Chapter 400 A false alarm

As the Hungry Ghost Festival approaches, you can smell the incense of Buddha everywhere in the garden. There is an altar in the courtyard, and incense is burned continuously at 12 hours a day. The slaves are specially drawn, and two shifts are watching the incense for sacrifices. , there must be no breaks.

Zarafin lay on the window sill and looked out of the courtyard. On the sacrificial table in the courtyard, there were fruit plates and three meals a day, which would be changed every day. The three meals would be offered first. only then.

On the kang table in front of him, there is a red sandalwood box, which contains 108 times of the Diamond Sutra specially copied by Zarafin. After a while, he will follow the queen to the Buddhist hall in the Old Summer Palace to light the copied Buddhist scriptures together.

"Master, this is what the master told you to do. You must burn it yourself." Huang Ah walked in from the outside and took a boy, which was the same as the box where Zarafen put the scriptures.

Suspiciously, she opened the box, and found that it was actually a curse of rebirth.

Zarafin patted his forehead. Every year during the Hungry Ghost Festival, the queen would copy the rebirth mantra for Honghui. Zarafin was a little confused this year, and actually forgot about it.

She took out the scriptures from the box and found that the handwriting of the mantra of the past life was the same as what she had written. She was terrified instantly. If it was copied by someone, if something went wrong, she would be speechless from now on.

"Where is Ah Hun?" Zarafin wanted to know who wrote these Buddhist scriptures.

"Master is in the study." Huang Ah said.

Zarafin quickly got down from the beauty's couch, wearing a layered bottom, and walked quickly to Hongli's study, with a helpless smile on his face.

After a while, Zarafin went directly into the study room without passing through. Gao Wuyong gently closed the door of the study room, leaving the space for the two masters.

"Jiaojiao, why are you here?" Hongli looked at Zarafin and asked, put down the brush in his hand, and looked up at Zarafin.

"Ah, who copied these rebirth spells?" Zarafin asked directly.

"I copied your handwriting myself, does it look like it?" Hongli knew Zarafin's caution. At the beginning, because Prince Yi's handwriting was counterfeited, he had to stay in the courtyard surrounded by beekeeping for ten years. time.

Yongzheng had this requirement for the children, and absolutely no one could copy their handwriting. Hongli was very relieved that Zarafen would be so nervous.

"Ah, I will write it myself in the future." Zarafin said with a flat mouth.

Hongli patted the chair beside him and asked her to sit down first.

"I'll copy it for you, people who have nothing to do, remember, just don't let people around you imitate copying." Hongli poked her forehead, "Since I was a child, did I write less homework for you? "

Zarafin stuck out her tongue, if she was lazy when she was studying in the study, she would ask Hongli to imitate the handwriting to do some homework, even the master would not be able to see it.

"Ah, aren't I scared? You don't know, I was covered in cold sweat when I saw those Buddhist scriptures." Zarafin complained, "If you give it to me in person next time, there won't be such a big misunderstanding gone."

Zarafin pouted slightly, and said with a displeased face.

Hongli burst out laughing happily: "Okay."

"Ah Hun, I'm going to Wanfang Anhe, do you want to go over to have dinner tonight?" Zarafen heard Fu Rong mention that she would stay for dinner today.

"In the past, you should be more careful." Hongli reminded.

Fujin's methods of framing her didn't work, and she would probably play tricks on the sacrifices. During the Spring Festival, Sifujin's mistakes have not restored her reputation until now. If it wasn't for Sifujin's happiness soon, the censors would definitely not take it easy Let go of this matter.

"Ah, I understand." Zarafin nodded.

Wan Fang was in peace, the queen stared blankly at the censer at the side, and white smoke slowly came out from the hollow.

Grandma Liu walked up to the queen, and mentioned that the incense in the Buddhist hall seemed to have been tampered with. The queen was annoyed, and ordered the supervisors to conduct a detailed investigation. Today, she is going to do something for Honghui. To cause trouble, unintentionally stepped on the queen's bottom line. ,
"Finally, who is restless?" Queens of Chinese origin are the way concubines do, who would have imagined that Mammy Liu mentioned someone who surprised her.

"The servant repeatedly interrogated, and the servant said that it was Si Fujin! Regarding the hands and feet done by the little master Zarafin, before, Sifujin thought that if he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of childbirth, and frame the little master Zarafin, he would completely fall out of favor," Liu Nanny said, "Your meddling has completely broken Si Fujin's thinking, so Si Fujin can only take advantage of this opportunity."

The queen slapped it and slapped it on the armrest: "My lord just made a wrong choice, insisting on letting Li Rongbao's daughter be the concubine, how Li Rongbao's wife treats the concubine's room, I guess the daughter is not going anywhere, not at all arrogant. "

Taking advantage of Zarafin's absence, the queen of course complained a few words.

Zarafin's soft sedan was parked in Wanfang Anhe, the Queen paused the topic just now, Huang Ah and Tortoise each held a red sandalwood box, and followed her into the main hall.

"Jiaojiao, don't be too polite, let's go to the Buddhist hall." The queen got up, and the two of them were dressed in plain clothes and left through the back door of Wanfang Anhe, stepping on the layered floor.

"Auntie, Hun said, I want to come over for dinner." Zarafin said gently.

The "stinky boy" queen was very emotional. Hongli would come to accompany her to have a meal every year on the eve of the Ghost Festival. The warmth of the queen's reporter.

In the Buddhist hall, the lama was sitting cross-legged on the futon, offering salvation to Honghui. Yongzheng came here to pay homage to Honghui in person after the morning court. This eldest son is the eternal pain in Yongzheng's heart.

"Your Majesty, all those involved in the incident have been taken into custody." Mother Liu muttered.

The corners of the Queen's mouth curled up slightly: "Send it to the back courtyard, and I will take Jiaojiao there in a while."

Zarafin stood not far away, and when he heard the words of the master and servant, his heart sank, and he probably plotted against her again.

For the prince's female relatives, the queen has always been partial to her. In Hongli's backyard, Zarafin has never shy away from this. Occasionally, she will confront Fujin with a tough temper, and will not touch Hongli's heirs if she has the bottom line.

"Jiaojiao, I'll light some incense for you, Honghui's husband first." The queen stood in front of Honghui's tablet, looking at the small tablet, which was carved by Yongzheng himself. During that time, Yongzheng and the queen had a very difficult time. , It was the arrival of Hongli, who let the two go through the predicament of Ulead.

Zarafin respectfully lit the incense, took out the mantra of rebirth, squatted on the ground and burned one by one.

The queen looked at the mantra in Zarafin's hands, and sighed.

Zarafin didn't have time to transcribe recently, and Yuanshou probably copied the mantra of the past life. In the morning, Hongli burned [-] copies of the mantra of the past life. He sincerely regarded Honghui as his elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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