Twin Brocade

Chapter 455 Negotiation

Chapter 455 Negotiation
Chu Mo had just found out about his parents' plan.

He went back to the room to wash his face, and after listening to the boy's report, he pondered for a moment and asked, "You mean, mother went to visit Mrs. Fang's family in the afternoon and sat there for a full hour and a half?"

"Yes, sir."

"I see." He handed the cleansing towel to the boy, and said, "Don't talk about this."

If it wasn't for her own marriage, why would her mother suddenly visit Fang's house.Combined with some of the mother's previous arrangements, Chu Mo understood seven or eight points in his heart.

It turned out that the wife that his mother had chosen for him was actually her?
Thinking of this, Chu Mo couldn't help being a little dazed.

That woman who is as lonely and blooming as a red plum, who is not false to her, seems to be really good?Thinking of this, a faint smile floated on his lips.

"Master," an elegantly dressed maid came into the room with a tray, put a small bowl of round-grained rice porridge on the table, and said, "Madam told me to drink it while it's hot."

Chu Mo was used to painting at night, so Mrs. Chu asked people to make porridge for him every night in different ways.

Hearing her voice, Chu Mo came back to his senses, and said, "Just put it there, I'll drink it later." On his side face, there was still that slight smile just now, pure and refreshing like a spring flower.

Even though she saw him every day, the servant girl felt her heart skip a beat, so she hurriedly bowed and left.

By Chu Mo's side, besides the personal servants and long followers, there were also several servant girls serving him.

Mrs. Chu had warned these maidservants early in the morning that whoever dared to seduce the men into doing wrong things would sell them immediately.No matter whose problem it is, it should be handled accordingly.

In addition, it is said that if they are good at serving, when Chu Mo marries a wife, they will all have the possibility of becoming housemates or even concubines.

Carrots and sticks are the same formula.With such intimidation and hope, these maidservants are extremely peaceful.They all secretly warned themselves not to be stupid, not to do wrong things that would make them regret for life.

Being disturbed by her like this, Chu Mo lost his train of thought.

After finishing his porridge, he opened the window and stood in the night wind.It's cool in winter, but I don't know where the faint fragrance comes from, and penetrates into the nose.This reminded him inadvertently of the back that faded away under the red plum tree that day.

The painting was taken away by Fang Ziquan, but in the night, the scene of that day became more and more clear.

He spread out the rice paper, and picked up a pen to swipe on the paper.In a few breaths, the woman's back and the red plums blooming wantonly were outlined above.

Seeing the painting completed in one go, he smiled with satisfaction.Compared with the one that day, he is more satisfied with the current one.Although the scene was light, the woman became more lively.

Fang Jinshu, will you be my wife?

Chu Mo asked himself in his heart, but he didn't realize that at this moment, his mind was completely occupied by her.

After hearing about this incident, the young man's heart fluctuated up and down.With hope, knowing the possible bond between this woman and himself, he couldn't settle down.

There are not a few days left in the lively New Year.

At this time, large and small shops in Beijing opened one after another, and shopkeepers and shopkeepers took stock of the goods in the shops, preparing for new openings for the new year.

In Guangying Goods Store, Ji Sishui checked the goods on the counter before turning back to the back house and discussing with Mrs. Han: "I'm thinking about it, and I will make a brochure."

Cargo dealers mainly test eyesight, understanding and grasp of fashionable objects in Beijing.And they are taking the high-end route, everything is high-quality goods, and many of them only have one or two pieces, and after they are sold, they cannot find another one.

In this way, although the profits are considerable, the total amount cannot be increased.

According to their way of operating high-quality goods, it is doomed to be impossible to stock up in large quantities.

Therefore, when Ji Sishui mentioned the album, Miss Han knew what he meant.Nodding his head, he said, "What Xianggong said is true, we can customize according to the pattern, so we don't have to worry about it."

"As long as the deposit is paid, we can make purchases every month." When it comes to doing business, although Ji Sishui entered the business late, he gradually found the way.

"I still have to ask Miss Si about this matter." Mrs. Han pondered for a moment, then said, "I'll send someone to pass on the greeting card." At present, the most profitable products of Guangying Merchant Store are all pointed out by Fang Jinshu.

In their hearts, it was all because of the senior standing behind her.

"No rush." ​​Ji Sishui said: "That's all I'm saying, what are you in a hurry for? We'll talk about it after you've settled down."

Lady Han shook her head and said, "It's clear that something is going on, and I'm not a porcelain doll. What does it matter if I go back and forth in a sedan chair? One is about the album, and the other is about the imperial business. Both need to be planned as soon as possible."

"If there is a delay, it may be a year."

Every year, the Huangshang brand is usually distributed around April. Although it is only the first month now, if you want to do this, you must start planning.

The purchase of items in the palace is very detailed.As detailed as jewelry, it will be divided into different categories such as hairpins, hairpins, silk flowers, and rough stones.As for these categories, sometimes there is one imperial merchant, but more often there are several, each responsible for one category.

Guangying Commodity Company is just a newly established firm, and its knowledge and qualifications are far inferior to those of the imperial merchants who are used to it.If the time is too late, I am afraid that this year will really pass, and we will have to wait for next year.

Ji Sishui also understood this truth in his heart.

Competing for the position of the imperial merchant is not for the purpose of doing business to obtain profits, but to open up channels in the palace.He also wanted to solve that major matter as soon as possible, so that the two of them could live in peace.

"Well then," he hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'll take you there tomorrow, so I can feel more at ease." There are so many people in the city that they are afraid of collisions.

After the two made an agreement, Mrs. Han sent someone to deliver the post to Fang Jinshu.

The next day, Ji Sishui escorted her to the side door of Fang's house, helped her get out of the carriage, and said: "I'll wait in the carriage, you go slowly."

Mrs. Han responded softly, and walked inside while supporting the servant girl's hand.

Fang Xin received Fang Jinshu's order and waited at the second gate early in the morning. When she saw her coming, she hurriedly went up to say hello and led her to go in.

"Girl, Mrs. Han is here." Fang Fei came in and reported.

Fang Jinshu put down the book in his hand, looked at Miss Han who was walking cautiously, and a flash of understanding flashed in his heart.Standing up to meet her, she asked with a smile, "Ms. Han is pregnant?"

She is less than three months pregnant, her pregnancy is not obvious, and her obesity is not obvious at all.Only this walking posture reveals her cautiousness.

"You can see this?" Mrs. Han said with a smile: "The fourth girl is indeed Huizhi Lanxin."

Fang Jinshu pursed his lips and said with a smile, "It's so obvious, why can't you see it?" He asked Fang Fei to help her up, and let her sit on the soft couch in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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