greenery is king

Chapter 1578 Celebration

Chapter 1578 Celebration

When the whistle blew at the end of the game, the fans immediately fell into carnival. Although this was the second consecutive championship, the fans still had uncontrollable emotions. In their opinion, this is what Chelsea should do best. have everything.

Abramovich has appeared on the sidelines again, and the camera has captured the smile on his face, which is a kind of indescribable brilliance and pride, and the Russian tycoon also enjoys this championship very much.

Of course, the fans will not disappoint the boss. They sang Abramovich's favorite song, "There is only one Abramovich in the world, and he is the biggest contributor to Chelsea."

And Taylor also appeared beside Abramovich, and with her was Chelsea's wife group, they all hoped to use this opportunity to expose as much as possible, which made all the fans even more excited.

But although the atmosphere at the scene was very enthusiastic, the fans still did not rush into the stadium like last season to snatch the clothes or other things of their favorite players. The fans have gradually begun to adapt to this successive championships When the day comes, they have learned to be calm.

The atmosphere in the players' lounge was as lively as before, and the players were still very excited, especially the few players who had just joined. They sprayed each other with champagne in their hands, and they didn't care what brand of clothes the other party was wearing. .

Ai Huan refused to attend the press conference as usual, so Terry went with Mourinho. The old captain had the qualifications, but when he went, the rest of these people became even more unscrupulous.

At the post-match press conference, Mourinho also seemed very calm. He first started his performance today with a joke: "Don't worry, everyone, there will never be another incident of players rushing in and kidnapping the head coach today. I have already warned I have passed all the players, and they all said that they will no longer do the kind of things that children are willing to do."

The reporters burst into laughter, and everyone remembered that Mourinho was rushed in by the Chelsea players to fight him before he finished speaking at this time last season, and then he was thrown into the bathtub in the players' lounge It is said that the bathtub was not only full of water but also put several buckets of ice cubes.

Mourinho saw that the effect he wanted had been achieved, so he began his own words: "I am very satisfied with today's championship, because the league championship is always very difficult, it is not enough to perform well in one or two games Yes, but it needs a fairly long duration, and everyone knows that the current Premier League is very strong, and even has the appearance of Europe's first league. No matter whether someone has doubts about it, this is something that everyone cannot avoid Yeah, so this season is a little bit more difficult than last season, which I didn't expect. But the good news is that our players have performed very well, they have shown world-class ability throughout the season, and we have time and time again. I am most satisfied with defeating the opponents standing in front of us."

He paused, took a sip of bottled water, and then continued, "The league championship is indeed what we want, because we deserve it, but what we want the most is yet to come. Yes, I will not avoid this Now Chelsea will not be afraid of any opponent. What we want more is the Champions League, the Big Ears Cup. This is the third time for me, but it is what I want the most. Only by standing there can I win Proudly tell the world that we Chelsea have become a symbol, Chelsea at this time has formed an era, and then we will lead the world."

Mourinho's high-profile has always been liked by reporters, but such a high-profile still makes everyone feel a little incredible, but the reporters still threw out the questions they had prepared in the following questions.

"Excuse me, will you use the main players in the next league?"

"Yes, almost everyone in our current Chelsea is the main force, everyone has a chance to play, and I am very happy to be greeted by the opponent. My players should also be treated like this."

"The old man has made it clear that he will retire this year, and he has publicly mentioned on many occasions that you are his most important successor. What do you think of this?"

Mourinho laughed, "The old man is a very charismatic person. He has always been the idol and goal of us people. He created a Manchester United dynasty with his own hands. This is what many people hope to be able to do. But it is very difficult. But now Manchester United is not the same as in the past, the times are different, none of us have the patience to develop a group of young people, and then wait for them to blossom and bear fruit, which even I cannot escape. I am very Thank you Sir Alex for being optimistic about me, but I can only say sorry, because his shadow will hang over Manchester United for a long time. Whoever walks in will pay the price, and the time seems to be not available to every club at all. Given, I want to create an era with my own hands. The old man always said that his greatest achievement was to pull down the mighty Liverpool from the throne and step on his feet. So why is Manchester United not the original Liverpool? But I still want to Said that nothing is impossible in football, Totti once said never say never, this is the actual situation in football."

"So who do you think is the best player this season?" Suddenly a reporter asked a seemingly idiotic question.

However, Mourinho squinted his eyes in the strange eyes of many people. This question may seem idiotic, but it is actually very dangerous. Too eye-catching, many people have chosen to endure for the championship in front of them, but it is hard to say whether these players are really so calm in their hearts, everyone knows that Chelsea has long been the target of public criticism, as long as the summer window starts, they will become all human goal.

But what if we don't talk about Ai Huan?That's too much nonsense.A super player with 63 goals and 35 assists in the league so far, you'd be considered an idiot if you said he wasn't the best.

However, Mourinho has gone through a lot of wind and waves. He just smiled slightly at such a question, and then said, "Of course I am the best performer. How could Chelsea be where it is today without me?" This answer immediately caused a burst of laughter, but the reporter We all know this is just a joke, and Mourinho's real answer will come later.

(End of this chapter)

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