I want to give you all the good things

Chapter 77 It's all a misunderstanding

Chapter 77 It's all a misunderstanding

But the sky is the sky, and the earth is the earth. Is there really anything to predict the future?


Shen Jun chased Jian Jing to a sparsely populated place, which was also the place they were most familiar with - the pavilion behind the library, and they even gave this place a nice name - Mo Wangxi.

It means that people's joy and sorrow come from different moments.But it came suddenly, and it went suddenly.But let's not forget that even with the worst things, we all have things to be happy about.


The remaining six people arrived in the classroom. Just like before, there was still no one in the classroom.But it's time for the lunch break to end.

The few of them saw Fu Xiaxia take out the thick blue and lavender book with this strange color.

They took one look, and just that one look, fascinated.

The cover of this book is really attractive.Not to mention the material, it looks very new, but it feels full of age.

None of them could take their eyes off it.Fu Xiaxia opened the first page of the book.It is a few patterns that look like the Big Dipper.

"These are the patterns of the twelve constellations. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces."

The others listened carefully, and although they didn't quite understand it, they could roughly understand it.

"Of course there is another constellation that is Ophiuchus, but I don't know much about it yet." Fu Xiaxia turned to the next side, which was an eight trigrams array.

"This is a gossip array, and this one is more complicated. You can read this book, I have been thinking about it for a long time to understand it."

"However, we can't fully trust this book. After all, it's a fortune teller, and it won't be too accurate. There will be more or less mistakes." Fu Xiaxia explained her own opinion to them.

"Oh, I'm just curious, where did you find this book?" Shen Jun asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"I found this at home." Fu Xiaxia was proud.

"Tch!" Shen Jun tilted his head, studying the book.

"Hey~ Look, this book is still old." Shen Jun suddenly discovered something and pointed it out to everyone.

Everyone came together.

"Isn't this year this year?" Xia Anlan said, doubting her own eyes, and looked at the people around her.

"Yes! It's still the latest publication." Gu Baizhe agreed.

"Hahaha... Fu Xiaxia, are you sure you found it from home!?!" Shen Jun laughed at her, making her so proud just now.

"Hmm..." Suddenly being caught, Fu Xiaxia felt a little embarrassed, and blushed and scratched her head: "Well, a salesman sold it to me on my way home. She said it was It was passed down from her ancestors. She said she had a chance to meet me, so she sold it to me at a low price."

"Low price?!?" Xia Anlan asked, "How much?"

"58." Fu Xiaxia obediently admitted.

"Ah!?!" This was the reaction of everyone.

"My dear Xia Xia! You've been cheated, don't you know?" After hearing her explanation, Feng Man suddenly felt sorry for the child's stupidity.

"I also doubted it at first, but the man said that if I have any doubts, I can use this book to look them up, and I can find them all. At that time, I wanted to know if there was any result between me and Gao Yuyang, so I was so excited, Just bought it."

"Me!?! You really think this is an encyclopedia! Even an encyclopedia can't solve the relationship problem." Feng Man exploded on the spot.

"Okay, okay! Our top priority now is to find Su Yi and Jian Jing and tell them that this is all a misunderstanding." Xia Anlan said.

 la la la!It's over today!Rest early, little cuties!

(End of this chapter)

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