Chapter 41 The Meaning of Travel

When you come to Phuket, of course you have to go to sea.On the first day, we sat on a yacht to ride the wind and waves.When we came to a certain cliff, the tour guide instructed us to quickly look at the monkeys on the trees. Suddenly, the crowd was surging, and everyone was so excited. The deer also rushed to the front to take pictures.I was worried that the yacht would shake badly, which would be bad for her safety, so I hurriedly rushed over, supporting her while watching the monkeys.They are eating the food thrown by the tourists. The fluffy look is so interesting... At this time, I suddenly discovered, why are the deer's hands so hairy?It's no different from a monkey.For this reason, I stroked it up and down carefully, and the whole arm was actually covered with hair!I finally turned my head away from the crowd with great effort, and was horrified to find that the person I was supporting was not a deer, but a foreigner with extremely hairy hands.Seeing me looking at him, he raised his eyebrows and smiled lewdly.

...I'm so sorry sir, I made a mistake, I thought you were my girlfriend!So you must be able to understand why I hold and touch you... After all, I've been touching you for so long, why didn't you respond at all? !If you know I made a mistake, please correct me quickly!You are still smiling at me!Still raising eyebrows!What are you laughing at!

After the yacht started again, Xiaolu and I sat back in our original positions.I told Xiaolu what happened just now, and she said, "Very good, it's the first fight between Chinese and foreign homosexuals."

...Hello, sister!
Later, we began to observe the monkeys that Xiao Lu just photographed, and Fat Yu asked excitedly: "I saw two monkeys huddling together, neither female monkeys nor fighting, they looked very affectionate, did you take a picture of them? Xiaolu said yes, and then called out the group of photos and enlarged them for us to appreciate.

Then we noticed a situation at the same time: the two monkeys who love and respect each other... are both males!They even feed each other bananas!In the dead silence, Xiao Lu solemnly announced: "There are gays in the world of monkeys."

... the dreaded Phuket.

On the yacht, we met a family of overseas Chinese from Thailand. They could speak some Chinese, and we got along well.Among them was a hale and hearty old gentleman, with gray hair and beard, who went to sea like young people.He said to us: "I'm going to be [-]. I plan to go back to China next year. Those juniors in China are clamoring for me to celebrate my birthday." : "Your junior is very discerning, I look at you like a slave."

...When the humiliation of wanting to jump into the sea came overwhelmingly, the only thing I was grateful for was that the old man didn't seem to hear clearly what Xiao Lu said...or maybe he didn't understand...

Most of the yachts are foreigners.I think it is more fun to travel with foreigners, because foreigners are especially easy to get high.For example, the yacht drives very fast, often bouncing on the sea at high speed like a float, and the thrill is like a roller coaster.At this time, the four of us were always pale with fright, but the large group of bearded and hairy foreigners were so excited that they even took the initiative to run to the bow of the boat to face the turbulent waves, shouting excitedly from time to time.I can't help but secretly admire their energy.

But after a while, I found that the deer, which was originally seasick, began to look radiant again, and I asked, "Are you not dizzy?"

"It's really hard for me to faint in this situation." The deer breathed heavily.

"...What are you excited about?"

"I can't help but be excited. Listen carefully... Did you hear that? At the bow, so many male foreigners are shouting 'Oh yeah! Come on baby!'... I'm about to get nosebleeds just by using Lenovo Got it! I'm going to record it and broadcast it back home for my sisters..." Xiaolu took out his phone as he spoke.

... You should continue to faint, you!

Speaking of foreigners, it is amazing that there are two star faces on this yacht.Because I watch movies frequently recently, I recognized at a glance that one looks like Brad Pitt and the other looks like Adam Sandler.They really look alike, the more they look, the more they resemble each other. If it wasn't for the difference in age and height, I would have thought it was them.At that time, I happened to be wearing sunglasses, so I used the eyes that they couldn't detect to peek frequently, peek frequently...

Suddenly the sunglasses were taken away!It's a deer!She pointed at my peeping eyes and shouted: "Aha! I knew you were peeking at men, I caught you!" Then the deer turned to the faces of the two stars I was watching - they were looking at us curiously Look here.Fawn pointed at me at this moment, and added a sentence to the two foreigners that made me want to go to the cab, turn the steering wheel, and we all crashed into the rocks and died together—"He's a gay!"

TvT finally had the experience of being humiliated internationally in this life...

