greenery is king

Chapter 274 Saoirse's Request

Chapter 274 Saoirse's Request
After returning to Milan, Ai Huan thought that he would be surrounded by those reporters, but in fact, few people interviewed him about whether he would quit the national team. The people who asked him to interview him were those who talked about Hollywood. Even Nanshan didn't ask about this matter, which made him feel surprised that he asked Nanshan specifically.

Nanshan just smiled, "To be honest, you have been made into that state before. If you still want to join the national team, it will be a big news. Everyone has already been mentally prepared for this decision, so few people are willing to oppose it." I have been concerned about this kind of thing over and over again. And I can tell you very clearly that domestic comments on you have begun to develop on the positive side. Now no one is calling you a traitor, and those who slandered you before Articles have almost died down."

"What does that mean? Are they starting to speak well of me again?"

"That's not true, it's just that I won't continue to slander you. I think there may be some big leaders who can't stand it anymore and stand up and say a few words of justice, so they stopped, and I'm afraid they will block your news in the future. , Maybe for a period of time, no one will talk about you again, which is also a good thing for you, and you can spend some time in peace."

"When will this peace last?" Ai Huan smiled wryly.

Nanshan chuckled, then stretched out his hand and scratched his head, "I'm not sure about this, but judging from my experience, they won't think of you again until the next time the national team has a game mission. Oh, yes, there is also a The prerequisite is that the national team loses again. If they win, they won’t be able to think of you anymore. As long as they lose, they will feel sour again.”

After Ai Huan and Nanshan separated, he walked to the hotel, which was only two blocks away from the hotel where he was staying.Milan has just had a light rain. Although it has stopped at this time, the temperature has dropped so low that there are not many pedestrians on the street. Ai Huan walked on the street breathing the oncoming fresh air, but felt extremely heavy in his heart .

At this time, the phone rang, and he glanced at it and connected it, his voice also became higher, "Boss, why are you thinking of calling me?"

There came Uribe's hearty laughter, "I also want to know how far things have progressed?"

"I'm doing it according to the routine you told me, and everything is going well." Ai Huan chuckled. Before Ai Huan was cornered by Milan, he called Uribe. At that time, Uribe I gave him a series of ideas, and now it seems that these methods are all effective. "It seems that you are still an old fox, but I don't understand. Why can't you get into a rich family if you are so smart?"

Uribe laughed out loud, "Advising others and doing it yourself are two different concepts. I can tell you what to do, but I can't tell myself what to do. This is the problem. You told the news about your withdrawal from the national team through your agent. I saw it too, it’s pretty good, but let me ask you, do you want to wait until things are sorted out in your country before going back, or do you really want to wait until the age of 21 to join and change your nationality?”

"Is there any difference? I've been thinking about this issue recently. You should know that in my country, I'm afraid I won't be able to get my hands on the Hercules Cup for the rest of my life. Maybe I can think about it if I change my nationality."

Uribe pondered for a while and then said, "Ai, I can tell you responsibly, don't think about this idea in the future, because it is a very unwise decision. First of all, there are only a few teams that can win the World Cup That's all, even if you can really go in, it's just icing on the cake. After all, people are still willing to choose their own people, and no matter how powerful you are, you will be an outsider to others, and you will never be recognized, and your motherland will be affected by it. I hate you, and your affiliated countries will not like you because of it. Why do you need to do things that are not human? As for joining some weaker countries, to be honest, it would be better if you led the last one in China The peak makes more sense, doesn't it?"

Ai Huan paused for a moment, he didn't expect Uribe to say such a sentence, and it was very reasonable, so he sighed, "You are right, it seems that I can only wait."

"You really trust me that much?" Uribe laughed, "I remember you were not so obedient in Elche."

Ai Huan laughed loudly, "At this time and then at that time, ever since I encountered so many problems in Milan, I remembered what you said to me at the beginning. At that time, I realized how reasonable what you said. From then on, I decided to I believe everything you say. Anyway, you haven't found a club that is willing to invite you, or you can be my brain trust." Ai Huan also joked.

Uribe laughed out loud, "Forget it, I have accepted Verba's invitation, they fell to the third division last year, and they didn't play very well this year, they hope that I can bring them back to the second division." .”

"Really? Then I wish you success, but we have agreed, if what you do is not interesting, come to me."

Uribe suddenly laughed, "If it is possible, you recommend me to coach the Chinese/national team. I have always wanted to know why the Chinese/national team can't get a good result? Obviously you have never There is no shortage of people willing to give their all for football."

When Ai Huan walked to the gate of the hotel, he suddenly saw Saoirse. He couldn't help but hang up the phone after saying goodbye to Uribe, and hurried over, "How did you get here?" It was obvious that Saoirse had just Those who have cried, saw Ai Huan and ran over immediately, hugging Ai Huan tightly, "What's wrong with you? Who bullied you, tell me, I'll knock out his teeth." Ai Huan really He regarded this little girl as his younger sister, so as soon as he saw her crying, he felt an infinite desire to protect her.

"No one is bullying me, Ai, I'm leaving." Saoirse also knew that her behavior had misunderstood Ai Huan, so she immediately explained, "My family has come to look for me, and they want me to go back." He pointed to a car parked not far behind him.

Only then did Ai Huan notice a middle-aged man sitting in that car, and he couldn't help laughing, "Okay, it's a good thing for you to go home, why cry? It's not like we have a chance to meet after parting ways."

Saoirse suddenly said seriously to Ai Huan, "Ai, I have a wish that I hope you can grant me."

"You say I will."

"I'm 15 years old, and I'll be an adult in three years. I just hope you don't get married in these three years, okay?"

"Ah..." This time it was Ai Huan's turn to be in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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