The upgrade of Concubine Xian in Qing Dynasty

Chapter 309 Zarafin's Chapter Strike

Chapter 309 Zarafin's Counterattack
In the Daxiong Hall, the abbot sat cross-legged on the lectern on the left, giving a condescending lecture. Zarafin sat on the futon near the door, and Hongli sat on the right, listening intently.

She looked outside the hall, she didn't understand the scriptures at all, she just wanted to come and pay her vows, but she was pulled over to listen to these scriptures.

"Ah, I'll go out first." Zarafin watched Huang'a anxiously pacing back and forth at the entrance of the hall, and quickly touched Hongli, ready to leave first.

Hongli got up and saluted the abbot in a low-key manner, and quietly left with Zarafin.

Zarafin walked out of the hall and quickly walked to the corridor, Huang Ah looked at the master, and quickly bowed to pay his respects.

"Master, something happened to the mansion. Just now, Zhang Deshun sent the news that the dispute over the purchase of Li Rongbao's mansion and our mansion had been sent to the admiral of the Nine Gates to be imprisoned." Huang Ah said directly.

Zarafin frowned slightly: "Didn't you say anything else?"

If it's such a small matter, the manager can handle it by himself, and there must be some insider inside, so he will report it.

"Master." Huang Ah glanced at Hongli, and said with a little embarrassment.

"After all, I believe that Ah Huan will deal with it fairly." The unconditional trust in Zarafin's eyes made Hongli feel warm, thinking that he really did not take care of her in vain.

Standing not far away, Zhang Deshun saw that Hongli was there, and his heart sank.

When Sifujin confronts Zarafin, Sifujin will definitely be superior in chess, and if it is head-to-head, Zarafen will definitely lose.

"Let's talk." Hongli looked at Zhang Deshun and said.

Zhang Deshun took a deep breath and talked about what happened this afternoon.

Later, Hongli's eyes turned cold. The people in Li Rongbao's mansion used Sifu Jin's status to cause troubles. Many people would rather not make money than make troubles.

For Si Fujin, the upper clans can all see that the royal family doesn't value it, but outsiders think that Si Fujin is the prince's first wife. As a first wife, how many are favored?
"People from the store are standing in Li Rongbao's mansion?" Zarafin was stunned. According to the development of his gaffe, it was obvious that Narbu's mansion was in charge, but Li Rongbao's men forcibly restrained his hands and feet.

"Yes, fourth elder brother, the young masters told you that you don't need to come forward. This is a matter between Narbu's mansion and Li Rongbao's mansion. If you get involved, people will think that you are helping." Zhang Deshun According to Wu De's words.

Wu De had already thought about it, if Li Rongbao insisted on clinging on, they were thinking of other ways, but they never thought of asking Hongli to help.

Hongli complained in his heart: "I came forward more quickly, is there anyone to help you? Even if you want to testify, there is no one behind you, and no one else will go."

After listening to Hongli's words, Zarafen quickly retorted: "Ah-hung, Wude Ah-hung must have considered everything carefully."

Hongli took the two of them to the courtyard of the fasting room, and was going to take the opportunity to tell the two about the background of the chief managers of Li Rongbao's mansion.

Entering the study, Zarafin sat beside Hongli, meditated for a while, and sorted out the relationship network of Fucha's family.

"Jiaojiao, several of Li Rongbao's competent managers are basically involved with the time of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, when you touch them, you must be extra cautious. If you confront the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will definitely be a loss. Serious." Hongli pondered, since he didn't want him to intervene, then let her know the situation directly.

Zarafin looked at him in astonishment, and quickly remembered the identities of the few people in Xin. When the sun went down, she was about to give an order. Tomorrow, a rescue was needed. Sifujin actually used this method to control Zarafin Fern.

After Hongli popularized science, she sat on a chair and thought about how to deal with it.

"Jiaojiao, have you figured out how to deal with it?" Hongli said, looking at Zarafin.

She nodded: "The other party obviously wants to snatch some imported goods. It is the first time for the Fucha family to make a tribute as the prince Fujin's natal family. It is inevitable to want some luxurious things."

In fact, Zarafin changed his mind, thinking that these are all fine, but the stewards thought they were fighting for it.

"Master, if outsiders find out and we back down, others will think that we are afraid of Li Rongbao." Zhang Deshun looked at Zarafin and said.

Uh uh uh!
"No, we are not relatives of the emperor, so we definitely don't need such a good thing as entering the palace." Zarafin persuaded.

Zarafin's words deeply stimulated Hongli. The Ulanara clan is a family, and Xingchan and others regard Narbu as a family. In fact, the Huifa Ulanara clan is still a branch of them.

"Jiaojiao." Hongli was awakened by her, and he knew that if he stepped forward, he would fall into Sifujin's trap.

"Hun, don't worry about it," Zarafin said.

Three days later, Zarafin returned to the mansion, just in time to watch Akdon come back from the nine-door admiral's mansion, and saw Zarafin, and the two knelt down in front of her.

"Okay, Akdon, reward him with 100 taels of silver. He won't be on duty for a few days. Let him have a good rest and let the government doctor diagnose him. Don't leave any trouble. Right now, the cell is very damp. said Zarafin.

Caimai listened to Zarafin's order, and hurriedly kowtowed to thank her. Not only did the errand go wrong, but she didn't even reprimand her, and she even asked the mansion doctor to check her pulse, which is definitely not found in other mansions.

Standing not far away, Wu De happened to hear Zarafin's words, and felt very emotional in his heart. Zarafin had really grown up, and he was able to make a choice in the first place.

"Ah, what are you doing standing here?" Zarafin looked at Wu De and said.

A few days ago, inside and outside the Jingchen Palace paid great attention to this matter. Zarafin was taken by Hongli to offer incense, while Sifujin was slightly inferior. After the incident of the purchase, everyone paid attention to whether Hongli would shot.

The retreat of Narbu's mansion made everyone a little confused. Is Zarafin timid and not ready to fight against Sifujin?Or follow the rules?
The development of the situation disappointed everyone. The people in Narb's mansion seemed to be doing other things as if this had happened. No. [-] did not intend to intercede.

"Jiaojiao, go to the study first, Ama and Erniang have sent letters." Wu De looked at Zarafin and said.

Those imported items were only part of their mansion selection, and Mrs. Li Rongbao certainly did not have as much financial resources as Narbu's mansion.

Entering the study, seeing that the three elder brothers were all there, all of them were frowning.

"Be happy, it's my last Chinese New Year!" Zarafin glared at them angrily.

"Jiaojiao, can you really tolerate it? You've bullied us all over the mansion!" Si Ge felt a little resentful.

In the past few days, I went to the garden to attend classes, and found that Fu Heng was shaking and dared to provoke them in front of their brothers. According to Zarafen, Hongli did not participate in this matter, as if he had given Sifujin and Li Rongbao's family a mistake. signal of.

(End of this chapter)

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