, and always felt that it was a mistake to hand Yonghuang over to Fujin.

The three of them walked quickly to the side hall, where Royal Physician Wang was taking pulse beside him, and Zarafin noticed that Physician Wang had a bad look on his face.

"Fu Jin, did my little elder brother catch a cold yesterday?" Doctor Wang asked directly.

Fujin smiled awkwardly: "The nannies are all around, you can ask them."

As if Hongli didn't hear it, his eyes flickered slightly, while Zarafin looked at Fujin without any change.

"Fu Jin, is this how you take care of Yonghuang?" Hongli took a sip from the teacup, and put the teacup on the table next to him.

"Master, I have been busy with the affairs of the mansion, and Yong Huang is a well-behaved person, who rarely bothered me, so I was a little negligent." Hongli said directly.

Fujin rolled up his handkerchief, feeling very nervous, and Hongli's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

"Doctor Wang, how is Yonghuang's health?" Hongli asked anxiously.

"Fourth elder brother, the servant can only say that the little elder brother's body must be weaker than ordinary people. As long as he takes good care of him, there will be no major problems. If he does not take good care of him, his life span may be hindered." As soon as the imperial doctor's words fell, Fucha Gege rushed directly into the hall like crazy.

"Presumptuous!" Si Fujin reprimanded sharply.

"Master, please, let this servant take care of the little elder brother." Fucha Gege stood outside, and he felt very uncomfortable when he heard Wang Yuyi's words.

Yonghuang has not been raised by her side since he was born, and he is almost one year old now, not as old as Ha Yihu, who was born two months late.

"Master, I beg you!" Fucha Gege hurriedly begged for mercy.

Her eyes kept staring at the crib, without moving her eyes at all. As the mother-in-law, Zarafin could understand what such eyes represented.

In Fucha Gege's heart, Yong Huang is probably not just a bargaining chip.

"Master, what you said is to record the elder brother in my name and let me take care of it personally. You can't say nothing." Fujin was not happy, and felt that Fucha Gege would make her lose face.

"Is your face more important, or my elder brother?" Hongli asked Fujin with his thin lips lightly.

"Cian Fujin, do you think it's better for Yonghuang to follow me or follow Fucha Gege?" Fujin didn't answer at all, and directly threw the question to Zarafin.

"Fu Jin, I think it should be decided by the Lord." Zarafin would not interfere in the affairs of the two of them, as long as he made a suggestion, Fujin would make trouble.

Fujin looked at her indifferently, and actually started to slip.

"It seems that Fujin has grown up a lot, and he can have both sides here." Fujin snapped, and put the teacup heavily on the table next to him.

"Fucha Gege, let the nanny next to you carry Yonghuang over first." Hongli thought for a while, and let Fucha Gege take care of him first, "Although Yonghuang is recorded under Fujin's name, you will take care of it." Grow up."

The jade butterfly is not so easy to change. Both Yongzheng and Hongli are jade butterflies for the future. When Yonghuang was born, Hongli promised to make a deal with Fujin, so that Yonghuang was recorded in the name of Fujin from birth. down.

Fucha Gege knelt on the ground, crying and thanking her. When she got up, she tried several times, but she was still kneeling on the spot, with no strength in her whole body.

Zarafin stood up, walked to her side, and supported Fucha Gege with both hands.

"Master, Fujin, let me help Fuchagege go to the side hall." Zarafin didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the two of them, took the opportunity to find an excuse, and left directly.

After leaving the main hall, Fuchagege calmed down, the two of them didn't walk very fast.

"Cian Fujin, thank you!" Fucha Gege's voice was trembling, she was really excited today, Yonghuang was able to return to her side to raise him.

"You don't need to thank me. You want to raise Yonghuang. On Yudie, he is Fujin's son. You can only raise him when he is 6 years old. He is about to go to the front yard." Zarafin looked at Fucha Gege and said.

Fucha Gege smiled faintly: "Ci Fujin, this servant is already very contented. Eldest brother already knew what was going on when he was 6 years old. I will let eldest brother understand the truth of the matter."

In the short contact in the past few years, Fuchagege believes that he can do well.

"Let me go in with you." Zarafin helped Fucha Gege into the side hall, and all the nuns around the elder brother were replaced. These people obviously had nothing to do with Fujin, "Be careful with Fujin."

Fucha Gege looked at Zarafin in astonishment, and Fujin's kind reminder made her cold heart slowly warm up.

"Yeah!" Fucha Gege will pay attention, and Si Fujin is already torn apart, and the family must not be able to rely on it. They can live safely in Hongli's backyard and raise Yonghuang properly.

In the side hall, Royal Physician Wang had already prescribed the medicine and let the grandma drink it. After Yong Huang drank the milk with the medicine added, he slept soundly and his body temperature had gradually dropped.

"I need to take good care of it tonight. The slave will be waiting in the courtyard of the study. If Eldest Brother feels uncomfortable, just ask little Sula to call the slave." Royal Physician Wang ordered a few words and left directly.

Zarafin stayed here for a while: "I'm going back first, Ha Yihu is still in the courtyard, when Yonghuang is well, you stay and play with Yonghuang."

"Thank you, Fujin!" Fucha Gege thanked Zarafin from the bottom of his heart.

Zarafin left the gate of the courtyard, but could still feel a pair of warm gazes following her.

(End of this chapter)

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