By the way, one time the yacht was violently bumped because it was going too fast, and almost all the people on the seats were shaken to the ground.When Xiao Lu got up in a panic, she found that Fat Fish and I had just fallen into a ball, entangled with hands and feet, and oppressed each other... Xiao Lu immediately screamed and held up the camera.

"Don't shoot! Oh, don't shoot!" I yelled and waved with the voice of a big star dating his girlfriend but was unfortunately intruded by the paparazzi, while my loyal friend Fat Yu was puzzled...for our Friendship hopes that you will never understand.

In Phuket, you can play during the day, and you can freely control the time after the evening.At that time, we would choose to wander around, eat some seafood, experience the local customs and so on.Every time I pass by the famous bar street, I can hear deafening rock music all the way.Fat Fish did his homework on the Internet, so he pointed to the bar street and introduced to us that there are red light districts and green light districts here.We are puzzled, saying that we all know the red light, but not the green light.

Fat Yu said, "It's the lesbian zone."

"Oh." I said, "then there must be a gay section too?"

Xiao Lu pulled Mao Mao aside and whispered: "Look, as expected, he is most interested in gay places..." Mao Mao nodded cooperatively.

In order to fully integrate into the local area, we bravely walked that street.It was very noisy there, there were wretched uncles all over the street distributing pornographic leaflets, and some dancers were doing pole dancing on the street. Although we didn't plan to patronize, it was an eye-opener.But it seems that these pornographic industries are still the normal direction of matching men and women.I casually asked, "Why can't you see the gays?" Xiao Lu pulled Mao Mao and whispered: "His target is indeed the gays..." are enough.

When we were about to finish walking the street, we decided to take a group photo.So I stood with Fat Fish, and Xiaolu took pictures for us.At this time, Xiaolu said on a whim: "It's rare to come to such a place, you can shoot more boldly." Fat Yu and I thought about it too.So I leaned on his chest affectionately, winking like silk, while he put on a very manly posture, trying to pull the mountain away.In the joyful atmosphere, Xiaolu took several photos of us in a row, until we heard a few foreigners whistling at us.

"After hard work, you seem to have finally caught the real gay guys." Xiao Lu said, "How about it, do you want to compete with them? It can be regarded as a kind of cultural exchange between China and the West."

Fat Fish Noodles and I shook our heads in disbelief.

When we got back to the hotel at night, Fat Fish and I walked and chatted, while Fawn and Mao Mao walked behind us.I was suddenly very interested in Fat Yu's room and expressed my desire to go in and have a look, so Fat Fish opened the door and we walked in.After a while, I found that the cat and the deer hadn't come in, so I poked my head out and asked, "Why don't you come in?"

"Ah? Aren't you two planning to just enter the room and make a living?" Xiaolu and Maomao asked in surprise.

... The cat has been taken to pieces.

During the one-day tour of Phuket, we were transported by the driver to a high place that is said to have value and can overlook the entire Phuket island.The environment is average, but the field of vision is really vast.Climbing high and looking far away, the beautiful scenery is all under my feet, so I can't help breathing out my patriotic feelings from my chest, and sighed: "Ah, the mountains and rivers of the motherland are so beautiful..." Then I was interrupted by Xiaolu, saying that this is Thailand.Soon, Xiaolu found a cat sleeping its own way here, so she spent all her time taking pictures of the cat.And when I was wandering around, I found a young couple who were having a tryst, so I peeped with the mentality of observing the customs of Thailand, so I later observed the angry expressions of Thai people.

It is worth mentioning that there is a toilet there. The last time it cost [-] baht, this price made me feel timid, but Fat Fish's wife, Mao Mao, went to use it resolutely.After coming out, he was full of praise to us, saying that he had never been to such a toilet. There was fragrance of flowers and music in it, and the walls were still transparent. He could enjoy the scenery while enjoying the toilet, as if he was not in the toilet but in heaven.Although we are not sure whether this is something Maomao invented because he was unwilling to go to the most expensive toilet in his life, but we are still envious of this piss that condenses the essence of life, and accused her, saying, "Why don't you Bring a camera in and take pictures." Mao Mao lowered her head in shame.

