Otaku man rotten goddess horse is the most annoying

Chapter 22 Please let the men's restroom go!

Chapter 22 Please let the men's restroom go!
One of my hobbies is to change the desktop of the computer. Sometimes I have to change it several times a day. Anyway, when I see a picture of the right size, I will subconsciously click the right button to set it as the desktop, even if the last desktop was just 1 minute ago. It's okay to change.I have a friend named Xiaocao, she has been in a relationship recently, and she is so close to her man, she takes selfies when she has nothing to do, one day she sent me a picture and said: "This is my man's, so cute >_<~ "I received the picture and opened it, and it turned out to be a picture of her man with a beer belly and only wearing underpants.God, it takes a lot of sinful love to find this kind of picture so cute!What's even more sinful is that I set this picture as the desktop reflexively.

Staring at the beer belly of the man on the table...the belly button...the fluff on the top...I suddenly had an urge to see through the world.

Went to the movies with Xiaolu again.In order to ensure a smooth and unobstructed viewing process, I am used to going to the bathroom before entering the screening hall.So I went.When I came out, I saw Xiaolu smiling in the direction of the boys toilet.I think this picture is too weird, how can a girl smile at the place of reincarnation of the opposite sex!Not even looking at the sign on the door!I seriously criticized Xiaolu, and Xiaolu said: "I hate it, people just suddenly think that only boys can enter places that girls can't enter, so it's good, so they smile heartily!"

... Rotten girls, please let the men's restroom go!
Sorry, this one is about toilets again.One day my uncle and I went shopping in the supermarket, and we both walked into the toilet on the way.I only heard bangs and bangs coming from the cubicle of the boy's tuba, so I smiled and whispered to the uncle: "I don't know who is in the tuba room and made such a noise, is he jumping big?" ?”

The uncle smiled lewdly and said, "Your thinking is too superficial. I heard that many boys will pull their girlfriends into the cubicle to make out!"

I said, "Uncle, you are so obscene! This is China, how could it be so open!"

The uncle said: "Hehehehe, maybe that's the case!"...

When we were about to go out after going to the toilet, the door of the cubicle where the noise was heard opened, and we saw... two men came out of it...

The truth is actually more open than YY!
My uncle, Xiaolu and Xiaobei had dinner together again.The uncle hadn't seen Xiao Bei for a while, and he seemed very excited.Didn't we mention last time that Xiaobei is going to be a primary school teacher?Under the influence of Zhengtai and Luoli, she appeared to be more cheerful and talkative, and the temperament of Sanwu was almost gone.Xiaobei brought a digital camera and showed us the students in the class she took.

"These children are so cute and energetic. It's nice to be young. The flowers of the motherland are so beautiful." The uncle looked at the window of the digital camera and said affectionately to Xiaobei.

"Did you see these two boys?" Xiao Bei pointed to the two boys at the same table.

"I see, it's so cute. It makes me want to have one," said the uncle who is over [-] years old.

"The left side is Gong, and the right side is Shou." Xiaobei said, "Gong often copies Shou's homework."


"Did you see this little boy? He is the squad leader. I think he has an aggressive temperament, so I chose him as the squad leader. Now, all the boys in the class are members of his harem."


"Look at this team, it was taken when they were doing exercises. Look, how tight these young ladies are to each other, it's really a standard chest to back, jie jie jie..."


"This boy was very naughty, and I was forced to stand outside the classroom that day. Later, I thought it was a bit cruel, so I asked another boy to accompany him to stand for punishment. Because I think they should be a couple."


"Being a teacher is so tiring! The men's bathroom faucet is not turned off tightly and calls me. But it's not fruitless. I went in and saw a lot of little boys standing in front of the urinal tenderly... It's a pity that I can't take pictures for you to see." ..."


Looking at the uncle with an increasingly earthy face, I whispered to Xiaolu in a trembling voice: "In the future, our children will definitely not be able to go to the school taught by Xiaobei."

Sometimes some photographs are published in newspapers, some of which are particularly emotional.For example, the other day I saw a painting called "Where the Railroad Tracks Go is Far Away". On the screen, there is a straight railway, with wild flowers and grass on both sides, and two legs walking forward along the railroad tracks in the middle.I quickly pulled Xiaolu to share this literary feeling.

"The man's lower body? When did this newspaper become so rotten?" Xiao Lu glanced at it and said.


