The upgrade of Concubine Xian in Qing Dynasty

Chapter 358 Dig out the traitor

Chapter 358 Dig out the traitor
When the sun was setting, the Xinghuachun Pavilion was quiet. Zarafin and Hongli were sitting in the stone pavilion, playing Go. She frowned slightly, her eyes were fixed on the chessboard, and there was a trace of puzzlement on her face. , Today, she specially taught He Bo to work harder to play backgammon. In just two hours, Zarafin had no choice but to surrender.

"Ah, I lost again!" Zarafin pouted slightly, "Your chess skills are really good, I can only bow down."

Gao Wuyong stood respectfully under the stone pavilion, standing guard for the two masters. When lunch was approaching, Gao Wuyong had already received the news that Fujin had sent someone to monitor the sex change. If Mrs. Narb came, he would report.

Gao Wuyong found the real stalker, which made Gao Wuyong very happy. In front of Hongli, he would not be talked about again because of this matter.

"Eunuch Gao, hasn't Fujin been grounded? Why did you send someone to watch over the master?" Huang Ah found out the truth after investigation, so he told Zhu Zi that he could only silently investigate some other news.

Gao Wuyong watched secretly for a while, wondering if he should take the opportunity to leak some news about his own investigation?

Hongli was concerned about Zarafin, for fear that the little girl would be bullied.

"It's not to send someone to watch. Every year when the second day of junior high school comes back, the master will send the empress back home, and will rarely accompany Fujin." Gao Wuyong, who was placed in Fujin's courtyard, was considered useful, and said directly .

Uh uh uh!
Huang Ah looked at him in astonishment: "Are you right?"

Hongli would accompany the Queen to Ulanara's mansion, but he went to Feiyangu's mansion, not to Narbu's mansion.

"Not everyone understands what Fujin means." Gao Wuyong hinted.

Before dinner, Zarafin went back to bed, and Huang Ah just took this opportunity to tell Zarafin who the stalker he found today was.

There was a sneer on her lips, "Has someone been planted in Fujin's courtyard?" Zarafin asked.

"It has been arranged. Although he is not a core person, he can enter Fujin's dorm later." Huang Ah thought that there was something wrong with Zarafen, so he said hastily.

Zarafin's worshiper: "Let her keep an eye on the news of Fujin's courtyard at all times. Remember, when Mrs. Fucha went to visit Fujin, she recorded everything she said and did."

"Yes!" Huang Ah took the order and left.

Three days later, Zarafin was distributing the vegetables, and found that the number of vegetables was much less, which made him feel strange.

"Is it because Zhuangzi's output is not good?" Zarafin is more worried about this. If the output is not good, there will be certain advantages.

"Master, why don't you ask the master to see if that is what the master meant?" Huang Ah was worried that Yinzhen would let Gao Wuyou take it in advance.

Zarafin sighed, is breakfast ready?Follow me to the study. "

After dressing up, Zarafin walked towards the study with the servants, and found that Hongli was talking to his staff, so Zarafin could only stay in the side hall, waiting for Hongli to come to see her when he had time .

"Gao Wuyong, wait first!" Gao Wuyong arranged for Zarafen to rest in the side hall, turned around and wanted to go back to the hall to serve, but Zarafen stopped him.

"Cian Fujin, why are you looking for a servant?" Gao Wuyong asked.

"When will the Lord finish the matter? I have something to ask." Zarafin was very anxious. Rui Oh quietly took the things away and sold them because of anger. She must have dealt with the slaves.

Gao Wuyong looked at Zarafin: "Ce Fujin wants to ask about vegetables?"

At this moment, Gao Wuyong regretted that he didn't notice Zarafin himself.

Zarafin nodded: "Ah Hun took the vegetables away?"

"Yes, the slave also sent Xiao Suzi to inform Huang Ah." Gao Wuyong nodded.

"Gao Gonggong, the slave didn't see Xiao Suzi, he must have gone somewhere else.

Gao Wuyong smiled awkwardly: "Ci Fujin, this matter must be taken care of by the servant."

Huang Ah finally understood that this time Fujin paid for his money, and actually directly used the people from the Fucha Clan's Department of Internal Affairs.

After lunch, Zarafin was about to take a lunch break, Hongli was called to the study, and Huang A told the investigation situation one by one, even Gao Wuyong said nothing.

The three elder brothers living in the garden all have special staff around them, which was allowed by Yongzheng.

"Stand still, these people are settled, I will see what they are going to do." Zarafin sneered.

As dinner was approaching, Zarafin stood in the courtyard, waiting for Hongli who had returned from his trip. Although he was grounded, if Yongzheng was looking for Hongli, he would have to be there whenever he wanted.

"Jiaojiao, why did you come out?" Hongli held her cold little hand, blaming her a little.

If Fujin or other female family members did this, Hongli felt that these people were trying to gain fame and fame, and imitated Zarafen.

"Ah, didn't I want to see you as soon as possible, why did I go out for such a long time, let alone one or two hours?" Zarafin asked curiously.

Hongli tilted his head to look at the little guy, and sighed helplessly: "It's Fujin who has something to do, so he specially asked me to go there, Jiaojiao, follow me to the study first."

Zarafin followed behind Hongli, his perplexed expression reassured him, Fujin sent someone to watch Zarafin, unintentionally Hongli got a little annoyed.

Fujin is the first wife, so it's okay to monitor the people in the backyard, but she can't be placed next to the female relatives.

After the two were seated, Hongli waved away all the servants, and Zarafin instantly understood that things were getting worse.

"The paintings in your courtyard can no longer be used, so hand them over to Gao Wuyong." Hongli looked at Zarafin and said.

"Ah, the person staring at is the servant painting?" Zarafin couldn't believe it, "This is absolutely impossible, the servant painting family is under the management of Ama and Erniang, how could they be bribed?" ? Certainly not."

"This is true. Moreover, the person I placed in the Fujin Courtyard gave me the exact news that the mother-in-law came back to the garden. The news was sent by the mother who served the painting." Hongli said helplessly.

"Why?!" Zarafin was stunned.

Both Narbu and Lang Jia treated the servants very well, but the betrayal of the servant's parents made people a little unprepared.

"Because the elder brother who attends painting fell in love with Fucha's servant girl, Mrs. Li Rongbao took hold of this servant girl and made the other party betray her directly." Hongli said, looking at Zarafin.

When learning the truth, Hongli hesitated a little, hoping to reduce the damage to Zarafin.

"Ah, I understand, don't worry, I won't make a fuss!" Zarafin showed a bitter smile on his face.

Now, Zarafin just wants to calm down and think about how to inform his family.

Hongli didn't say any more, so that she could meditate.

(End of this chapter)

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