Chapter 85

Everyone who was at least ten steps away from Wen Qiao immediately surrounded him, and asked excitedly one by one:
"Is Jojo still in school? Which school?"

Wen Qiao was surrounded by so many people, which was an experience she had never experienced before. Her expression froze for a moment, and she answered almost mechanically: "Wisteria Academy!"

"Oh, Wisteria Academy, it's a prestigious school in our city, and it ranks among the top schools in the whole country. If you can get admitted there, Qiao Qiao, you will definitely have great prospects in the future."

"Qiao Qiao, you have been admitted to such a good university, why do you still open a small restaurant?"

"Jojo, what age are you in now?"

"Now there are more work-study methods, such as being a tutor or something, why do you have to work hard to cook, it's dirty and tiring."

"That's right, Qiao Qiao, the business hours you chose are not good, and you don't have a serious meal. If you have this time, you might as well study hard, and when you graduate, you can find a good job. Don't you have everything?"

God, Qiao Qiao, you can't just listen to Aunt Zhang yelling a few words, and just climb up and yell accordingly.

Qiao Qiao, but Wen Qiao's nickname, only those who are close to him would call it that, and being suddenly mentioned by so many strangers, Wen Qiao felt even more uncomfortable.

How could she have imagined that the words Wisteria Academy would cause such a great chemical reaction.

Is it really good for everyone to be so familiar?

The neighbors who were watching secretly just now were completely unaware of Wen Qiao's embarrassment. Wen Qiao was admitted to Wisteria Academy.

Those who come out of the Wisteria Academy are not talents, they almost occupy every field and become the best among them.

What they couldn't understand was that Wen Qiao was already so talented, why did she still open a small restaurant?It was simply too wasteful, and they persuaded them one after another.

Someone even asked her if she had time to tutor her child, and he would pay him as long as his son could be admitted to Wisteria like Wen Qiao.

This is embarrassing.Others don't know that she only goes through the college through the back door, but she knows her own business.

Even if her knowledge is not low, and she has been a top student since she was a child, as long as she didn't enter the Wisteria Academy through the right path.This happened later.Now these neighbors who treat him differently will immediately change their faces, calling her a liar is probably still light, if she really goes to make up lessons for others, no matter whether she teaches well or not, they will have to hate her.

What else, as long as you are admitted to Wisteria, is Wisteria so easy to pass the exam?If the test is really that easy, what are they getting excited about?

Wen Qiao didn't want to ask for trouble, and she didn't want to explain too much, so she just smiled and said, "Uncle, I'm afraid I can't teach your children, it's all luck that I got into Wisteria, and I got into the most unpopular major , After graduation, I plan to be a chef!"

Just now, the uncle who asked Wen Qiao if he could give tutoring to his child turned pale instantly. When he heard that Wen Qiao was going to be a chef, he dared to ask her to give tutoring to his child. Follow her, how can you learn how to be a chef? ?

He's not stupid, no matter whether Wen Qiao made excuses or not, he no longer feels at ease to hand over the child to such a tutor.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, even if Wen Qiao took an unpopular major, he was still a college student of Wisteria, with so many great futures to choose from, why did he choose to become a chef?
This is a question for others as well.

Even though he was admitted to such a good college, he said that he was so worthless, how could it be better to be a cook than to be a white-collar worker?
This girl is stupid...

Although it is said that people depend on food.

But since ancient times, cook has always been a relatively humble occupation, and even was called a low-level occupation for a period of time.

Although with the development of modern society, the status of cooks has been improved a lot, and there are even many celebrities who have both money and power, but this is just an example, not everyone can become such a person.

And no matter how rich you are, you are still a cook. Although there has been a saying since ancient times: "Food is the most important thing for the people" and the pursuit of "never tire of food", there is a famous saying that has been passed down for thousands of years-"A gentleman far away from the cupboard".

The ancient dignitaries and literati wrote countless words about food, but there are very few written records about the chef himself.

In the old days, cooks were only forced by life, in order to make ends meet and survive.

Therefore, most of the cooks in the old days were hard-working people with low background and low education level. They had no social status at all. Their main role was to serve the luxurious life of the ruling class.They have worked hard and created a brilliant culinary culture, but they have been oppressed and enslaved for a long time.

In the old days, people called chefs "fireman", "cook", "cabinet", etc. From these titles, one can imagine how low the status of chefs is.

Therefore, it is no wonder that until now, some people still have emotions and eyes of contempt when they hear about cooks.

Even Auntie Zhang, who had a little kindness towards Wen Qiao, couldn't say that Wen Qiao's choice was right, so she couldn't help persuading Wen Qiao, "Why don't you think about it again, after all, you are still young, wait a few years , After you graduate and have a good job opportunity, you may still want to be a chef, so don't block your way all of a sudden now."

(End of this chapter)

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