It seems that it has been a while since I wrote about the roommate glasses and painters who rented the house with us!So here is a very serious incident that happened recently!That day, the weather was very hot.When I got home, I opened the door and suddenly found that the uncle was in the room wearing only a pair of underpants.I screamed: "Uncle, you are perverted! You are obscene! What do you mean? Are you trying to seduce me? It's useless!" The uncle said, "Shut up. It's just a change. Anyway, what does it matter if you and I are men?"

I thought, yes.So I took a change of underwear and went to take a shower.However, in the process of taking a shower, I accidentally slipped my hand, and the shower sprayed towards the rack where I put the laundry... Then I found that all the clothes except the pants were wet.

I had to go back to the room in a pair of underpants.When the uncle saw me, he quickly covered his flat chest with both hands, and his legs seemed to be clamped tightly subconsciously!He said to me: "You said I was a pervert just now, and you are a pervert! Why did you dress up like this! Do you want to cooperate with me? What do you want to do to me? Tell you I'm not that interested!"

...I supported my forehead and said, "Uncle, stop playing."

Then I wanted to find other clothes to wear, but unfortunately found that most of the clothes were taken to the laundry!I have the same fate as Uncle!I had no choice but to hang all the clothes in my shorts and pray that they would be dry the next day.

In this way, my uncle and I lived together in the secret room in a state of being almost naked, with only a few strands of textile hanging on key parts.For the first time, I found that this room is so small, my computer desk and my uncle's computer desk are actually very close at hand.When we are both naked, we seem to be very sensitive to each other's body temperature... ah, what is the heat wave that keeps gushing at me!I didn't even dare to turn my head casually, because if I turned my head, I would witness Uncle Dao's plump body!The uncle seems to have the same feelings as me, and he also works hard to maintain an unbiased posture and concentrate on watching the animation... The atmosphere is so embarrassing and perverted!I was a little nervous and a little excited!My head is actually full of Xiaolu's usual jokes!Ah, if Xiao Lu knows what we are like now, maybe she will go so far as to flirt...

Just when I was distracted... no, when I was flustered, there was a knock on the door!
My uncle and I still kept staring at our respective computer screens, because if we turned our heads slightly, we would see pictures we shouldn't have seen... Actually, we are both boys, so we shouldn't be in such a delicate situation!It's all because we deal too much with rotten girls!

The knock on the door was persistent, so I asked the uncle stiffly, will you open the door?The uncle replied bluntly, no.Pretend not to be there.

That's right!Never open the door at this time!It was either the painter or the glasses who knocked on the door. If these two guys saw our current appearance, it would be like jumping into the Yellow River and we would not be able to wash it off!
What's outrageous is that when the uncle and I tried so hard to pretend that "there is no one in the room", the door was opened!We didn't lock the door!So it is not surprising that the door was easily opened!But can you open someone else's door without authorization?How ignorant are you!Shocked and angry, we both turned our heads and saw the door opened by... the painter...

...He actually only wears a pair of underpants!What's happening here? !

"I knew you were here!" The painter didn't mean to apologize at all for opening the door without authorization, but complained to us in a hurry! "I went out to pee just now, but a gust of wind blew and closed the door of my room! And it was locked for some reason! I couldn't get in! But I was only wearing a pair of underpants in the room just now, because Today's weather is too hot! I didn't expect it to turn out like this! I want to ask you to borrow a piece of clothing and find a locksmith outside to open the lock... I also know that it may disturb your interest, but I really There is no other way!"

I, who only wore underpants, and the uncle who only wore underpants resisted the urge to crush the painter who was only wearing underpants on the ground. The truth told him.

The painter showed an incredible expression!He was obviously suspecting that my uncle and I didn't only wear shorts because we had no clothes to wear, but only wore shorts because "we don't need to wear clothes now!"!He may even suspect "I'm one minute late and you probably don't even wear pants"!Why is this person so indecent!
In any case, the artist is now homeless, and he is too embarrassed to watch TV in the living room in just a pair of shorts, so he asks us, "Please let me stay in your room", which is extremely ignorant!

My uncle and I are both good people, so even though we were unwilling in every possible way, we couldn't think of an excuse to drive him away for a while.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, glasses show up behind the door!yes!That damn painter didn't close the door just now!The hell scene of us three big men wearing only a pair of underpants in the same room was completely seen by the glasses!From the folds on the chrysanthemum, one can imagine how he would understand this scene!
but!The glasses actually just smiled, and walked back to his room without saying anything!

"It's not like him!" My uncle and I couldn't help expressing our surprise in unison!

Then, as if to live up to our doubts, the glasses flashed back... Wearing only a pair of underpants, he opened the door openly and said, "How can I lose my share in such a high!"


(End of this chapter)

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