As for my old friend Fat Fish, he mysteriously disappears from our sight for a while every day.Over time, we finally learned the truth about his bad stomach.Although the person concerned refuses to admit it, but going to the toilet all day and not urinating, it is very clear.So in the later days, whenever Fat Fish suddenly reappeared after a long time, we would always ask: "Did you go to the toilet again?" Because he went for a long time each time, our question later became "Did you poop again? "And Fat Yu also changed from embarrassment and cover-up at the beginning to a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. He will smile heartily to show his acquiescence, and the details are all in the air.

After the one-day trip, we drove back to the hotel. When I got in the car, I suddenly felt the urge to urinate. While regretting that I hadn’t gone to the bathroom just now, I was seriously thinking about whether I should go to the grass to defecate anywhere.Xiaolu stopped me, she said: "You can't do that, it's too embarrassing. We are abroad, if we are seen, it will be an international issue." Hearing this, I decided to exchange my bladder health for the honor of the motherland.

Soon, I saw a man who was zipping out of the grass that I had coveted, and I couldn't help myself with envy.

In the hotel, our rooms are very close to each other, so we just drop in and play when we have nothing to do.Both Fat Fish and Mao Mao are informal people. The night before we were about to return home, we sat in their room and saw them packing their clothes.Fat Fish picked up a pair of shorts on the ground, sniffed them, and said, "Well, I haven't worn this one yet, so I can wear it tomorrow." Then Maomao picked up a pair of pantyhose, smelled it, and said, "Well, this one Pass it through, put it away."

...Is this how you guys judge what to wear tomorrow?

That's fine.After Fat Fish and Mao Mao sorted out the clothes they were going to wear tomorrow, they packed all the remaining clothes into the suitcase—not folding them one by one, but stuffing them all in one go. Stretched like a pregnant woman.While doing this, Fat Fish imagined with us: "When we got home, as soon as we walked in, my mother would ask, 'Have you brought us anything?' Then we would open the suitcase and shout: 'Surprise! ’ Then the tank top and shorts in the suitcase erupted all over the living room like a volcanic eruption..."

If I were your mother, I would grab a pair of underpants and force you to eat it...

After returning from Phuket, we lingered in Guangzhou for three days and went to the extremely large Chimelong Wildlife World there.super fun!We went to the bird show.One of the links is that the tourists take out the money, and then the clever parrot will come and take the money away, which is a link of cheating money and loving.Moreover, these parrots have been trained to be very greedy, and they don't even bother to fly to pick up denominations below ten yuan.Some people, in order to take pictures, attract parrots and refuse to let go easily, forming a state where parrots seesaw people with banknotes in their mouths, and then let go of parrots after the photos are taken... Another person is even more extreme, he used Ten yuan attracted the parrot, but after taking the photo, he took out a piece of paper to deal with the parrot.Then everyone in the audience watched the parrot staring at the dollar and hesitated for a long time, and finally flew away empty-handed.

...What a virtuous parrot.

The heartless lingering trip finally came to an end when it reached No. 11 days.The four of us were waiting to board the plane at Guangzhou Airport. We only had to return to our respective cities, and this unforgettable journey came to an end.The Fat Fish couple had a different destination than us, so we took a different flight and they got on the plane before us.We bid farewell, and the scene was very touching.

When the plane of Fat Fish and Mao Mao took off, Xiao Lu couldn't help but sigh: "It's great to travel with them."

I nodded in agreement, and asked again: "By the way, Mao Mao seemed to have said something to you before leaving?"

"Oh, she told me not to forget to recommend more base comics and base films to her on QQ after I go back, and I have already agreed."

"...She can't get into the situation like this, poor fat fish, what should he do in the future?"

"It is said that Fat Yu loves cats very much. In order to match Maomao's new interest, he has already planned to step up his lessons. He will definitely not lose to his wife!"

I looked away without tears.It's this super big rotten girl who not only made my life a mess, but also caused my friends around me to be murdered one by one, causing the world to become more and more corrupt...

"Hey," Xiaolu said suddenly, "it's really fun to travel abroad. When we go on our honeymoon, let's invite Maomao and Fat Fish together."

"...Are we going on honeymoon?" I was taken aback.

The setting sun was just outside the French windows of the terminal building. Fawn turned around with the golden sun behind her back, and she said, "Of course, we will get married sooner or later."

I looked at Xiao Lu, and at that moment I suddenly felt that she was very cute, and I was very happy, and what did these beautiful feelings have to do with whether she was a rotten girl?As long as we like each other and no one can do without the other is enough.

"Oh, of course. We're going to get married sooner or later."

I hold the fawn's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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