Heavenly Dao madden

Chapter 230 Liu Shushu's Misunderstanding

Chapter 230 Liu Shushu's Misunderstanding (2)

It was not until Liu Shushu had cried enough and was tired from crying that she finally stopped.The voice was hoarse, but the tears still couldn't stop.

Bai Yuhan helplessly tugged at his sleeves, which were already wet. Bai Yuhan didn't know if Liu Shushu would become dehydrated if she continued to cry, but she knew that if she continued to cry like this, her clothes might be too wet. I'm going to suffer!
"Shu Shu, please don't cry! It might be dangerous here, let's get out of here first, okay?" Bai Yuhan was extraordinarily patient and gentle with Liu Shushu, probably because she was like this when her master taught her back then.

"Um, Shu. Shushu is obedient." Liu Shushu choked and wiped her tears with her sleeves, holding back the tears in her eyes. Her big eyes were full of crystal clear tears, looking pitiful and cute.

Bai Yuhan patted her head in distress, and stood up with a smile.Liu Shushu also stood up quickly, took Bai Yuhan's sleeve with her little hand, followed every step without leaving an inch.

Bai Yuhan was even more sure that the child might have been frightened here, and his heart ached even more.But Bai Yuhan pretended not to see Ye Huangchu who was hesitant to speak next to him.

Ye Huangchu had a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he really didn't know what to do.Now it seems that he can only leave here first, and then think of a way!It is impossible to marry Bai Yuhan, but if he can compensate Bai Yuhan in other ways, it will also make Ye Huangchu feel better.

As for Liu Shushu, Ye Huangchu originally wanted to reach out and touch her head to comfort her.She was timid at first, she must be terrified here alone, hearing how sad she was crying just now, she must have been terrified!

However, to Ye Huangchu's surprise, Liu Shushu, who never rejected him, escaped his hand this time and did not let him touch her head!Such a thing has never happened before, no matter how shy Liu Shushu is, she never refuses Ye Huangchu's approach!This is probably the first time, right?

Ye Huangchu was stunned for a moment, his hands were frozen in the air, and he didn't even react.

Seeing Ye Huangchu's actions, Liu Shushu's heart clenched into a ball.But when she thought of the words she heard just now, she became ruthless again.Brother Ye wants to be with the master, how can she snatch it from the master?Since you can't grab it, forget it.

Lowering her eyes, Liu Shushu forcibly swallowed back the tears in her eyes.She has to learn to be strong, otherwise how will she face the future?If Big Brother Ye marries Master in the future, will she have to cry all day long?no!Absolutely not!

From this moment on, Liu Shushu forced herself to grow up.

Seeing the two figures in front of him, one tall and one short, slowly blending into the darkness, Ye Huangchu withdrew his hand somewhat disappointed.He took off the luminous pearl on the wall and followed.

The luminous pearl illuminates the way forward, and through this cave, the group of people seems to have entered another world!
This is a cave, but it doesn't look like a cave.The roof of the cave is covered with crystal stalagmites, with different heights and different sizes.The light of the night pearl in Ye Huangchu's hand shone on these stalagmites, refracting gorgeous light, and the whole cave was shrouded in such light for a while, it was too beautiful to behold!
Both Bai Yuhan and Liu Shushu were stunned. It was probably the first time they saw such a scene!

On the contrary, Ye Huangchu seemed much calmer. He had seen such brilliance a lot in his previous life.In those big cities at night, it is rare that there is no brilliance!Compared with the light of the whole city, the light in the cave in front of me is still a bit lighter.

Of course, this is the first time Ye Huangchu has seen such a spectacle, and he couldn't help but admire the wonder of the Creator!There is no light in this cave, and no one has noticed the beauty of these crystal clear stalagmites.But once there is light, the whole cave will immediately become different!
The magnificent scenery makes people feel as if they are in a hallucination.

Liu Shushu opened her mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"This is different from what I saw before!" Liu Shushu said stupidly, "It was so dark before, what is it now?"

Ye Huangchu laughed and said: "These colorful lights are refracted by those stalagmites. These stalagmites are crystal clear, just like a mirror. The light of the night pearl shines on the stalagmites, and is refracted by the stalagmites to other stalagmites. , Only in this way can the whole cave be filled with such colorful light."

Ye Huangchu explained briefly, and waved the luminous pearl in his hand casually, the colorful light in the cave would change position with the movement of the luminous pearl, making the whole cave even more dreamy!

"It's so beautiful!" Liu Shushu said foolishly.

Bai Yuhan had already recovered from the previous shock, she took a deep look at Ye Huangchu, and walked forward without saying a word, leading Liu Shushu.

The cave is not flat, there are potholes everywhere, and there are even many protruding stalagmites, and it is easy to get injured if you are not careful.The light of the luminous pearl here will become colorful, and it will change its position at any time. Although it makes the cave dreamy, it also affects the vision of the people inside!
Because Liu Shushu was dazzled by the light, she almost fell several times.Fortunately, Bai Yuhan was holding her hand, so there was no danger.But Bai Yuhan himself didn't have the ability of night vision, and under the influence of these lights, he walked a little staggeringly.

Ye Huangchu had to carefully follow behind the two, ready to help them at any time to prevent them from falling.

Going forward like this, they finally came to the middle of the cave, and all three of them felt a fiery breath rushing over.At this moment, it was like being in an oven. The temperature of the fiery breath was a bit high, and ordinary people might not be able to bear it at all.

Ye Huangchu felt it, the fiery breath seemed to emanate from the bottom of his feet.After searching around carefully, Ye Huangchu found a hole going down.The entrance of this cave is very hidden, covered by stalagmites, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

Moreover, there was a faint red light flickering in the hole, and there was obviously something below.

Ye Huangchu approached the entrance of the cave, and immediately felt a wave of heat rushing towards his face. In an instant, his hair was slightly curled, as if it was scorched by the heat wave.

Ye Huangchu quickly shrank back, away from the entrance of the cave.He felt that if he stayed any longer, his hair might be on fire!
"What did you find?" Ye Huangchu's actions caught Bai Yuhan's attention, and she couldn't help asking curiously.

Ye Huangchu didn't hide it either: "There is a hole here, there seems to be something underneath!"

"The entrance of the cave?" Bai Yuhan also came over to check, but told Liu Shushu not to come, because she found that Ye Huangchu seemed to be unable to bear the temperature of the entrance of the cave, and she was afraid that Liu Shushu would get hurt.

Liu Shushu stood on the spot, looking at the backs of Ye Huangchu and Bai Yuhan, both of them were in front of the hole, probably too focused, they didn't notice how close they were to each other.But from Liu Shushu's perspective, they seemed to be extremely intimate and ambiguous.

"Well, it's a good match." Liu Shushu thought with a bitter smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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